‘On-Demand’ External Speaker Protocol for Colleges and Universities in Wales


Though relatively few in number, external speakers at colleges and universities can create a disproportionately negative reaction from the media and other sectors where they are seen to contravene aspects of e.g. the Equality Act or where they ‘impose’ prior conditions to their talk such as a requirement for segregated audiences.

This protocol is designed to support the safeguarding and well-being of students and their staff and reduce the risk of adverse publicity for colleges and universities.

In line with the recently published UUK document on external speakers, this protocol acknowledges the fundamental right of freedom of speech.


To support colleges and universities in Wales in making decisions concerning internal applications for external speakers on campus – or at associated events at third party venues.


·  To formalise support for the FE and HE sectors in vetting external speakers

·  To provide colleges and universities with additional information on a ‘needs basis’; the nature and frequency of requests to be determined by each institution

Application of the protocol:

·  The SRS (Speaker Request System) will comprise open channels of communication between (i) a named contact for each FE and HE institution in Wales (ii) the HE/FE Prevent Coordinator and (iii) WECTU

·  The institution will submit a request for information using an agreed pro forma (Phase 1 Speaker Request Form) to the HE/FE Coordinator who will act as the intermediary between the institution and WECTU

·  Every effort will be made to respond to the request within 10 working days

·  The information for each speaker will be *RAG-rated, whereby

*Red = Advised against accepting the application to speak based on solid evidence of prior (serious) concerns

*Amber = Some concerns but not at the same level as above; this level may constitute the basis for further reflection by the institution

*Green = No concerns


This protocol is designed to assist colleges and universities to deal more effectively with requests for external speakers. It assumes that colleges, universities and Students’ Unions are working in partnership, have a robust process for ensuring that speakers are approved prior to booking and that all requests are processed accordingly. The decision to grant or refuse permission for any speaker ultimately rests with each institution.

Speaker Request Form

(Include full or other names used)
Date of Birth:
(Current or
previously known)
Date of Event:
Venue of Event:
Subject Matter of
Reason for Referral: