Roll Call Votes
(Previous Minute Reference: Para. 119 of 2013.E.C.93)
The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director (Education and Learning) advising of the outcome of the school estate strategic review, setting out the key priorities and implementation strategy for a Sustainable School Estate Programme and seeking approval to undertake formal consultation for an initial phase of proposed changes to the school estate. It was noted that Appendix 6 to the report had been amended and a revised version was tabled at the meeting.
In introducing this item, the Chair indicated that, prior to the meeting, he had been presented with a petition signed by Tanshall residents opposing proposals for the closure of Tanshall Primary School.
The Chair, seconded by Councillor Ross, moved as follows:-
"(1)The Executive notes the report on the school estate brought forward by the Executive Director and the Education Directorate and, in particular, notes the current less than acceptable condition of some parts of the estate and the challenges this presents for learning. The Executive accepts that the short and medium-term proposals contained within the report represent an appropriate programme of work to be undertaken within the term of this Council.
(2)The Executive agrees that the totality of the issues and challenges around a sustainable school estate is too great to be tackled within one elected term of the council (four years), but acknowledges that the specific proposals contained within the report will result, if agreed, in significant improvements for children and young people. These proposals should be seen as the beginning of a process that will ultimately result in an improved and more sustainable school estate. Further work directed towards improving Fife’s school estate will be required beyond the term of this Council, if this improvement process is to be continued; and
(3)The Executive agrees:-
- to instruct the Executive Director (Education and Learning) to proceed to statutory consultation on:-
(a)a proposal to close Wellwood Primary School and rezone the entire catchment area of Wellwood Primary School to McLean Primary School;
(b)a proposal to close Crombie Primary School and rezone the entire catchment area of Crombie Primary School to Cairneyhill Primary School;#
(c)a proposal to close Pitcorthie Primary School and divide Pitcorthie Primary School catchment into two, merging these to Lynburn Primary School and Commercial Primary School, rezoning an area of Lynburn catchment to the Touch Primary School catchment;
(d)a proposal to rezone areas of the Masterton Primary School catchment area to Pitreavie Primary School and Canmore Primary School;
(e) a proposal to close Tanshall Primary School and divide Tanshall Primary School catchment area into two, merging these to the Caskieberran Primary School and Southwood Primary School catchments;
(f)a proposal to close Dunino Primary School and rezone the entire catchment area of Dunino Primary School to Kingsbarns Primary School;
(g)a proposal to close Rathillet Primary School and rezone the entire catchment area of Rathillet Primary School to Balmerino Primary School;
(h)a proposal to close New Gilston Primary School and rezone the entire catchment area of New Gilston Primary School to Largoward Primary School;
- to note that a staged approach to consultation, including a timeline, will be developed and that any final closure decision will not take effect until August 2014 at the earliest;
- to ask the Executive Director (Education and Learning), following these consultations, to bring forward reports to Committee and recognise that the Scrutiny Committee will have the opportunity to examine in detail the outcomes of all consultations;
- to ask the Executive Director (Education and Learning) and Executive Director (Finance and Resources) to bring forward a joint report on the investment required to support those schools which would receive additional pupils as a result of any closure or realignment of catchment. Also, bring forward costed proposals to begin to improve to at least satisfactory standard those schools currently rated as being in the worst condition;
- to/
- to invest £6 million for a school improvement investment fund, to be allocated from balances, for the purpose of meeting costs related to the proposals above and addressing issues in schools rated as being in “poor” condition. This made possible by the significant improvement in the Council's finances as outlined in the concurrent report on this committee agenda by the Executive Director (Finance and Resources);
- that no further schools closure programme should be undertaken in the elected term of this council other than where there is a new school investment opportunity as, for example, in Levenmouth or Kirkcaldy East subject to full consultation; and
- to ask the Education, Social and Communities Scrutiny Committee to examine the robustness of the proposals made in 3(a) to (h) above, and to revert to the Executive Committee."
