The Meeting commenced at 47:00pm and concluded at 48:.4503587:00pm1055pm..


Councillor WhiteRamptonMatthews Mrs WaltonHodges (Chairman)

Councillor Brooke (Vice-Chairman)

Councillors Mrs Haines and Mrs s Adams (7.30pm ), Burden, Mrs Butt, Goodall, Mrs Hodges, Matthews, Mrs Moore and, PotterAdams, Mrs Hodges, Matthews, Mrs MooreSlade , Potter and Mrs Walton and Rampton

Also Present:

Councillor Mrs Evans, Vice-Chairman of Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Keith Newman, Substitute for the Diocese’s Representative Chris Shepperd and Member of Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Diocesan Representative Keith Newman (Substitute for Chris Shepperd)

Also in Attendance:

Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee Members; Councillors Mrs Evans and Potter

Mr Chris Shepperd, Director of Education, Diocese of Salisbury.


Kate Rixom -Democratic Support Officer, Legal and Democratic Services

Andrew Flockhart -Strategic Director

Jan Thurgood-Strategic Director

Nicola Keynes-Principal Asset Planning and Development Manager,

Children and Young People’s Services – Strategy,

Quality and Improvement

Julian McLaughlin-Head of Transportation Services

Hugh Lambourne-Senior Property Manager, Property Services

Martin Moore-Management Accountant, Financial Services

Anne Newton-Strategic Director, Children’s Services

Stuart Twiss --Head of Children and Young People’s Services - StStrategy,

Quality and Improvement

Vicky Wales-Head of Children and Young People’s Integrated Services

Perwina Whitmore-Capital Programme Manager, Property Services

Sue Langdon -Senior Advisor School Improvement, Children and Young People’s Services – Strategy, Quality and Improvement

Perwina Whitmore-Capital Programme Manager, Property Services

- Strategy,

Quality and Improvement

Christine White -Senior Manager Open Access 5-19 years, Children and Young People’s Services - Strategy, Quality and Improvement


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs HainesMoore and the and Mrs SladeDiocese’s Representative; Chris Shepperd.

Apologies for late attendance were received from Councillor Mrs Slade.None


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meetings held on 1 21 June27 September 201229 September, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Also present:

Steve Dean, TransportationRichard Nicholson, Leisure Services

Kate GibbingsRixom, Democratic Support Officer, Legal and Democratic Services

Jan Thurgood, Strategic Director Steve Dean, Transportation Services Officer

Richard Nicholson, Leisure Services OfficerMartin Krause, Contracts Manager for Balfour Beatty

Members of public present: 2217613


An aApologiesyApologies for for absence were wasere received from Councillorss Mrs Butt and Mrs Walton Mrs Butt and Burden.

, Rampton and Mrs Walton.

Rampton and an apologyies for late attendance wereas received from Councillor Adams.


The Children’s Services Capital Programme Board considered twothehe Programme Monitoring Reports; and tthe Current Capital Programme 2011/12 and the Current Capital Programme 2011/12 -2014/15. The and following areas within of the Reports were highlighted:it was noted that there was a separate report on

B2 – Ashdown Technology College, which was to be discussed by this Committee at a later point during this Meeting:.

The Head of Children and Young People’s Services - Strategy, Quality and Improvement advised the Board that there were seriousome doubts regarding the Schools Scheduled Oopening Ddate. This was because there were a number of delays at an interiuminterim hand over of the new Bbuilding.

A and a letter from the Managing Director of Balfour Beatty Construction, which admitted the Company’s failure to meet its Ccontractual Oobligations, was tabled.

The Lletter acknowlegedacknowledged that It was noted that Balfour Beatty Construction had breached 17 of its Contractual Obligations. Key issues related to insufficient water, heating and toilet facilities and the level of disruption to pupil’s learning, whilst building work continued. Due to the number of management failings and consultancy issues that needed to be addressed the Project remained ‘Amber’ under ‘On Time’.

As soon as the Head of Children and Young People’s Services’ Strategy, Quality and Improvement was made aware of the delays action was taken to address the situation and there was now evidence of significant work being undertaken to rectify the problems. There did however remain some concern over the final quality of the build.

(Councillor Mrs Moore declared a non statutory interest as a Governor of Ashdown Technology College and Ward Councillor.)

A Councillor raised concerns regarding the impact on pupils and Staff whilst building works continued. The noise and disruption was seriously impacting on pupil’s learning at a time when the School was already under special measures and may have to go down the Academy route.

The Head of Children and Young People’s Services - Strategy, Quality and Improvement advised the Board that aA professional assessment tool was now being implemented by the Head and Leadership Team to assess the level of disruption to pupil’s learning during construction work. This would be used to monitor and challenge the performance of the Contractor and highlight any impact on the pupil’s education (a. A copy of the Assessment Tool was tabled for the Board to note).

