
1.  Egypt's real GDP expanded at an annual average rate of 4.5% over the 2005/06-2016/17 period, although growth began to decelerate in 2011 in the aftermath of political turmoil. Annual average GDP growth slowed down to 3.2% over the 2010/11-2015/16 period, but has accelerated in recent years on the basis of an expansionary fiscal policy that led to strong consumption and investment expenditure, and an economic reform programme aimed at fostering growth. GDP per capita increased from US$1,514 in 2005/06 to US$3,462 in 2015/16, although it is estimated to have declined to US$2,508 in 2016/17 due to the depreciation of the Egyptian pound. Despite the recent acceleration of growth, Egypt's unemployment rate remains at around 12%, with rates higher among young persons and women. Furthermore, despite an increase in per capita income, the share of the population living under the poverty line has increased in the last few years and poverty alleviation continues to be one of Egypt's major challenges. 2005-2017年间,埃及实际GDP的年均增长率为4.5%,尽管2011年后,由于政治动荡其增长开始减速。2010-2016年间,埃及GDP的年均增速降低到了3.2%,但近年来,由于扩张性财政政策导致的强劲消费和投资支出,以及旨在促进增长的经济改革方案,埃及的GDP增速又出现了加速。人均GDP从2005-2006年度的1514美元增加到了2015-2016年度的3462美元。但是,由于埃及镑的贬值,该数据在2016-2017年度估计又下降到2508美元。尽管近期增长实现了加速,但埃及的失业率仍维持在12%左右的水平,而年轻人和妇女的失业率相对较高。此外,尽管人均收入增加了,但过去几年生活在贫困线以下的人口比重也增加了。因此,扶贫仍是埃及面临的重大挑战之一。

2.  Egypt's economy is diversified. The services sector constitutes the mainstay of the economy in terms of GDP share (55.3% in 2015/16), employment, and exports. The share of agriculture in GDP has been declining over the last few decades and reached 11.9% in 2015/16 (14.5% in 2010/11), although the sector is still important for employment and merchandise export earnings; while the contribution of manufacturing to GDP was 17.1% in 2015/16 (16.5% in 2010/11). 埃及经济呈现出多元化特征。从GDP占比(2015-2016年度为55.3%)、吸纳就业和出口创收情况来看,服务业是该国经济的支柱。过去几十年,农业在埃及GDP中的比重一直在下降,2015-2016年度降低到了11.9%(2010-2011年度为14.5%)。但是,农业对就业和商品出口创收仍很重要。另一方面,制造业对GDP的贡献在2015-2016年度上升到了17.1%(2010-2011年度为16.5%)。

3.  In 2014, the Government began to implement a reform programme aimed at stimulating economic growth and improving the business environment. The first wave of reforms focused on rebalancing the macroeconomic situation, and included various fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policy measures: introduction of the value-added tax (VAT) at a rate of 13% in September 2016 (increased to 14% as from July 2017); a shift in the exchange rate regime from a peg to the US dollar to a full float of the Egyptian pound in November 2016; broadening of the tax base; reduction of energy subsidies; and containment of public sector salary increases. A second wave of reforms is currently under way to improve governance and the investment climate. Egypt's economic programme has been supported by the IMF: a three-year US$12 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) loan was granted in November 2016, with the aim of helping restore macroeconomic stability, correcting external and fiscal imbalances and restoring competitiveness. 2014年,埃及政府开始实施旨在刺激经济增长和改善商业环境的改革方案。其中,第一波改革以重新稳定宏观经济形势为重点,并涉及各种财政、货币和汇率政策措施:2016年9月,引入了增值税并将税率定为13%(2017年7月提高到了14%);2016年11月,进行了汇率体制改革,将埃及镑与美元挂钩的汇率政策改成了完全浮动的汇率政策;扩大了税基;减少了能源补贴;遏制了公共部门的薪资增长等。第二波改革以改善治理和投资环境为目标,目前仍在进行之中。埃及的经济方案得到了国际货币基金组织的支持:2016年11月,国际货币基金组织向埃及提供了120亿美元的3年期中期贷款(EFF),以帮助埃及恢复宏观经济稳定,纠正外部和财政失衡问题并重新获得竞争力。