First Amendment
Alastair Crockett, seconded by Councillor Brett, moved, as the first amendment, approval of the motion subject to the removal of the second last bullet point relating to no further schools closure programmes being undertaken.
Second Amendment
Councillor Peter Grant, seconded by Councillor Goodall, moved, as the second amendment:-
"The Executive Committee:-
(1)notes that, as the parents at Rathillet Primary School had voluntarily moved their children to another school, the statutory consultation on proposed closure of the school should proceed;
(2)agrees that no further formal statutory consultation should take place on the school closure programme outlined in the report;
(3)agrees to invest £6m for a school improvement investment fund, to be allocated from balances, as proposed in the Motion; and
(4)commends the parents of Tanshall Primary School, Glenrothes for their commitment to the school."
Roll Call
It was agreed that the vote be taken by calling the roll.
For the Motion-12 votes
Councillors Callaghan, Erskine, Hamilton, Hood, Kay Morrison, Poole, Rodger, Ross, Rowley, Rumney, George Haggarty and Reverend Andrew Philip.
For the First Amendment-2 votes
Councillors Brett and Dorothea Morrison.
For the Second Amendment-2 votes
Councillors Goodall and Peter Grant.
The Committee agreed in terms of the Motion.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE -20th August, 2013
(Previous Minute Reference: Para. 211 of 2013.E.C.163)
The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director (Education and Learning) presenting eight statutory consultation documents relating to the school estate review and seeking approval of the proposals contained in it. It was indicated that copies of the proposal documents would be made available to all statutory consultees.
Councillor Bryan Poole, seconded by Councillor Kay Morrison, moved that the recommendations in the report be accepted, delegating to officers to take into account suggestions raised by members during discussion, and any other minor or non-consequential amendments, and to express the Committee's support for the officers within Education and Learning in the carrying out of their proposals.
Councillor Peter Grant, seconded by Councillor Brian Goodall, moved not to accept the recommendations and to remit the report to the Education, Social and Communities Scrutiny Committee for further consideration.
Roll Call
On the motion of Councillor Peter Grant, seconded by Councillor Brian Goodall, it was agreed that the vote be taken by calling the roll. There voted as follows:-
For the Motion - 13 Votes
Councillors Timothy Brett, Pat Callaghan, Linda Erskine, Judy Hamilton, MarkHood, Lesley Laird, Kay Morrison, Bryan Poole, Andrew Rodger, David Ross and Alex Rowley; Alastair Crockett and George Haggarty.
For the Amendment - 2 Votes
Councillors Brian Goodall and Peter Grant.
The Committee:-
(1)approved the recommendations in the report, delegating to officers to take into account suggestions raised by members during discussion, and any other minor or non-consequential amendments;
(2)approved the contents of the statutory consultation documents for the proposed closures of:-
(a)Wellwood Primary School
(b)Crombie Primary School
(c) Pitcorthie Primary School
(d)Tanshall Primary School
(e) Rathillet Primary School
(f)New Gilston Primary School
(g)Dunino Primary School
(3)approved the content of the statutory consultation document for the proposed catchment change for Masterton Primary School;
(4)noted the proposed consultation timelines as outlined in Section 3 of the report; and
(5)expressed support for the officers within Education and Learning in the carrying out of their proposals.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - 11th February, 2014
The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director, Education and Children’s Services, presenting the statutory consultation reports in respect of Phase 1 of the School Estate consultation exercise for full consideration by members, and seeking approval to proceed with the recommendations contained in the consultation reports appended to the report in respect of the following schools:-
Rathillet Primary School;
New Gilston Primary School;
Dunino Primary School
Tanshall Primary School;
Wellwood Primary School; and
The report also sought approval for the recommendations contained therein in respect of Crombie Primary School.
The Executive Director, Education and Children’s Services, Head of Education (Central), and Directorate Resources Manager explained the proposals outlined in report, following which a number of questions were asked and answered in relation to capacity, conditions, suitability and efficiency of school buildings, educational benefit and the impact on the communities arising from the proposals.
