Abbotsford Bingo Association
Annual General Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2014
President: Richard Ashton called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. welcomed all in attendance.
26 Member Organizations Represented / RepresentativeAberdeenElementary School Pac / Tara McIntyre /Malonie Braun
Abbotsford Agrifair / John Durham
Abbotsford Community Services / Nadine Power
Abbotsford Hospice Society / Marion Keys
Abbotsford Judo Club / Ken Brake
Abbotsford Minor Hockey Association / Kathy Doull
Abbotsford Skating Club / Jennifer Johnston
Abbotsford Soccer Association / Shelley Godwin
Big Brother Big Sisters-Abbotsford Mission Ridge Meadows / Glen Robertson / David Sheach
ClayburnVillage Community Society / Helene Sundberg
Kinsman od Aldergrove / John Henderson
Knights of Columbus Council 9451 (Aldergrove) / Dan McDonald / Paul Doucet
Lions Club of Aldergrove / Tom Latter
MSA Society for Community Living / Richard Ashton
Matsqui – Abbotsford Impact Society / Brian Gross
Mountain Elementary / Shelley Godwin (represented ASA)
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada / Glen Gordon
Rick Hansen Secondary Pac / Audrey Lui
MSAMuseum Society / G. E. MacDonald
Robert Bateman Secondary PAC / Kathy Doull (represented AMHA)
Rotary Club Of Abbotsford / Kyle Caldwell
Sandy Hill Elementary / Tracey McClelland
Shrine Club # 40 / Jack Bell
Optimist Club of AbbotsfordBC / Norman Payne
UpperFraserValley Developmental Preschool Society / Joane Liberte
Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Ass. / D. Lucas
Introduction of Guest: Art Villa
Introduction of Board by the Exec. Secretary Ken Brake. All current board members were in attendance:
Motion to accept the Agenda: Moved - Shelley Godwin, Second – Brian Gross. Carried
Motion to accept the 2013AGM Minutes: Moved – Tara MacIntyre, Second – Jennifer Johnson. Carried, with corrections as identified by David Sheach and Helene Sundberg.
President’s Report: Richard offered thanks to past president Marthe and to Norman Payne who is concluding his participation as Association Treasurer.
Richard briefly mentioned the revenue stream from Playtime Gaming (P.G.) to the ABA; identifying that special guest (Art Villa) would speak to the topic in more detail during his presentation. The president explained the the ABA Exec. Role is a simplified role compared to past years. The Exec. Generally liaises with P.G. in our partnership. We also facilitate the disbursement of funds, based on the 2004 disbursement formula. In closing the president acknowledged that the secretary has been very busy updating membership contacts and communication.
Treasurer’s Report: Norm distributed financial reports for the ABA General Account and the “numbered” Trust Account. He informed the membership that the ABA General Account was closed, after the account balance was transferred into the “numbered” Trust Account. The ABA Exec. Now manages only one financial account.
Question: Dan McDonald. Have liabilities on the account been paid?
Ans: Norm. Yes.
Question: Dan McDonald. Can ABA year end dates be adjusted to better coincide, with each other?
Ans: Norm. The year end date for the Trust Account was set to coincide with the P.G. year end.
Question: Helene Sundberg. Can we clarify the date of the report?
Question: Helene Sundberg. Isn’t the ABA investment in the property and the building located on site?
Question: John Durham. Do we need a motion to change our year end date?
Motion: Dan McDonald. A sub year end be prepared so that our two year end dates coincide with the year end date for the numbered company. The year end date would move from April 30 to September 30.
Second: John Durham
Art Villa. Year end statements take time to prepare; they could be ready for November.
David Sheach. Is it possible to have an AGM late in the year?
Shelley Godwin. There are no additional accounting costs with moving our year end.
John Durham. We could possibly save on accounting expenses.
Motion Carried.
Motion: Dan McDonald. Amend the bylaws of the ABA to accommodate a new, year end.
Second: John Durham.
Friendly amendment to the motion proposed by David Sheach.
“Amend the bylaws of the ABA to accommodate a new, year end of September 30.”
Amended Motion Carried.
The treasurer requested a motion to appoint Shawn as auditor for the upcoming year.
So moved: Brian Gross.
Second: Marion Keyes.
Special Guest Presentation (Art Villa):
Gaming is a highly competitive market.
P.G. in performing ongoing market analysis.
Visits are down from neighboring communities.
Visits are up from residents within our own community.
Local patrons report that they prefer our local gaming facility.
Playtime Gaming:
They provide free meeting rooms for community groups.
Also provide opportunities for group fund-raising. Art provided a brief description and provided a contact for further information. Stew Harvey @ 604-226-3224, or
Fraser Valley Charitable gaming Association (FVCGA): This organization provides assistance in completing gaming applications. There are seven charitable gaming organizations in the province.
Upcoming events: Public Safety Sector. Human and Social Services Sector. The group hopes to build membership and strengthen it’s lobby with GPEB.
Floor Open to Questions:
David Sheach spoke to the mandate of the FVCGA and emphasized the benefits to the local community. A high priority is to get gaming applications right the first time; avoid delays due to confusion. They have a small board of directors which meets on the third Monday of every month, in the afternoon. Also, the B.C.A.C.G. has an upcoming symposium, “Public Policy and Governance” on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 at the River Rock Casino. Key Note Speaker-Mike Harcourt.
The issue on the floor was “how should the ABA disburse funds to the membership”.
Member Questions and Answers provided by the board.
Glen Gordon-what is the cost of disbursement? Minimal cost involved, writing and mailing cheques.
Tracey McClellan-how many year has it been since the last disbursement?The last disbursements were in the years 2013 and 2010.
Dan McDonald-what is the average amount of disbursement per organization?The amount of disbursement per organization is based on a pre approved formula. Many disbursements are in the $2000-3000 range.
Cathy Doull, Comment-A fixed disbursement date would be helpful for PACs.
Art Villa, Comment-In past the disbursement occurred at the AGM to encourage member attendance.
John Durham requested a point of clarification. What % stake in Chances Abbotsford does the ABA hold?
Answer from the board, 30.6%.
Art Villa, point of information. Chances Abbotsford has undergone three upgrades to the property since the ABA has entered into the partnership agreement with Playtime Gaming.
Motion: Dan McDonald - ABA disburse funds to the membership every three years, at the AGM.
Second: Helene Sundberg.
Treasurer Norman Payne provided background information to the membership on the evolution of our ABA partnership withPlaytime Gaming
Motion Carried.
Election of Officers: Conducted by outgoing Officer, Norman Payne.
Dan McDonald nominated Richard Ashton for President: Declared by Acclimation.
Helene Sundberg nominated Glen Gordon for Vice-President: Declared by Acclimation.
Richard Ashton nominated Dan McDonald for Treasurer: Declared by Acclimation.
Marion Keyesnominated Glen Robertson for Director.
Richard Ashton nominated Helene Sundberg for Director. Both Directors Declared by Acclimation.
Improving Communication: In response to requests from the membership, the ABA Board of Directors will endeavour to provide the membership with improved access to information. Brian Gross (of Impact Society) has offered to assist with access to server and initiation.
Motion to adjourn: Shelley Godwin