St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, McKinney, Texas Service Schedule - March-April, 2011

This schedule is also on our online calendar:

3rd Week of Great Lent

Monday 3/21

7:30PM Vespers for the Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste

Wednesday 3/23

6:00PM Lenten Hours

7:00PM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

Friday 3/25

7PM Small Compline with the Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos

8PM Pannykhida

Saturday 3/26.Commemoration of the Departed. Wine and Oil allowed.

4PM Confession

5PM Vigil with the Veneration of the Precious Cross

Sunday 3/27Wine and Oil allowed

10AM Divine Liturgy

12:45PM Church School

6PM at Sts. Constantine and Helen in Dallas. Pan-Orthodox Vespers

4th Week of Great Lent

Monday 3/28

7:30PM Great Compline or Moleben

Wednesday 3/30

6:00PM Lenten Hours

7:00PM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

Friday 4/1

7PM Small Compline with the Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos

8PM Pannykhida

Saturday 4/2.Commemoration of the Departed.Wine and Oil allowed

4PM Confession

5PM Vigil

Sunday 4/3Wine and Oil allowed

10AM Divine Liturgy

12:45PM Church School

6PM at St. John the Baptist in Euless. Pan-Orthodox Vespers

5th Week of Great Lent

Monday 4/4

7:30PM Matins with the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

Wednesday 4/6

7:00PM Vigil for Annunciation

Thursday 4/7.Feast of the Annunciation Fish, Wine and Oil allowed

9:00AM Vesperal Divine Liturgy

Friday 4/8

7PM Matins with the complete Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos

Saturday 4/9.

4PM Confession

5PM Vigil

Sunday 4/10

10AM Divine Liturgy

12:45PM Church School

6PM at St. Seraphim's in Dallas. Pan-Orthodox Vespers

6th Week of Great Lent

Monday 4/11

7:30PM Great Compline or Moleben

Wednesday 4/13

6:00PM Lenten Hours

7:00PM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

Friday 4/15

7PM Vespers and Matins for Lazarus Saturday

Saturday 4/16.Lazarus Saturday Wine, Oil and Caviar allowed

9AM Divine Liturgy

11AM General Church Clean-up

3:30PM Parish Council Meeting

4PM Confession

5PM Vigil

Sunday 4/17PALM SUNDAY Fish, Wine and Oil allowed

10AM Divine Liturgy followed by Procession with Palms

12:45PM Church School

6PM 1st Bridegroom Matins

The Holy Week of our Lord's Passion

Monday 4/18 HOLY MONDAY

7:30PM 2nd Bridegroom Matins

Tuesday 4/19HOLY TUESDAY

7:30PM 3rd Bridegroom Matins

Wednesday 4/20HOLY WEDNESDAY

8AM Lenten Hours

9AM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

7:00PM Matins for Holy Thursday

Thursday 4/22Great and Holy Thursday. Wine and Oil allowed

8:20AM Hours

9AM Vesperal Divine Liturgy for the Institution of the Eucharist.

7PM The Service of our Lord's Passion

Friday 4/21Great and Holy Friday.

Those who have the strength should fast until after Vespers on this day.

10AM Royal Hours of the Lord's Passion

3PM Vespers -- Taking down of the Lord from the Cross

6PM Matins -- Burial Service w/ Lamentations

Saturday 4/22. Great and Holy Saturday. Wine (no oil) allowed

10:20 Hours

11AM Vesperal Divine Liturgy -- First Proclamation of the Resurrection

10PM Reading of the Acts of the Apostles

11:15PM Nocturns

Sunday 4/23.PASCHA.

12AMMatins of the Resurrection.

~1:30AM Divine Liturgy

~3AM Blessing and sharing of baskets

3PM Agape Vespers Service

4PM Festal Trapeza (Luncheon)

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