Thereafter the Committee considered the individual proposals for each of the schools as follows:-
(c)Dunino Primary School
The Directorate Resources Manager summarised the proposal and responses within the Dunino Primary School consultation document (Appendix 3) and recommended the proposal to close Dunino Primary School and to rezone the catchment area of Kingsbarns Primary School to incorporate the existing catchment area of Dunino Primary School as set out in the report.
Councillor Bryan Poole, seconded by Councillor David Ross moved the proposal to:-
(i)close Dunino Primary School in August, 2014;
(ii)rezone the catchment area of Kingsbarns Primary School, to incorporate all of the current catchment area for Dunino Primary School;
(iii)offer pupils currently enrolled at Dunino Primary School places at Kingsbarns Primary School;
(iv)offer pupils of nursery age places at St. Andrews Nursery, in St. Andrews;
(v)seek alternative uses for the primary school site at Dunino.
First Amendment
Councillor Peter Grant, seconded by Councillor Karen Marjoram, moved not to proceed with the proposal.
Second Amendment
Councillor Dave Dempsey moved that further consideration be given to the recommendations of the Education, Social and Communities Scrutiny Committee of 3rd February, 2014 and that a further report should be brought back to the Executive Committee on the position regarding Dunino Primary School.
There had been no seconder, the second amendment fell.
Roll Call Vote
On a motion by Councillor Peter Grant, seconded by Councillor Brian Goodall, it was agreed in terms of Standing Order 46 that the vote be taken by calling the roll.
The Committee voted as follows:-
For the Motion - 14 votes.
Councillors Alex Rowley, Tim Brett, Pat Callaghan, Neil Crooks, Linda Erksine, Judy Hamilton, Lesley Laird, Kay Morrison, Bryan Poole, Andrew Rodger, Joe Rosiejak, David Ross, Alastair Crockett and George Haggarty.
For the Amendment - 6 votes
Councillors Ann Bain, Brian Goodall, Peter Grant, Neale Hanvey, George Kay and Karen Marjoram.
The Motion was carried.
The Committee agreed:-
(1)to close Dunino Primary School in August, 2014;
(2)to rezone the catchment area of Kingsbarns Primary school, to incorporate all of the current catchment area for Dunino Primary School;
(3)that pupils currently enrolled at Dunino Primary School be offered places at Kingsbarns Primary School;
(4)that pupils of nursery age be offered places at St. Andrews Nursery, in St. Andrews; and
(5)that alternative uses be sought for the Dunino Primary School site.
(d)Tanshall Primary School
The Directorate Resources Manager summarised the proposal and responses within the Tanshall Primary School consultation document (Appendix 4) and recommended the proposal to close Tanshall Primary School and to rezone the catchment areas of Southwood and Caskieberran Primary Schools to incorporate the existing catchment area of Tanshall Primary School as set out in the report.
Councillor Bryan Poole, seconded by Councillor David Ross, moved the proposal to:-
(i)close Tanshall Primary School in August, 2014;
(ii)rezone the catchment area of Caskieberran Primary School and Southwood Primary Schools;
(iii)closeTanshall Primary School Nursery stage and establish additional nursery class provision at Southwood and Caskieberran Primary Schools;
(iv)offer pupils currently enrolled at Tanshall Primary School places at Southwood Primary School or Caskieberran Primary School dependent upon catchment area associated with their postal address;
(v)offer pupils of nursery age, places at either Southwood Nursery or Caskieberran Nursery dependent upon their postal address;
(vi)seek alternative uses for the Tanshall Primary School site; and
(vii)transfer the Primary Pupil Support Service provision, currently based within Tanshall Primary School building to Warout Primary School building.
Councillor Peter Grant, seconded by Councillor Brian Goodall, moved that the proposal be taken no further and that officers be instructed to bring forward a more wide-ranging report with options for a sustainable school estate.
Roll Call Vote
On the Motion of Councillor Peter Grant, seconded by Councillor Brian Goodall, it was agreed that the vote be taken by calling the roll.
