Month / Date / Event / LocationMay / 17th / All Ford & Mustang Roundup / Puyallup, WA.
21st / Selah Community Days/Parade / Selah, WA.
27th – 28th / Moses Lake Spring Festival Car Show / http://www.moseslakeclassiccarclub.com/
29th / Richland Car Show / Richland, WA.
June / 4th / Open Car Show (Cruise for Hospice) / Ellensburg, WA.
11th / White Swan Community Day Parade / White Swan, WA.
18th / Run to Rossow’s / Ellensburg, WA.
18th / Sports Car Club Car Show / Yakima, WA.
25th / Convoy for Wishes / Union Gap, WA. (Miners’ Drive Inn)
24th – 26th / Cool Desert Nights Car Show / Richland, WA.
July / 4th / Old Fashioned 4th of July Car Show / Prosser, WA.
9th / 29th Run to Roslyn / Roslyn, WA.
9th / Community Days Show’n Shine / Goldendale, WA.
11th / Les Schwab Prospector Days car show / Republic, WA.
16th / 6th annual Roundup (cars 1972 and older) / Ellensburg, WA. (Red Horse Diner)
30th / Drive for Education car show / Ellensburg High School, Ellensburg, WA.
Continued on Page 4
General Meeting: / Board Meeting:
4th Wednesday of every month / 3rd Thursday of every month
Magic’s Pizza, Selah / Clubhouse of Lance Sontag
7:00pm / Terrace Heights 7:00pm
Deadline for newsletter submissions is 7 days after the event,
If you’re submission is not received by that date,
it could be put off until the next month’s newsletter.
Membership Requirements:
Attend 2 meetings or club functions per year
Have a valid driver’s License
Own a Mustang or Cougar
Provide proof of liability insurance
Be 18 years or older or join with parents as a family membership
Annual Dues
Single: $17.00 Family $20.00
SCMC Board Minutes[1]
April 21, 2011
Submitted by Gail Carlton, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President, Mark Sires.
All Board members in attendance.
Lance Sontag also in attendance.
Old Business: Need to find a qualified person to work the SCMC website.
New Business:
Car Show:
· Velda handling Banner over Yakima Ave. for car show.
· About 15 sponsorships so far.
· Need person to be in charge of organizing set up morning of show, Gail Carlton volunteered?
Coffee Stop:
· Board agreed to purchase Bunn Coffee pot.
· There are work positions to fill, see Velda.
· Will do a rundown of supplies needed and discuss at General Meeting.
Christmas Party:
· December 3, 2011, at Lance’s Club House.
Volunteers are needed to help out with our coffee stop this summer. If you would be interested in any of the available dates and times please contact Velda so she can sign you up. This has continually been a very good fundraiser for our club.
Here is the ‘preliminary’ schedule for our coffee stop fundraiser:
August 12th THRUGH August 15th
August 12th Friday7 a.m. to Noon (includes set up of equipment) / Velda and Lance
Noon to 6 p.m. / David Hawkins/Con & Judy Mangum
6 p.m. to Midnight / Opal, Zee and Denny
August 13th Saturday
Midnight to 6 a.m.
6 a.m. to Noon / Bill & Sandy Linse
Noon to 6 p.m. / Heinz & Doris Humann
6 p.m. to Midnight / Mark & Miguel
August 14th Sunday
Midnight to 6 a.m. / Dave and Marci Mitts
6 a.m. to Noon / Ruben & Maria
Noon to 6 p.m. / Bill & Nita Hinman
6 p.m. to Midnight
August 15th Monday
Midnight to 9 a.m. (includes take down of equipment) / Velda and Roy
Call me for a time you wish to work Submitted by Velda.
Coffee Stop: The sign up list will be passed around and each of you will be able to make yourselves available for a shift at the coffee stop. We got a weekend this year, this is always a fairly good money maker. We still need the following items; 1 ½ case of 10 oz cups (20 tubes), Ice, plastic stur sticks.
The coffee stop date is Friday, August 12, set up and ready to go by 9:00 A.M., thru Monday morning 15th. And be packed up and ready for the next group by 9:00 A.M.
Well, we have most of the chairpersons needed for our car show.
Thank you to all of you who will be taking on one of these positions. We have one position left and that is of Activities Chair. Who would be interested?
Show Chair / David Mitts / Sponsorship / Doris and GailShow Co-Chair / Bill Hinman / Registration and Balloting / Mary Clark
T-shirt and Merchandise / Velda / Gate / Harold Clark
Goody Bags / Doug / Parking / Dave Mitts
Food / Velda & Amy / Vote Tabulation / Mark
Program / Gail Carlton / Signs / Gail Carlton
Activities / Raffle / Zee and Judy
Trophies / Doris and Heinz / Publicity / Gail Carlton
Pony Trail / Lance / Gazebo Coordinator / Gail Carlton
We have medium to 3 X. If anyone wants a small, let me know, I can order them for a week or so. The cost this year is $16.00 thru X L, $17.00 2 and 3 X. They will be available at the May meeting. Please pay at that time. For those that didn't make the April meeting, the shirts are light green, with the big red apple. They look really sharp!
(Continued from page 1)
August / 4th-7th / Vintiques 37th Northwest Nationals / Yakima, WA.6th / Moxee Hop Festival Parade / 1st Saturday of August
12th – 15th / Coffee stop / Indian John’s Rest Area I-90 (east bound)
14th / 19th Annual All Ford and Mustang Round Up / South Hill Mall, Puyallup, WA.
