BC Minutes for October 19th, 2010

Amherst DIY

The group would like to sponsor a performance of two poems. The group has been putting on performances like this at the Mead for the past few years, every semester. The poets will stay at the Merrill guest house.

They are in the process of searching for funding from Program Board, along with other sources.

There is a motion to fund half of the honorarium, and all of the transportation. Until the group hears back from other sources. After they hear back, they can email and request the remainder of the money.

Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.

Men’s Water Polo

The club is requesting funding for extra lifeguarding hours. Last year this expense was paid by a fund, but this year they do not have enough money in the fund to cover it.

There is a motion to fund $483.75 in full. Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.


The group would like to have a benefit dinner. They normally hold a benefit event every year, but would like to increase this to once a semester.

They are requesting funding from Social Council and Program Board, as well as Dean Fatemi. Social Council has provided $200.

They are doing 5 College publicity. In general, the committee funds $12.50 for publicity.

They are requesting stickers which would include information about North Korea, which would go into notebooks that they pass out. They only are requesting funding for stickers.

There is a motion to fund $500 for food, $12.50 for publicity, and $60 for stickers. Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions. The group is invited to return if they need more money after meeting with Dean Fatemi.

Amherst College Democrats

The group would like funding for food that they would have at events. The food would come out of the $200 rule. The events would be the phone bank and another event.

They are requesting publicity for three separate events, as well as a hotel room for a rally. They would need to stay two nights, because they would like to send the group Friday evening and leave on Sunday. Logistically, it would be too difficult to arrive on Saturday. They estimate that 10 will go, but perhaps the number will decrease.

The event is one day long, but they think it would be impossible to do the drive in one day. It is unclear when the rally will end, and the drive will take at least 8 hours. From a safety perspective, it may be a better idea to fund two nights at a hotel.

There is a motion to fund in full, except for the $12.50 for publicity. Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.

Athletes Bible Study

The group is requesting food for a weekly meeting. This would come out of the $200 rule. However, the committee does not typically recommend funding for food at meetings. However, they may be able to get funding from the Campus Center, or Dean Fatemi.

There is a motion to fund $0. There is an objection to the calling. Someone asks how this is different from a film screening, since they are discussing the bible. However, they do not fund food for normal meetings, simply for events that are outside of the norm.

The objection is withdrawn. Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.

Amherst Debate Team

The group is requesting funding for a coach. This year they have a strong freshman recruitment base. However, other schools have coaches and actively recruit. This year, the class is particularly large. They found an alumna who would be able to come up on weekends, and would be willing to coach.

The weekends that she comes up to Amherst depend on which tournaments they decide to send novices to. There are eight tournaments left this semester, and she would be able to make four. They would hope to offer $2000 for a semester, however for this semester, $1500 because it would not be for the entire semester.

There is a motion to fund in full. Vote results are 5 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.


The group is requesting funding for a fundraiser for Safe Passage, an abuse shelter for women. Last year this event was very well attended, but they did not have enough food, so they have requested a larger amount. They already have funding for publicity in their budget.

They have not requested funding from other sources yet.

At the event, they ask for a suggested donation of $5.

There is a motion to fund half. Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.

Interterm Musical

The musical will happen at the end of interterm, and the shows will be rehearsed during interterm. The budget is slightly different from last year. The only item that is more expensive is the musician fees, because last year they went over budget. Lighting is also higher because last year they went over budget.

Last year they did not ask for housing as well. They typically put the director in a cheap motel, but last year he got ill from the motel. So, this year they would like to put him in a nicer hotel.

The total that they are asking is $15,650. The group should decide which dates they need housing for, and where they will put the director and lighting manager. They are not sure who paid for housing in past years.

They are advised to check on musicians and housing, just so that the AAS knows that they are funding appropriately.

There is a motion to fund everything except for musicians and housing. Vote results are 4 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.


The group is requesting funding for an event called Palestine 101. They are requesting advertising for another event and refreshments. This is an introductory meeting.

For another event, they are requesting funding for an honorarium. The speaker that is coming was living in the West Bank, and wants to come and present his experience.

The committee advises that the group request funding from Social Council, Program Board, and Dean Fatemi about the honorarium.

There is a motion to fund $59 for the Palestine 101 event, and half of the honorarium. Vote results are 4 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.

Charles Drew Health Professions Society

The group is requesting funding for an informational meeting. They are requesting funding for publicity, and want large posters to table in val. However, for additional publicity money they are advised to go to other sources.

There is a motion to fund $39. Vote results are 5 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstention.

Amherst Journal Association for the Biological Sciences (JABS)

The group is requesting funding for copies of journals. The point of the club is to analyze journals, and it is often necessary to have them in color, because otherwise graphs and diagrams are meaningless.

They are requesting $300 for the entire semester. They also are requesting an additional $9 for publicity as well. They are also requesting funding for an introductory meeting, although the group has already met twice. The first meeting they had was before posters.

There is a motion to fund $359. Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.

Special Topics

The class is having a screening of Waiting for Superman. It is a documentary about education, which has gotten a lot of attention.

The cost is $6.50 per ticket. They brought this idea to the class, but it was not an assignment. However, the event would cost a lot for a large number of students. However, the students think it is worth it because it would cost far more to bring a speaker to campus.

The group is asked to estimate the amount of students more accurately. They have also applied for departmental funds, but have not heard back yet. The committee feels comfortable funding the event, but would like to hear what the department will fund first.

There is a motion to table until the results of funding from the department are known. Then, the AAS could most likely fund the difference. They are also advised to look into other sources of funding.

There is a motion to table. Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstention.

There is more discussion about funding this. There is the possibility that other groups will attempt to get funding for this as well.


The group is requesting funding for a performance. The performer will be doing spoken word, and they need $200 for the performer and equipment, as well as $9 for publicity.

Motion to fund in full. Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.

Random Acts of Kindness

The group has a few events that they are planning. Their primary event is called Send A Smile, and in this project students will be allowed to send care packages to friends who are having a tough week. The group is asking for a modest fund to begin the program, advertise, and determine the future success of the program. They expect about 100 Send a Smiles. They did check with Dean Fatemi, but not other sources.

The AAS never funds giveaways. They would fund art supplies, publicity, and other things that would not be given away in the care packages.

They also have other events, such as Free Hug day. They are also requesting funding for helium tanks and balloons. This would probably count as decorations, however, the AAS never funds more than $50 for decorations.

There is a motion for $60. Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.

Untitled Group

The group is requesting funding for an academic conference. They are requesting $55 for registration per person for the event, and two lunches and the dinner with a keynote speaker. The lunches and dinners are part of the conference. They currently have 16 people signed up. However, they will be required to publicize. The total request is $1760.

There is a motion to fund in full. Vote results are 3 in favor, 2 opposed, 1 abstentions.

Amherst Japan Club

The group is requesting funds for food and publicity for an introductory meeting.

There is a motion to fund $59. Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.


The crew team is requesting funding for dues. At the beginning of every semester, the crew team pays dues of $200 per student. This is expensive, so not everyone is able to afford the dues. In order to be approved for hardship, individuals must talk to the head coach and explain why they cannot pay. This semester, the number of students who are unable to pay is 5, which is higher than it has been in previous years.

Motion to fund in full. Vote results are 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.