4.  Egypt's fiscal deficit has exceeded 10% of GDP since FY2010/11 as a result of the implementation of an expansionary fiscal policy. The deficit reached 12.5% of GDP in 2015/16, which prompted the authorities to introduce, starting in FY2016/17, a three-year fiscal consolidation plan aimed at lowering the budget deficit to between 8% and 8.5% of GDP by 2018/19. As a result of various fiscal consolidation efforts, including streamlining expenditure by reducing subsidies and containing the public wage bill, and increasing revenue by replacing the 10% general sales tax with the VAT, the deficit declined to 10.8% of GDP in 2016/17. 2010-2011财政年度,由于扩张性财政政策的实施,埃及的财政赤字占GDP的比重超过了10%。2015-2016年度,埃及的财政赤字达到了GDP的12.5%,导致当局从2016-2017财年开始引入为期3年的财政整顿计划,以降低预算赤字,并使其GDP的占比在2018-2019财年下降到8%至8.5%这一区间。由于实施了各种财政整顿措施,其中包括减少补贴和遏制公共部门薪资增长等精简支出措施和用增值税替代10%一般销售税的增收措施,埃及财政赤字的GDP占比在2016-2017财年下降到了10.8%。

5.  The presence of the State in the economy remains strong. The productive structure of the Egyptian economy is skewed towards large public-sector enterprises, which may result, on occasions, in a sub-optimal allocation of resources. In this respect, Egypt could benefit from adopting a more market-oriented approach to economic policy implementation. This has been recognized by the authorities and a more participatory role of the private sector in the economy is one of the objectives of Egypt's Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) "Egypt Vision 2030", a comprehensive development plan introduced in March 2015 that seeks to foster GDP growth and employment and gradually reduce the budget deficit. 国家在埃及经济中仍很强大。埃及经济的生产结构仍以大型公共部门企业为主,这种偏向有时会导致资源的次优配置。在这方面,埃及可采用更加市场化的经济政策实施方式并从中受益——这点已经得到了当局的认同。因此,私营部门经济参与角色的加强成了埃及可持续发展战略即“埃及愿景(2030)”的目标之一。“埃及愿景(2030)”是2015年3月启动的一个全面发展规划,旨在促进GDP增长和就业,并逐步降低预算赤字。

6.  Remittances from Egyptians overseas (US$17.1billion in 2015/16), as well as travel and tourism and Suez Canal revenues, continue to be of primary importance for the Egyptian economy. The introduction of a flexible exchange rate has led to an increase in capital and financial inflows, particularly foreign direct investment, which have partly countered the decline in transfers and the growing merchandise trade deficit. Nonetheless, the current account deficit widened to 5.9% of GDP in 2015/16 from 3.6% the year before, reflecting a fall in exports and strong import demand, a weakening of services exports, notably in tourism, limited growth in Suez Canal receipts due to weak global trade, and a drop in remittances. Although it declined in US dollar terms, the current account deficit increased as a share of GDP to 6.7% in 2016/17 due to the depreciation of the Egyptian pound. 海外埃及人的汇款(2015-2016年度为171亿美元)及旅行、旅游和苏伊士运河的收入仍对埃及经济非常重要。灵活汇率的实施导致了资本和资金流入的增加,特别是外商直接投资的增加,从而在一定程度上缓解了汇款减少和商品贸易赤字增加的问题。尽管如此,2015-2016年度经常账户赤字的GDP占比仍比上一年度提高了,从3.6%扩大到了5.9%,反映了出口的减少和进口需求的强劲、服务出口特别是旅游业出口的疲软、因全球贸易疲弱导致的苏伊士运河收入增长的有限和境外汇款的减少等。尽管以美元计算的绝对值降低了,但由于埃及镑的贬值,2016-2017年度经常账户赤字的GDP占比仍增加到了6.7%。