20th / Props & Ponies car show (registration in March) / Bellingham, WA.
20th / Bickleton Car Show / Bickleton, WA.
20th / All Ford and Mustang Roundup Car Show / Kent, WA.
27th / Ride of Dreams for Special Olympics / Ellensburg, WA.
27th / End of Summer Car Show / Camas High School, Camas, WA.
27th / Highland Community Days / Tieton, WA.
3rd & 4th / Silverwood Car Show (vehicles ’72 and older) / Silverwood water park, Idaho
September / 5th / Prosser States Day Parade / Prosser, WA.
10th / Naches Sportsman’s Days / Naches, WA.
18h / Ponies in the Sun Car Show / Sarge Hubbard Park, Yakima, WA
24th / Central Washington State Fair Parade / Yakima, WA.
October / 25th annual Concours d’Elegance car show / Patterson, WA.
There will be other car shows and parades that will come up that have not made it to this list. And, of course, this list does not mean that Sun Country Mustang Club will have representation to all those listed, but the list should have something for everyone in the club to be able to pick and choose those events to attend. If you have a vehicle that you would like to enter in any of the events listed then please take the event in. If you don’t really believe you wish to experience the full effect of a event by entering your vehicle than please pick a few of the activities listed and support those in your area by just attend.
As you can see there are a lot of activities going on as the parades and car shows. To those of you who might not be familiar with being IN a parade instead of watching a parade, here is some information you might be interested in. Usually a parade is free unless you are hauling politicians. Even though you are a club member and the club is not attending try to remember to mention the club in the write up for your entry. Yep, the entry form you fill out prior to your arrival will want to know a little something about you and your ride. The announcer will read this information as you pass by their stand. There usually isn’t much time for them to read what you wrote so you will need to be brief.
All this information usually needs to be filled out and mailed in several days prior to the parade (in the very small parades you might be able to register upon your arrival, but don’t count on it.). You might need to check the events web page for the contact information in order to get the necessary forms sent to you or to possibly register on line.
You might have heard that you will need to arrive at the parade staging area early; this has to do with several issues (reasons): 1) The people putting on the parade would like to get things as organized as possible and as quickly as possible. 2) It gives you time to clean what needs cleaning on your vehicle. 3) Once you and your vehicle are staged and clean you have time to view the other parade entrants. 4) And of course most parades have awards to be given out so you will want and need to get in place early enough to get your ride ready to show for the judges.
After you’ve sent the necessary forms in you will be assigned a place to park in the staging area (Sort of like having a reservation at a very busy restaurant). Have your ride as clean as possible even if you are not judged. Remember a lot of people came early along the parade route to sit on a cold sidewalk to see you pass by.
To me, very few parades end smoothly. I’ve been in some parades where you don’t know it’s over until you find yourself behind a parked float that is emptying out its people. As organized as a parade is at the start can be very disorganized at the end. Hey, but it’s worth it. Just drive slow and wave at the people, they will return your wave, trust me.
It is more fun to be with a group in a parade, but you can go it alone and have almost as much fun.
Car Shows;
These can be expensive. Entry fees in car shows can be anywhere from $10.00 to $50.00 or more. You might find a free car show, but they are few and far between. The main reason for a car show is to raise money (Money for various charities or money for the host club to operate).
I have been very blessed and have won several trophies/ribbons. I’ve had to go to a lot of car shows and in most not winning anything. I now tend to try to see where my registration money will be going. How is the host club going to spend my registration fee? Some will say that the fee just pays for the trophies; some say it covers the club’s operational expenses. Some shows give out lots of different classes of trophies. Some show give out a very limited number of trophies. There are car shows where each person who registers votes on the cars and other shows where there the host club either votes on the cars or chooses only certain people to vote. I’ve even been to a car show that took registration money from everyone, but in the end didn’t have classes of trophies for everyone. Let me explain; say a person took their 2000 Mustang to this show, paid their fee to get in, but at the end found out that they only gave out trophies/awards to only cars older than 1973. Bad sport don’t you think? Would you return?
It’s up to each of us how much value to place on the winning of trophies. Sometimes the biggest kick you get is knowing some charity is getting some of your entry fee. You can’t win a trophy every time.
One thing our club has done is to get sponsors for each class we add to our show. This means we can give more registration money, raffle money and T-shirt money to our charities. We don’t rely on our show for all of our operational expenses. Some of us volunteer during our yearly coffee stop, which helps with the club’s operational expenses throughout the year.
Car shows can be enjoyable. If you are working on a car you can find an example of what yours will look like at most any show. You can give input, when requested; concerning work someone is doing with their car.
Don’t be too intimidated when it comes to taking a stock Mustang to a Hot Rod show. Car people are car people. Most people enjoy seeing different types of cars.
Parades and car shows can be fun whether you attend by yourself or with other club members. Don’t get in too much of a rut. Try to attend different car shows instead of the same ones year after year. Yep, you will have your favorites that you will attend yearly and that’s great. If you don’t happen to enjoy a particular car show, don’t completely cross it off your list. Try attending it again in a year or two. Remember, show chair people usually change and with that the show might also change. It is also not wrong to send input concerning comments you might wish to make about a particular show; whether you write a ‘formal’ letter or writing your comments on a voting ballot. Try not to attend a show (ever ours) expecting to win something. Take a lunch with you to keep costs down. And also remember your chairs, something to read, sun screen, and a hat and depending on when the show is a jacket.