Room 31 News
Volume 10 Issue 8
October 13, 2017
Monday Day 3 Library
Tuesday Day 4 Gym
Wednesday Day 5 Music
Thursday Day 6 Art
Friday Day 1 Gym
Welcome to “Room 31 News” a newsletter to keep you up to date about what is happening in our classroom! Please take the time to read this newsletter with your child and talk about the information in it. I write to you so you and your child can be prepared for school. This is the primary source of communication between home and school. Thanks for reading!
Upcoming Events
10-20 Super Hero Day
Dress up like your favorite super hero!
10-23 through 10-27 Red Ribbon Week
10:23 Sock It To Drugs (wear silly socks)
10-24 Put a Cap on Drugs (wear a hat)
10-25 Wear Red Day
10-26 Blackout All Drugs (wear black)
10-27 Be on a Drug Free Team (wear team gear)
10-25 Halloween Safety talk with Officer Mary
10-26 FireHouse walking field trip
11-1 Book Fair Family Night 5:30-7:30
11-2 Our class goes to the Book Fair
11-3 Fall Party 2:20-3:20
You may join us at our party if you signed up to help/bring something AND you have your VOLUNTEER CLEARANCES!
Assessment Dates
10-20 Spelling Test
10-20 Reading Test
-Read 15 minutes each night. Please record the minutes your child reads each night on their behavior calendar in their take home folder along with your initials.
-Study spelling words
-Reflex once a week at home
-Math homework will come home on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
What’s Happening in Room 31?
Reading- Please see the Family Times paper that came home with your child to see the skills we are working on!
Writing- We will be writing about our scarecrow and jack-o-lanterns!
Math- We will be learning Making 10s, Near-Doubles Facts and Turn Around Facts.
Second grade is looking to add items to our outdoor recess collection. (balls, hula hoops, jump ropes, etc) If you can donate any of the items listed, please send them to school. Thank you so much!
Room 31 Is In Need Of…
Small ‘ditties’ to add to our prize bin. Thank you in advance for donating!
717-531-2277 x5031