7.  Egypt's export base has become more diversified during the review period: the share of exports of fuel products declined from 43% of total exports in 2005 to 14.3% in 2016. Despite this, fuel remains Egypt's single most important export product, followed by vegetables, which represented 12.5% of total merchandise exports in 2016 (8.7% in 2011), precious stones and metals (11.8%), chemicals (11.3%), and textiles (11.2%). Egypt's merchandise exports declined in US dollar terms between 2011 and 2016, to US$22.5 billion. In 2016, the European Union was Egypt's main export destination, followed by the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Merchandise imports (c.i.f.) amounted to US$58.1 billion in 2016. Machinery and electrical equipment is the single most important import group, accounting for 16.1% of total merchandise imports in 2016, followed by mineral fuels (14.2%) and base metals (11.4%). In 2016, 32.4% of Egypt's merchandise imports came from the European Union; China and other Asian countries were the source of 27.3% of Egyptian imports. 审议期间,埃及出口产品的多样性得到了加强:燃料产品占出口总额的比重从2005年的43%下降到了2016年的14.3%。尽管如此,燃料仍是埃及最重要的单一出口产品,其次分别为蔬菜(2016年占商品出口总额的12.5%,而2011年为8.7%)、贵宝石和贵金属(11.8%)、化学品(11.3%)和纺织品(11.2%)。2011-2016年间,埃及的商品出口如以美元计算的话出现了下降,跌到了225亿美元的水平。2016年,欧盟为埃及的主要出口目的地,其后依次为阿拉伯联合酋长国、沙特阿拉伯和土耳其。2016年,埃及的商品进口总额(以到岸价格计)为581亿美元。其中,机械和电气设备为最重要进口组合,占同年商品进口总额的16.1%,其后依次为矿物燃料(14.2%)和基本金属(11.4%)。2016年,32.4%的埃及进口商品来自欧盟,27.3%来自中国及其它亚洲国家。

8.  Egypt's Constitution was amended several times during the review period. The current Constitution, which was approved in January 2014, provides for the separation of powers between the executive, the legislature and the judiciary, and reformed the legislative branch by making it unicameral. The next presidential election is scheduled for May 2018. 审议期间,埃及的宪法进行了若干次修订。当前宪法于2014年1月通过,确立了行政、立法和司法三权分立的原则,并对立法机构进行了一院制改革。下次总统选举定于2018年5月进行。

9.  Egypt's trade policy objectives are set out in the Industrial Development Strategy (IDS) for 2016-2020, in accordance with Egypt's SDS "Egypt Vision 2030". The aim is to help Egypt become a leading industrial economy in the Middle East and North Africa region and a main export hub for medium-technology manufactured products by 2025. The IDS covers the following areas: industrial development for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs); export promotion and import rationalization; innovation promotion; energy conservation; the development of technical and vocational education; and improvement of the business climate. The main goals are to accelerate industrial growth, increase the contribution of MSMEs to GDP, spur export growth and create productive jobs. 埃及的贸易政策目标在《工业发展战略(2016-2020)》中进行了规定,体现了埃及的可持续发展战略即“埃及愿景(2030)”的精神,其目标是助力埃及到2025年成为中东和北非地区的主要工业经济体和中等技术制造业产品的主要出口中心。埃及的《工业发展战略》涉及以下内容:中小微型工业企业的发展;出口促进和进口合理化;创新推动;能源节约;职业技术教育的发展;商业环境的改善等。这些政策的主要目标,是加速工业增长、增加中小微型企业对GDP的贡献、刺激出口增长并创造生产性就业岗位。

