January 22, 2009

Ken Keudell called the Board Meeting to order at 12:45 pm. Present were Ken Keudell, Lynn Cox, Donna Yount, Gini Lang, Fred Dorr, Lynn Wagner, Anna Stubbs, Larry Schick, Barbara Knopp, David Rullman and Jackie Keil. A Quorum was present.

Minutes: The minutes of the September, October, November and December 2008 Board Meetings were approved. Minutes of the December 2008 and January 2009 Chapter Meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Donna Yount reported there is $2,525.73 in the bank accounts, $10,315.00 in cash accounts and $23,907.23 in investment accounts for a total of $36,747.96. A copy of her Account Balance Report is attached. Donna will provide the income and expense report at a later date.

Chapter Chat Editor: Gini Lang said all information for the Chapter Chat must be in her hands by the 11th of the previous month. She included information regarding the plant sale on this month’s page.

OMGA Representative: David Rullman reported the OMGA Endowment Fund is currently $108,000. The OMGA’s goal is to bring it to $250,000. The main purpose of the fund is to pay part of Gail Langelloto’s and an assistant’s salary. The On-Line course has 43 participants including participants from South Korea, Idaho and New York. The course’s income was $10,000. This money will be donated to the Endowment Fund. OMGA dues will be raised. David will investigate how much the increase will be and when it will start. He further reported our Chapter is scheduled to host the OMGA November 2010 Board meeting. This will involve securing a meeting place, providing a lunch and providing gifts and table decorations. David will contact the Beaverton Baptist Church in an attempt to secure it as a meeting place. The Board unanimously passed the following motion.

That we host the OMGA Board Meeting of November 2010 and that the President appoint a committee to make the arrangements.

2008 Financial Report: Larry Schick presented the 2008 Annual Financial Report, a copy of which is attached. It shows that our assets increased by $9,747. The President and the Board thanked Larry for stepping in to this position when it was vacated during the year.

Book Sale: Larry Schick reported that the books have arrived and have been placed on three carts. On the carts are also petty cash forms, price lists and a cash pouch. Committee members will sell books at all three training sessions in January and all three chapter meetings in March.

Programs: Fred Dorr reported that February’s program features Zachariah Perry of the Grounds Department of Reed College speaking on the Reed College Canyon Restoration Project. He further reported that Sada Uchiyama is willing to give guided tours of the Japanese Garden to two groups of Master Gardeners. Up to 15 people in each group. The tours will take place in early April. He will provide more information at the next Board meeting.

Publicity: Lynn Wagner contacted all area media to introduce herself in January and sent out the pruning demonstration information for February 14. She will continue to send upcoming events to them one month before the scheduled event occurs. She asked that all requests for the Publicity Committee should be submitted to it at least 6 weeks before the event date. She showed a mock-up of a bookmark detailing advantages of belonging to our Chapter of the OMGA. The bookmark will be completed and be given to the new interns. Lynn also talked about ideas for a new Master Gardener brochure directed to people who may be interested in Master Gardeners. There will be more discussion about the brochure at a later meeting. Lynn will order 2,000 business cards with the Master Gardener phone numbers, addresses and web contact information. The cost will be under $200. The Executive Calendar was discussed and corrections made. It was noted that there will not be an orientation in the Fairplex Garden and that all interns must work six hours in the garden.

Fund Raising: Anna Stubbs informed the board that $1,585 has been raised through the sale of loupes, hats and book bags to all three intern classes. She will look into the feasibility of selling shirts with the Master Gardener logo. The Master Gardener Program Office was contacted and we were told we can sell shirts to our members but may not sell them at Mini-College.

Awards: Anna Stubbs suggested (via Ken Keudell) that we award hammers to Mike Meyer and Don Scherlie to show our appreciation for the work they did on the newly constructed shed at the Fairplex Garden.

Calendar for Class: Anna Stubbs said Ginny Link is working on the calendar. Anna will contact Ginnie regarding her progress.

Chapter Relations: Barbara Knopp noted that the April Chapter Meeting is a potluck hosted by the current members for the new intern class.Lynn Cox suggested that the position of Class Coordinator be held by two people, possibly one as a shadow, because of all the details involved.

Board Members Goals. Discussion of the goals was deferred to a later meeting.

Membership Directory and Web Site: Lynn Cox requested all corrections to the directory be given to her today. Lynn reported that the web site is up and running at www.wcmga.info. She requested board members visit the site and give her suggestions for improvement. She noted that Tam wants to resign the Webmaster position by 2010.

The next Board Meeting will be held February 26.


Jackie Keil, Recording Secretary


Ken Keudell, President