It was noted that Bournemouth Borough Council had also experienced issues with Balfour Beatty Construction and that a Joint Board Meeting was scheduled for 2 October 2012, to discuss these concerns. The Education Funding Agency, which incorporated thThe Education Partnerships for Schools (PfS) had also been notified of the delays and breaches.

(Councillor Mrs Moore declared a non statutory interest as a Governor of Ashdown Technology College and Ward Councillor.)

In response to Members’ questions the Board was advised that whilst the Contractors had put their hands up to their failings the Council wouldFounding scrutinise its pprocesses, to identify if there was anything it that could have done to prevent or minimise the Project from reaching this point. Balfour Beatty Construction was a large international company that was listed by the Government as a suitable contractor for undertaking this type of project. Internal audits were undertaken by the Council, to ensure formal vetting processes were implemented and technical consultants were utilised. Balfour Beatty Construction would be responsible for any financial penalties.

One of the Officer’s concerns was that the work may be completed on time but the quality of the School maybe affected.

B2 – Poole Grammar School was flagged as ‘Amber’ under ‘Price Status’, whilst awaiting final account sign off.

Current Capital Programme 2011/12:

B1 – Turlin Moor – Boundary Fencing was flagged as ‘Amber’ under ‘On Time’ due to ongoing neighbour encroachment issues, yet to be resolved.

estimated at £40,000-50,000.

B3 – Lilliput First School was remained flagged as ‘Amber’ under ‘Price Status’ due to RoK’s aadministration. It was noted that the original overspend of £18k had been reduced to £8k and the final account agreed.on going issues regarding the Hub overheating. Issues occurred when temperatures reached 26%c+. In order to resolve the issue there needed to a process of elimination; unfortunately temperatures had not recently reached 26%c to enable to test if issue was now resolved or any alternative solutions. It was anticipated that this work would not be able to continue until May 2013.


B5 –

Current Capital Programme 2011/12 -2014/15:

Any figures below £500 were shown as 0 on the Monitoring Report and the Total Budget for Children’s Portfolio Programme 2011/15 was noted.on discussion it was noted that the Learning Support Centre (Targeted Capital Fund), had seen its Budget increased by £99,000, as discussed and recommended at its last Meeting.

RESOLVED that the Children’s Services Portfolio Programme Monitoring Reports be noted.

To review the Children’s Services Programme Monitoring Report (attached).



To consider the report of the Head of Children and Young People’s Services – Strategy, Quality and Improvement (attached).

The Board considered the Joint Update Report of the Head of Children and Young People’s Strategy, Quality and Improvement and the Head of Children and Young People’s Integrated Services on the need for school places. The key points noted were as follows:

  • A further 30 places (1 form of entry) iswould be required in September 2013. It was proposed that the Published Admission Number (PAN) for Lilliput CE VC Infant School should be increased from 90 to 120 (from 3 to 4 forms of entry).
  • An additional 150 places (5 forms of entry) would be required in Year R for September 2014. This was 30 places (1 form of entry) more than those already planned.
  • The PANs proposed for the Primary Phase Schools were noted as follows:

Old Town Infant School and Nursery to increase from 60 to 90 in September 2014

Stanley Green Infant School to increase from 90 to 120 in September 2014.

Turlin Moor Primary School to increase from 45 to 60 in September 2014.

Longfleet CE VC Primary School to remain at 90 in September 2014.

St Aldhelm’s CE VA Primary School to remain at 90 in September 2014.

 St Joseph's Catholic Primary School to increase from 45 to 60 in September 2014.

  • The associated costs related to the increase in PANs will be considered at this Committee’s Meeting in January 2013.
  • This Report was also to be considered by the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

In response to Members’ question the Board was advised that to enable the Old Town Infant School and Nursery to increase its PANs from 60 to 90 an additional classroom would be required. It was proposed that an extension be made to existing School Building’s Staff Room and that consultation was being undertaken on this matter. It was noted that only a small amount of outside space would be removed as a result of the proposed extension and that both the Head Teacher and the School Governors were content with the proposals.

It was estimated that an additional 60 school places would be required as a result of the numbers of children arising from regeneration sites in Hamworthy and Poole Town Centre. A further 60 school places were expected as a result of development along Poole’s major transport corridors, including the Lower Parkstone Area. The precise impact of new housing developments would not be known until planning permission had been granted and properties were occupied, as these were expected to be of mixed housing.

Head of Children and Young People’s Services, Strategy, Quality and Improvement Report on the School Premises (England) Regulations 2012. It was noted that the new Regulations would be implemented from 31 October 2012. The Department of Education had issued non-statutory advice to ensure recipients understood their obligations and duties but had not given any indication as to when it would implement its streamlining of existing design guidance. It was suggested to Members that the Council should take into account the new Non-Statutory Advice and Existing Design Guidance when designing new school builds or making changes to its current .Schools.

