Snohomish Conservation District
Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 15, 2016
Mark Craven, Board ChairSteve Van Valkenburg, Board Member
Jeff Ellingsen, Board MemberBob Schroeter, WACD
Cayley Allen, FarmerJesse Allen, Farmer
Monte Marti, SCD Staff
The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm by Board Chair Mark Craven. The only revisions to the list of agenda items was to eliminate the “Approve July 28 Special Meeting Minutes.” The minutes were not prepared or distributed to the Board of Supervisors prior to the meeting. They will be provided prior to the September 19, 2016 meeting.
Guest and Staff Introductions
Introductions were made and guests provided self-introductions.
Approve July 2016 Board Meeting Minutes
The July 18, 2016Board Meeting minutes were reviewed. Jeff Ellingsenmoved to accept the July 18, 2016Board Meeting minutesas distributed. Steve Van Valkenburgseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment
Cayley Allen and Jesse Allen provided comments. They expressed some concerns with their cost share project ~ permitting, communication, NRCS standards, cost share process & deadlines, and cultural resources. The District committed to:
- Provide them feedback within a few days on the cost share timeline
- Improve internal and external communication
- Have additional dialogue with the Allen’s to potentially develop a “process flow” or flowchart for permitting (and utilize their permitting process expertise)
Partner Presentations and Discussion
There were no partner presentations and discussions.
FSA and NRCS Reports
Linda Schultz , FSA, wasn’t available to provide a report. Sarah Tanuvasa, NRCS District Conservationist, provided a report.
Staff Reports
No staff reports were provided.
Committee Reports
Stillaguamish Clean Water District (SCWD):
The SCWD Advisory Board provided a letter of support for the Stillaguamish RCPP project proposal. Numerous projects are in motion within the SCWD. Gregg Farris provide a response to the Snohomish County Surface Water Management letter from the SCWD Advisory Board. Snohomish County has developed an ECAF for Health District support. The SCWD Advisory Board is debating a request from the Savvy Septic program.
Citizen Advisory Committee
There was nothing specific to report.
Ag Board
The Ag Board will be meeting with the County Council and the County Executive in September or October. The Ag Board reviewed a number of permits, and had a discussion about the permit process. Concerns were expressed about the lack of responsiveness and timeliness associated with some County permits.
Farm Bureau
Farm Bureau Board members continue to develop an agriculture strategy ~ agriculture needs and priorities. It will hopefully be presented at the Farm-to-Table Gathering on August 16. The Farm Bureau Board is still very supportive of the Gathering and most of the Board members will be attending.
Mark Craven introduced the new executive director for WACD ~ Bob Schroeter. He provided a brief summary of his experiences and goals.
The Tribal training will be all week at the Angel of the Winds.
There was nothing new to report.
Building and Office Space
The District is still waiting for feedback from the Executive’s office on next steps.
5-Year Plan
There was nothing to report.
Puget Sound Conservation District Caucus
The next Puget Sound Conservation District Caucus meeting will be on August 22, 2016.
Washington Conservation Commission (WCC)
There is a lot of work tied to the Commission’s funding requests and budget packages. The District was notified that the Stillaguamish RCPP proposal was successful and that the WCC would be providing funding for the implementation of the proposal.
Snohomish County and Camano Island Assessment Updates
Snohomish County has not yet identified how it plans to justify their actions/activities and the associated cost of spreading and collecting the assessment. Supporting documentation has been provided to the County Executive’s office.
Financial Reports
Steve Van Valkenburgmovedfor the payment of vouchers/warrants: EFT’s and checks #7593- #7608totaling $162,367.10, and to accept and approve the July2016 Receipt Register, Check Register, and Treasurer’s Report. And accepted the revisions to the June 2016 Check Register (Check #7511 - #7592). Jeff Ellingsenseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The Board of Supervisors also reviewed the “Outstanding Invoices” as of August 18, 2016 and the “Employee Vacation and Sick Leave” accruals as of August 10, 2016.
