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Date filled out:11-24-04

A) Project Information Please use complete phrases/ sentences. Fields will expand as necessary as you type.
1. Project Title: Torres Martinez Pilot Wetland Monitoring Program
2. Project Purpose – Problem / Goals ("why" the project): The White Water River has Nutrients that exceed water
quality standards (both state and tribally approved standards)flowing through tribal lands and discharging into the
Salton Sea.
3. Project Abstract (brief description of project):. This grant will be used to test and monitor for base line
support of the Nutrients TMDL that is being developed by the Colorado River Basin Water Quality Control Board
for the Salton Sea. It will also promote the restoration of the Salton Sea for beneficial use of water resources through
an integrated program of water quality monitoring, public information and education, interagency cooperation and
implementation of Best Management Practices (BMP’s).
5. Which SWRCB program is funding this project? Prop 13
B) Project Contact:
Name: Deborah Livesay (Debi) / Job Title: Project Director
Organization: Torres Martinez Tribe / Webpage Address: www.tribalwater.net
Address: P.O. Box 1160, Thermal, CA 92274
Phone: 760-397-8145 x 222 / Fax number: 760-397-1019
C. Project Time Frame: Refers to the implementation period of project.
From: April1, 2004 / To: March 31, 2006
D) Participant Information: Torres Martinez Tribe
E) Location:
1. Size of Project (include units): Approx. 85 acres / 2. Counties included in project: Riverside County Only
F) Biography of Group: The Torres Martinez Tribe is a federally recognized tribe that has land ownership of approximately 29,000 acres in the South Eastern portion of the agriculturally intensive Coachella Valley. 10,000 of those acres are now flooded by the Salton Sea.
G) Biography of Project: The
Torres Martinez Tribe is working to develop a 85-acre wetland project on the North end of the Salton Sea
The White Water River runs through tribal property and discharges to the North End of the Salton Sea. The White Water River has high levels of bacterial problems, nutrients, phosphates, etc.
All of these issues will be addressed through our monitoring program with outreach and a best management practices report.
We anticipate the wetland will remove most of the nutrient problems that we are seeing through
uptake by the plants in the wetland. These measurements will be closely watched through the wetland to make sure of all test results are positive and what is removed via bioremediation.
H) Short-term Goals: Short term goals include getting the monitoring started as soon as possible in the next
quarter of the project. Additionally, the construction of the / Wetland should begin sometime in January 2005. Preliminarily, however, soils, plants and water will be tested to make sure we have good baseline data prior to discharge of water into the wetland.
I) Long Term Goals: Long term goals include
Having a wetland that will create new water quality for
Habitat and improved water conditions being released to the
Salton Sea.