Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance (SDAA)

Notes of the meeting held on Tuesday19 November 2013 at SRSB

Present / Apologies:See attached list

1Welcome and introductions

Kath Horner welcomed everyone to the meeting and a round of introductions weremade.

2Feedback from SDAA Steering Group

Kath provided a brief outline of the Steering Group.

  • Promotional DVD- Lee Pearse (based at Heeley City Farm) will be producing a promotional DVD on SDAA.
  • Communication plan – need to work out how best to sell what we do and ensure we all give roughly same message. Recognised the SDAA is a membership organisation with the aim of increasing awareness and changing people’s attitudes to dementia. It will be discussed in more detail at a meeting on 25 November. It needs to be a clear message and tailored appropriately, whether for retail, law or leisure, using social media if required. The Leonard Cheshire publicity team may be able to provide assistance.

Noted that Rhian is a dementia friend and Sarah Norton is a dementia champion. Their aim is to have a champion in each housing team who can then deliver to groups of staff so all are aware.

3Member updates on SDAA commitments

Those present provided updates on current progress:

  • Belinda Naylor/Zoe Oldfield –undertaking Live Well at Home scheme to improve support for dementia sufferers and carers. Making better use of Extracare schemes. Lead on development of Ageing Better programme (lottery funded) to help those with dementia (and 50+) to be less isolated.
  • Tracy Madden– rolled out dementia training to all staff and is now a part of core training. Looking to see if can get national publicity on board.
  • Anna Machalica– trying to get as many as possible to respond to dementia survey; closing date is 9 December. To circulate to members.

Pilot in Sheffield self-care programme developed by Alzheimer’s Society, it is a three year project and Sheffield is one of just five pilot sites. It commences in February 2014 and the aim is to enable people with dementia to take control of their own lives.

Attending Community Dementia Forum on transport so can feedback to Transport Executive.

Letter circulated to news editors highlighting incidence of dementia in Sheffield – currently 64% which is second highest across country, and there are still many undiagnosed. Noted there is currently a six month wait for memory clinic. Working with RFT Reference Group looking at how can pick people up early therefore working with GPs. Sarah Burt, Commissioning Strategy Manager in CCG, to include early diagnosis where she can.

Alzheimer’s Society working on an information package to deliver to schools and is expected in next couple of months.

  • Rhian Owen – Working on developing a DFC pilot in one of the schemes,prior to rolling out across the city. Recently launched Young at Heart project. Also working with Wild at Heart. Running a number of reminiscence sessions in conjunction with History of England Society and University of Sheffield. They are inclusive sessions as participants can bring a friend.
  • Liz Gurler–organising some information sessions in the day centre and with staff.
  • Jo Garner – Continuing to roll-out awareness training for staff. As anI-care ambassador promoting working in care industry to schools, etclinking with dementia awareness.
  • Sarah Oldham/Dom Reed – Home Instead training is working well and some dates now agreed for 2014. Run a number of family education workshops consisting of four sessions of 2.5 hours each which are very well received. Also provide awareness for care givers. A number of firemen had attended a recent event and were able to outline various safety issues in relation to dementia. Sarah to send Kath relevant information to include in report.

Action: Sarah Oldham

  • Kath Horner–asked to do a presentation in Manchester (to 10 DPH and adult social care leads) on developing a dementia friendly community. Working with Simon Wallace to look at how SDAA drives DFC and the cost benefits.

Holding a book sale at Redvers House w/c 25 November to start raising funds for SDAA. Although not expecting to raise much it will help to raise awareness. To do more fund raising in 2014, including arranging a meal at Viraj restaurant at Woodseats to help raise awareness in the community.

Recently joined Wild at Heart steering group as they are looking at getting people with dementia involved in their work and activities, maybe looking at some sort of twinning programme.

To speak to Sarah Burt (at CCG) to clarify whether dementia included in commissioning strategy or action plan.

