Key Professional Advocacy Initiatives
The Professional Advocacy initiative addresses five key areas. Each key area includes products or activities that will assist the nure:
Nurse Health & Safety – Activities and resources include information on issues addressing the health and safety of nures in the workplace such as latex allergies and workplace violence. In addition, stress management and workplace violence information seem is a key resource for nurses facing insurmountable challenges in their careers.
Clinical Nursing Practice –Areas includeing certification for staff nurses, standards of practice, continued education programs and clinical conferences. Clinical practice resources provide much needed support for the nurse striving to perfect a clinical practice environment of excellence. In addition, resources for nures who are facing workplace challenges of staffing and other conflicts are available to assist the nurse in creating win-win outcomes.. Each work environment demands different skill sets and this initiative focuses on such support programs.
§ Advanced Nursing in Arizona
Legal Issues – There are many interrelated legal issues that can potentially affect a nurse’s career and profession. The Nurse Practice Act, for one, is a critical guide to ensure the nurse’s practice is accountable to quality patient care. The nurses should also be familiar with policies in the work environment or the nurse’s employment setting. AzNA disseminates information about the rules, regulations and laws which afffect nursing practice.
Being an Employee- Most nurses are challenged today to work with their employer to achieve favorable financial and clinical quality outcomes. This is difficult when there is conflict and few mechanisms to address conflict with in the organization. If proper chain of command practices are not in place, nurses are left to struggle alone or seek outside advice on practice issues. Both staff and management are challenged to work together. How does one develop management skills or learn to interview with a panel of interviewers? How does one negotiate or mediate? How does an employee learn and practice their rights? Answers to these questions can provide professional advocacy support to many nurses.
§ Problem Solving Within Your Institution
Professional Growth – AzNA has had remarkable success in assisting nurses to explore career options as well as evaluate their own practice and priorities. Preceptorship, mentorship and leadership programs also can be resources for professional growth.
§ Your Portfolio: The Basis for a Resume or Curriculum Vitae
§ Developing Your Nursing Career, A Working Guide
§ Nurses Professional Portfolio
All five categories of the Professional Advocacy Initiative include areas that address nurses’ current needs. They may also stimulate the passion of some nurses to take action to improve their current career status. There are also myriad of nurse experts who can provide information, education, and written resources to support nurses.