Steve Van Valkenburg reviewed the bank statements.
The Board of Supervisors reviewed the 2nd Quarter 2016 revenue and expense budget comparisons.
Agreements and Contracts
Steve Van Valkenburgmoved to approve the cost share agreements with:
- A. and E. Hurley
- N. Cushman
- J. and G. McKee
- A. and M. Gedstad
The cost share payments to:
- Adopt-A-Stream
- D. Adkins
- R. Ballard
- F. Schoenbachler
Contracts/inter-local agreements with:
- Sound Salmon Solution for a streamline Joint Aquatic Resources Permit
- Washington Conservation Commission for the Stillaguamish RCPP
- WCC Crew Inter-Local agreement
- Department of Ecology for the Skagit Flats Amendment No. 1
And CREP Maintenance Contracts with:
- Trillium Farms LLC
Jeff Ellingsenseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Manager’s Report
Steve Van Valkenburgmovedto approve the request from Alex Pittman to work with Beavers Northwest as an independent contractor, subject to notice of potential work within Snohomish County. Jeff Ellingsenseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Jeff Ellingsen moved to pay the $150 Washington Conservation Society dues. Steve Van Valkenburg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Steve Van Valkenburgmovedto approve an increase in the “not to exceed” amount from $12,000 to $18,000 for the Trib 64 agreement with the Adopt-A-Stream Foundation. Jeff Ellingsenseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The Board of Supervisors reviewed the Harassment videos.
Kate will be providing more information on the District’s print media strategies and actions at the September 19, 2016 Board meeting.
There is a Floodplains by Design workshop and celebration scheduled for September 12. Monte Marti has been asked to present on the District’s landowner engagement activities.
Miscellaneous Reports and Set Next Meeting Date
There were no miscellaneous reports.
Jeff Ellingsenmoved that the September 2016 Board Meeting be held on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the District office, and that proper notice be distributed to the public; and that the meeting be adjourned. Steve Van Valkenburg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.
Jeff Ellingsen moved to accept the July 18, 2016 Board Meeting minutes as distributed. Steve Van Valkenburg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Steve Van Valkenburgmoved for the payment of vouchers/warrants: EFT’s and checks #7593 - #7608totaling $162,367.10, and to accept and approve the July 2016 Receipt Register, Check Register, and Treasurer’s Report. And accepted the revisions to the June 2016 Check Register (Check #7511 - #7592). Jeff Ellingsenseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Steve Van Valkenburg moved to approve the cost share agreements with:
- A. and E. Hurley
- N. Cushman
- J. and G. McKee
- A. and M. Gedstad
The cost share payments to:
- Adopt-A-Stream
- D. Adkins
- R. Ballard
- F. Schoenbachler
Contracts/inter-local agreements with:
- Sound Salmon Solution for a streamline Joint Aquatic Resources Permit
- Washington Conservation Commission for the Stillaguamish RCPP
- WCC Crew Inter-Local agreement
- Department of Ecology for the Skagit Flats Amendment No. 1
And CREP Maintenance Contracts with:
- Trillium Farms LLC
Jeff Ellingsen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Steve Van Valkenburgmovedto approve the request from Alex Pittman to work with Beavers Northwest as an independent contractor, subject to notice of potential work within Snohomish County. Jeff Ellingsenseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Jeff Ellingsen moved to pay the $150 Washington Conservation Society dues. Steve Van Valkenburg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Steve Van Valkenburgmovedto approve an increase in the “not to exceed” amount from $12,000 to $18,000 for the Trib 64 agreement with the Adopt-A-Stream Foundation. Jeff Ellingsenseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Jeff Ellingsenmoved that the September 2016 Board Meeting be held on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the District office, and that proper notice be distributed to the public; and that the meeting be adjourned. Steve Van Valkenburg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Chairman ______Date ______
Secretary ______Date ______