Action: Kath Horner

  • Steve Poole – visiting a number of organisations and can act as a conduit to national level. As his background is in HR, specifically training and development, he is willing to help as much as he can in whatever way is most appropriate.
  • Ian Jenkinson – pleased to be involved. Two training days have been organised for frontline driving staff.
  • Hannah Smith – amalgamated local history course with reminiscence (by WEA) There are now a number of spin off courses which are proving very popular. Part funded a mini bus in Pitsmoor area. Hosting a Commissioning Forum meeting on 13 December about social isolation. Representatives from older people’s groups have been invited to attend, along with a local school choir and residents from Park View Care Home, as part of intergenerational work, (Park View residents will make little gift bags to give to the carol singers). Looking more at working with young people. Rhian and Hannah to discuss further outside the meeting.
  • Simon Wallace – Attended Regional Alzheimer’s Society Conference (with Steve) and found it to be very interesting and motivational. Although cross party support for one million dementia friends, David Cameron has overall accountability. Also on G8 agenda in December. Raising awareness helps in all areas and we have the opportunity to make a difference.
  • Annette Johnson – Care out in the Community launched on 1 November as new service for SheffCare. Implemented rolling programme of training for staff.
  • Maria Flude–undertaking a series of dementia awareness sessions with lunch club organisers but on a relatively informal basis. Completed 20 but aware that 80 lunch clubs in Sheffield.
  • Anne Simmons - A mapping exercise around dementia training provision and cost recently completed in Barnsley. This will be included in an information pack when approaching businesses so they can decide what is appropriate for them. Applied for funding for a dedicated person to take the lead and move this work forward.
  • Dan Green – provided update via email. He has agreed with the Council Housing Service that dementia training will be included in the training plan for the housing officers currently delivering the Successful Tenancies pilot projects in April 2014. The have also agreed to consider including dementia training in the plan for front-line housing staff as part of the Housing Plus project in December 2014.

Rhian has spoken to Dan and they are looking at developing some e-learning.

  • Alison Hunton – an update from Alison will be circulated to members.

Action: Carole Wood

4Dementia Friendly Communities - Woodhouse

Kath and Anna visiting Woodhouse later this week to do an audit of shops and organisations in the area. As Brunswick Gardens is an accessible community hub, looking to organise an intergenerational event there March 2014; a meeting will take place on 12 December to discuss in more detail. Kath also spoken to Cllr Rooney. Outlined the information pack that will be used when visiting organisations. Leeds DAA undertaken similar work and it may be useful to speak to them. Simon to forward details to Kath.

Action: Simon Wallace

5Escorts to appointments

Agreed to defer this to a future meeting.

6Frequency of future meetings

Agreed meetings should continue to be held every other month at the same time but to alternate days between Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, as this may enable others to attend.

7Venues for January / March meetings

Agreed to hold January’s meeting at Alzheimer’s Society and March’s at Home Instead Senior Care. Community Transport, SRSB and South Yorkshire Housing Association all offered rooms for future meetings.

8Any other business

  • SRSB – to amend contact information from Joanne Ardern to Liz Gurler.

Action: Carole Wood

  • Window stickers – all members of SDAA to get DFC window sticker (and a copy of letter about using template).

Action: Carole Wood

  • Tracy – on occasions there can be conflict between social care and families. To send email to Kath outlining concerns.

Action: Tracy Madden

Kath thanked Belinda for all her work and wished her success in her new role.

Date and time of next meeting

  • Tuesday 21 January 2014, 2pm – 4pm, Alzheimer’s Society
  • Tuesday 18 March 2014, 2pm – 4pm, Home Instead, Psalter Lane


Name / Organisation
Maria Flude / VAS
Jo Garner / Carewatch
Liz Gurler / SRSB
Kath Horner / Communities – Public Health (SCC)
Ian Jenkinson / Sheffield Community Transport
Annette Johnson / Sheffcare
Anna Machalica / Alzheimer’s Society (Sheffield)
Tracy Madden / Sheffield Support at Home, Leonard Cheshire Disability
Belinda Naylor / South Yorkshire Housing Association
Zoe Oldfield / South Yorkshire Housing Association
Sarah Oldham / Home Instead Senior Care
Rhian Owen / Sheltered Housing
Steve Poole / Regional Alzheimer’s Association, Yorkshire & Humber
Dom Reed / Home Instead Senior Care
Anne Simmons / Alzheimer’s Society (Barnsley)
Hannah Smith / Sanctuary Housing
Simon Wallace / DAA - Yorkshire & Humber
Carole Wood / Communities – Public Health (SCC)


Name / Organisation
Yvonne Allott / Yorkshire Housing
Sarah Burt / Clinical Commissioning Group
Jill Dentith / Sheffield International Venues
Dan Green / Housing Strategy & Policy (SCC)
Diane Hinchliffe / -
Rosemarie Hull / SSSA Social Care and Community Services Ltd
Alison Hunton / Co-operative
Mary Lea / Councillor, Sheffield City Council
Fosia Malik / SSSA Social Care and Community Services Ltd
Claire Molinari / Royal Voluntary Service
Diana Oak / Sheffcare
Dawn Peet / SY Fire & Rescue
Wilma Smith / Royal Voluntary Service