10.  Egypt participates actively in the multilateral trading system, both in the regular work of the WTO and in the Doha Development Agenda negotiations. It grants at least MFN treatment to all WTO Members. Egypt is a party to the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft, and to the Information Technology Agreement (ITA), but not to the Agreement on Government Procurement GPA). In June 2017, Egypt ratified domestically the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), but has still to submit to the WTO its instrument of acceptance of the Agreement. Egypt notified its category "A" commitments, in January 2015, and the authorities are currently working on category "B" and "C" commitments. Egypt submitted numerous notifications to the WTO during the period under review. Some lagging notifications, for instance with respect to agriculture, were submitted to the WTO during the review process. Under the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism, Egypt has been involved in four trade disputes as a respondent and seven as a third party during the review period. This is the fourth Trade Policy Review of Egypt; its previous one was in 2005. 埃及积极参与了多边贸易体系:它不仅积极参加了世界贸易组织的日常工作,而且积极参加了多哈发展议程的谈判。目前,埃及赋予了世界贸易组织所有成员国至少以最惠国待遇。埃及是《民用航空器贸易协定》和《信息技术协定》的缔约国,但不是《政府采购协定》的缔约国。2017年6月,埃及国内通过了《贸易便利化协定》,但尚未向世界贸易组织递交其协定认可文书。2015年1月,埃及已就A类承诺向世界贸易组织进行了通报。目前,当局正就B类和C类承诺开展工作。当前审议期间,埃及向世界贸易组织提交了众多通报。一些滞后通报(如农业相关通报)是在审议过程中提交的。在世界贸易组织纠纷解决机制下且在当前审议期间,埃及作为应诉方卷入了4场贸易争端,同时作为第三方涉及了7场贸易争端。本次为埃及第四次贸易政策审议,上次审议是2005年进行的。

11.  Egypt participates in several preferential trade agreements, which play an increasingly important role in its trade policy. In addition to preferential agreements with the European Union, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Turkey and MERCOSUR, Egypt is party to the Pan Arab Free Trade Agreement (PAFTA), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), and the Agadir Agreement. Egypt benefits from the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) schemes of several countries. On the other hand, Egypt offers improved market access to least developed countries (LDCs). Egypt also participates in the Framework Agreement on the Trade Preferences System of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (TPS-OIC), which is still to enter into force. 埃及加入了若干特惠贸易协定,这些协定在其贸易政策中扮演着越来越重要的角色。除与欧盟、欧洲自由贸易联盟、土耳其和南方共同市场之间的特惠贸易协定外,埃及还是《泛阿拉伯自由贸易协定》、东部和南部非洲共同市场和《阿加迪尔协定》的缔约方。埃及从若干国家的普惠制计划中受益颇多。另一方面,埃及也向最不发达国家提供了改善后的市场准入条件。此外,埃及还加入了尚未生效的《伊斯兰合作组织贸易优惠制度框架协定》。

12.  There have been important changes to Egypt's investment regime since its last Trade Policy Review in 2005. In May 2017, the new Investment Law No. 72/2017 entered into force. Investment incentives under the new law include deductions on taxable profits and preferential import duty rates. Exemptions from stamp duty, and notarization and registration fees are provided for up to five years from registration in the Commercial Register. In October 2017, the regulations to implement the law were approved and published in the National Gazette. The new law and regulations aim at updating Egypt's investment regime and incentives schemes to attract more investment. Egypt's foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows averaged some US$6 billion per year during 2013-16, below the US$9 billion annual average in 2005-07. The European Union is the main foreign investor in Egypt, followed by the United States and some Arab countries. 自2005年上次贸易政策审议以来,埃及的投资体制发生了重大变化。2017年5月,新的投资法即第72/2017号法律开始生效。这部新法下的投资激励措施包括应税利润的扣减和进口税率的优惠等。此外,这部新法还规定了自商业注册后长达5年内的时间内免交印花税及公证和登记费的措施。2017年10月,这部法律的实施条例获得通过并在《国家公报》上进行了发布。新的法律和实施条例旨在创新埃及的投资体制和激励机制,以吸引更多投资。2013-2016年间,埃及的外商直接投资年均为60亿美元,低于2005-2007年间年均90亿美元的水平。欧盟是埃及的主要外国投资者,其后依次为美国和一些阿拉伯国家。