In response to Members’ questions the Board was advised that any new School would have to be either an Academy or a Secretary of State Education approved Free School, which and had to be approved by the Secretary of State Education. To date only ‘one group (Parkfield’d) Free School had pastedmet the relevant checksrequirements and was currently seeking suitable sites within Bournemouth and Poole. It was important that the Council identifiedconsidered whether or not if any any new schools would meet theits future needs for School Places.

A Councillor enquired whether or not the building of a new school could be brought forward, which would not incur costs to the Council. In response the Board was advised that whilst the Capital Works on the Academies would be supported by Government Funding it would be procured through the Education Funding Agency (EFA) Partnerships for Schools (PfS) Contractors Framework, which the Council was locally the Lead Authority and would be responsible for the feasibility study costs.


Tthe contents of the Report be noted.


It be noted that the new Non-Statutory Advice and Existing Design Guidance will be taken into account when designing new school buildings or changes to existing schools.


To consider the Report of the Head of Children and Young People’s Services – Strategy, Quality and Improvement (attached).The Strategic Director outlined the key points within the Report, these were noted as follows:

  • The Ccarter Community School Project was part of the Age of Transfer Programme.
  • A £350,000 Budget Allocation was required, as per the 2011-2015 Children’s Services Capital Strategy.
  • Further investigations were being undertaken to determine any Priority 1 issues (urgent work) i.e. roof replacement work and ascertain an accurate budget requirement.
  • A further report would be presented at the January 2013 Meeting, as part of the review of the Children’s Services Capital Strategy.
  • Delays in the delivery of the Carter School Project could impact on its completion in time for September 2013.

In response to a Member’s concern that money was to be spent on a building that would eventually be an Academy or Free School the Board was advised that whilst the Council would like to avoid expenses, this , however, funding was necessary as part of the Age of Transfer Programme.

RECOMMENDED that Cabinet approves:

  1. Cabinet approves Tthe Carter Community School Scheme and
  2. Notes Tthe Budgetary Allocation of £350,000 is required is required for the Carter Community School.



The Head of Children and Young People’s Strategy, Quality and Improvement advised the Board that the following Agenda Item; on the Ashdown Technology College Project would i

nvolve the likely disclosure of exempt information.

The Legal and Democratic Services Officer advised that aAs all Mmembers of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been invited to this Meeting it would be appropriate to consider excluding the press and public, on the grounds that public interest in withholding the information would outweigh the public interest in disclosing it.

RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the Meeting for consideration of the following business of Ansbury - Connexions ServiceAshdown Technology College Project on the grounds that it may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act as the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it.

To consider the Report of the Head of Children and Young People’s Services – Strategy, Quality and Improvement (to follow).


The Head of Children’s Services, Strategy, Quality and Improvement updated the Board on the progress of the Ashdown Technology College Capital Project, as part of the Age of Transfer Programme and tabled a confidential report. The key points were noted as follows:

  • The Contractor had not disputed the Council’s concerns in respect of their performance and had accepted liability in its failure to meet at least 17 contractual clauses.
  • The Contractor had sent a letter to the Chief Executive of both the Borough of Poole and Bournemouth Borough Council apologising for the inconvenience and uncertainty caused.

On 17 September 2012 notice was given that the Contractor removes any contractual defaults by 15 October 2012. On 24 October 2012 the Contractor and Local Authority Othe fficers on the Ashdown Project Board met and it was considered that there were no outstanding defaults. Some of the defaulted upon contract

  • Some clauses had been met, however, a number of some of the assessments had to be deferred because they could not be assessed until the next significant completion date. Some specific contract clause assessments had been suspended, pending any further evidence of poor performance, at which time they would be reinstated without notice.
  • The Site was safe and secure and the Contractor , and was expected to be completed on time for May 2013.
  • Disruption to education had now been reduced and plans were in place to minimise any futurepotential disruption in the future.
  • No additional costs to the Council were predicted from the Contractor and no further payments had been made, whilst milestones not achieved.
  • The Council would be seeking consequential damages from the Contractor.
  • The Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Strategic Programme Board was scheduled to meet on 13 November 2012 and would consider whether or not the Project remained at risk of poor performance.
  • The Project was now being adequately monitored by the Client Project Team and the Project Board.
  • Professional relationships with the Contractor had been maintained and the Contractor had not considered the Borough of Poole or the School to have been a hindrance.
  • Positive relationships had been maintained with the School.

In response to Members’ questions the Board was advised that some areas of poor quality had been identified and that these would be addressed; removed/rebuilt or improved. Individual private washrooms have been provided for students, the use of these by either boys or girls had been raised as a concern for pupils. As a result Site amendments had now been made, to ensure the private washrooms were now exclusively for one gender or the other.

Members were asked to note that the Building must be handed over by the Contractor without snags and the Council would conduct its own inspection. The Contract had specified defect periods, to cover all aspects of work. Secure access to the Building had been compromised as a result of a fault that could not be tested before use and was resolved immediately. The ICT Contractor had submitted its costs, which would be incurred by the Contractor.