The Committee voted as follows:-
For the Motion - 14 votes -
Councillors Alex Rowley, Tim Brett, Pat Callaghan, Neil Crooks, Linda Erskine, Judy Hamilton, Lesley Laird, Kay Morrison, Bryan Poole, Andrew Rodger, Joe Rosiejak, David Ross, Alastair Crockett and George Haggarty.
For the Amendment - 6 votes -
Councillors Ann Bain, Brian Goodall, Peter Grant, Neale Hanvey, George Kay and Karen Marjoram.
The Motion was carried.
The Committee agreed:-
(1)to close Tanshall Primary School in August, 2014;
(2)to rezone the catchment area of Caskieberran Primary School and Southwood Primary Schools;
(3)to close Tanshall Primary School Nursery stage and establish additional nursery class provision at Southwood and Caskieberran Primary Schools;
(4)to offer pupils currently enrolled at Tanshall Primary School places at Southwood Primary School or Caskieberran Primary School, dependent upon the catchment area associated with their postal address;
(5)to offer pupils of nursery age, places at either Southwood Nursery or Caskieberran Nursery, dependent upon their postal address;
(6)that alternative uses be sought for the use of the Tanshall Primary School site; and
(7)to transfer the Primary School Support Service provision, currently based within Tanshall Primary School building to Warout Primary School building.
(e)Crombie Primary School
The Directorate Resources Manager provided an update on the proposal within the Crombie Primary School consultation document (Appendix 5), following the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee on 3rd February, 2014 and, having heard from the Managing Solicitor (Legal Services), recommended not to close Crombie Primary School and rezone the catchment area of Cairneyhill Primary School and to commence a new consultation on the closure of Crombie Primary School and rezoning of the catchment area of Limekilns Primary School, as set out in the report and Appendix 7.
Councillor Bryan Poole, seconded by Councillor David Ross, moved the recommendations in the report:-
(i)not to proceed with the current proposal to close Crombie Primary School and rezone the catchment area of Cairneyhill Primary School,
(ii)to approve a new consultation on the closure of Crombie Primary School and the rezoning of the catchment area of Limekilns Primary School, to incorporate the existing Crombie Primary School catchment area with effect from October, 2014; and
(iii)to approve the content of the statutory consultation papers for the proposed closure of Crombie Primary School and the rezoning of the catchment area of Limekilns Primary School, to incorporate the existing Crombie Primary School catchment area with effect from October, 2014, should the recommendation not to proceed above be agreed.
Councillor Peter Grant, seconded by Councillor Brian Goodall, moved:
(i)that the closure of Crombie Primary School should not proceed; and
(ii)that the new consultation on the closure of Crombie Primary School and rezoning of the catchment area of Limekilns Primary School to incorporate the existing Crombie Primary School catchment area should not proceed.
Roll Call Vote
The Committee agreed to proceed with the roll call vote in terms of Standing Order 46.
The Committee voted as follows:-
For the Motion - 14 votes -
Councillors Alex Rowley, Tim Brett, Pat Callaghan, Neil Crooks, Linda Erskine, Judy Hamilton, Lesley Laird, Kay Morrison, Bryan Poole, Andrew Rodger, Joe Rosiejak, David Ross, Alastair Crockett and George Haggarty.
For the Amendment - 6 votes -
Councillors Ann Bain, Brian Goodall, Peter Grant, Neale Hanvey, George Kay and Karen Marjoram.
The Motion was carried.
The Committee agreed:-
(1)not to proceed with the current proposal to close Crombie Primary School and rezone the catchment area of Cairneyhill Primary School;
(2)that a new consultation be carried out on the closure of Crombie Primary School and the rezoning of the catchment area of Limekilns Primary School, to incorporate the existing Crombie Primary School catchment area with effect from October, 2014; and
(3)to approve the content of the statutory consultation papers for the proposed closure of Crombie Primary School and the rezoning of the catchment area of Limekilns Primary School, to incorporate the existing Crombie Primary School catchment area with effect from October, 2014.