13.  During the period under review, Egypt continued its reform process, with a view to making its customs administration more efficient and transparent, by reducing the number of documents required for import and export processes and allowing their presentation electronically. Egypt's customs regime is still based on the Customs Law of 1963 as amended, although a new Draft Customs Law is currently being examined to incorporate, among others, the amendments needed to implement the TFA and the Kyoto Convention. However, some changes have already been introduced to facilitate trade. These changes include activating the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) system, introducing x-ray devices in most customs posts to facilitate customs control and reduce release times, and implementing an e-freight import and export system for air freight. A Ministerial Steering Council for Egyptian Trade Facilitation (EgyTrade) has been established, aiming at the creation of an Egyptian National Single Window (ENSW) system. 当前审议期间,埃及继续推进了其改革进程,缩减了进出口所需文件数并允许其以电子方式提交,以提高海关管理的效率和透明度。目前,埃及的海关制度仍以1963年的海关法及其修正案为依据,尽管埃及目前正审查其新立海关法草案,以便纳入实施TFA和《京都公约》所需的修正案。但是,埃及目前已实施一些旨在推动贸易便利化的变革,如启动了经认证经营者制度、在大多数海关启用了X光设备,以便利海关管制和缩短放行时间、实施了航空货物电子进出口制度等。此外,埃及还成立了一个贸易便利化部级指导委员会,以创建自己的国家单一窗口体系。

14.  Egypt's simple average applied MFN tariff rate was 19.1% in 2017, slightly down from 20% in 2005, but higher than 16.5% in 2012. Some two thirds of all tariff lines face rates of 10% or lower. The 51.6% average tariff in agriculture reflects tariff peaks for alcohol and tobacco, which can be as high as 3,000%. Egypt has bound 99.3% of its tariff lines; the general simple average bound tariff is 37.2%. In 2017, some 46 lines exceeded their bindings. Despite recent reforms, Egypt's tariff system remains somewhat complex, with a number of exemptions, reductions, and concessions. All tariff rates are ad valorem, with the exception of 21 lines. In addition to tariffs, imports are now subject to a value-added tax of 14% which also applies to domestically produced goods; exported goods are exempted and services are zero-rated. Egypt also applies excise taxes on some products in addition to the general VAT rate. 2017年,埃及适用的简单平均最惠国税率为19.1%,比2005年的20%略低,但比2012年的16.5%要高。约三分之二的税目适用10%或以下的税率。农业领域51.6%的平均税率反映了适用于烟酒产品的、高达3000%的关税高峰。埃及约束了99.3%的税目,其简单平均约束性税率总体处于37.2%的水平。2017年,约46个税目超过了约束性税率水平。尽管实施了近期改革,埃及的关税体系仍稍显复杂,有许多豁免、扣除和减让规定。所有税目都适用从价税,但21个税目除外。除关税外,进口产品如今还适用14%的增值税——该税率同样适用于国内生产的商品,而出口产品则免收增值税,出口服务则适用零税率。除一般增值税外,埃及还对某些产品征收消费税。

15.  Import prohibitions and restrictions are maintained for economic, environmental, health, religious, safety, sanitary, and phytosanitary reasons. They are applied equally to all trading partners. Import prohibitions apply to chicken offal and limbs, fowl livers, goods bearing marks considered sensitive to religious beliefs, and various hazardous chemicals and pesticides, among others. There are also restrictions on the importation of used products, which must meet certain conditions. A number of products are subject to quality control inspections when imported. Additionally, the importation of a relatively large number of items is subject to "special conditions" and requires a licence, including passenger cars; shoes; apparel; home textiles; carpets; car parts; household appliances; eyeglasses and watches; petroleum products; milk and milk products; oils and fats; pasta; and soaps. The importation of certain products is subject to specific administrative formalities and requires government approval; such is the case for wheat grains, corn used for the feed industry, and soya bean seeds for oil extraction. Egypt has not submitted any notifications to the WTO with respect to its import licensing regime. 出于经济、环境、健康、宗教、安全、卫生和植物检疫等原因,埃及实施了进口禁令和限制。这些禁令和限制平等适用于所有贸易合作伙伴。其中,进口禁令适用于鸡杂碎和鸡腿鸡脚、家禽肝脏、携带宗教敏感标志的产品、各种危险化学品和杀虫剂等产品。二手产品的进口也有限制,这类产品的进口必须满足某些条件才能进行。许多产品进口时适用质量控制检查。此外,相对较多的产品在进口时适用“特殊条件”,因而需要政府许可。这些产品包括乘用车、鞋子、服装、家用纺织品、毛毯、汽车零部件、家用电器、眼镜和手表、石油产品、奶和奶制品、油脂、面团和肥皂等。某些产品的进口还适用具体管理程序,因而需要政府批准。小麦粒、用于饲料行业的玉米、用于榨油的大豆就属于这类产品。目前,埃及尚未就其进口许可机制向世界贸易组织提交任何通报。

16.  Egypt is a relatively active user of trade remedy measures: between January 2005 and 30June2017, it initiated 31 anti-dumping investigations, 16 of which resulted in the imposition of definitive anti-dumping duties. Three anti-dumping measures were extended. During the same period, Egypt initiated 14 safeguard investigations, imposed provisional measures in all and final safeguard measures on three products: blankets, steel rebar, and cotton and mixed yarns. Although few final measures were adopted, the application of provisional measures could have acted as a deterrent to trade. There are currently no countervailing measures in place. 埃及是贸易救济措施相对积极的使用者:2005年1月至2017年6月30日期间,埃及共发起了31项反倾销调查,其中16起以征收最终反倾销税告终。而且,三项反倾销措施进行了延期。同期,埃及还发起了14项保障调查,对毛毯、钢筋、棉花及其混合纱线等三样产品实施了全部和最终保障措施的临时措施。尽管通过的最终措施很少,但临时措施的适用可起到遏止贸易的作用。目前,埃及没有正在实施的反补贴措施。

17.  Egypt imposes export taxes on a number of products, including sugar, waste plastic, some fertilizers, fish, sand, some skins, marble, and raw granite, among others. Egypt introduced an export tax of LE 3,000 per ton of sugar for an unlimited duration effective end-March 2017. According to the authorities, the rationale for applying export taxes is, in all cases, to ensure a sufficient domestic supply of those products. Exports of rice of any kind have been banned since August 2016; this measure has unlimited validity and was imposed due to the lack of water resources. In addition, Egypt bans the exportation of raw or tanned hides, skins or leather in its wet state. Exports can be prohibited or restricted in order to meet local demand or for environmental purposes. 埃及对包括食糖、废塑料、某些化肥、鱼、沙、某些皮革、大理石和原花岗石等在内的一些产品征收了出口税。自2017年3月末起,埃及开始对食糖无限期征收出口税,其税率高达每吨3000埃及镑。据当局表示,所有出口税的征收依据都是为了确保这些产品的国内供应。至2016年8月起,埃及还禁止了任何大米的出口。这一措施具有无限期效力,其适用依据是埃及水资源的匮乏。此外,埃及还禁止了生皮和鞣制皮、湿皮毛或湿皮革的出口。为满足国内需求或保护环境,政府可随时禁止或限制出口。

18.  New regulations for the establishment of free zones are contained in Law No. 72/2017. The incentives offered in free zones are meant primarily to attract investment, to provide employment for Egyptians, and to encourage exports. There are two types of free zones: public and private. Public free zones are established for several projects, whereas private free zones are confined to one specific project or company, and must meet certain conditions, inter alia with respect to minimum capital (US$10 million) and exports (they must amount to no less than 80% of the production value). Enterprises in free zones benefit from complete exemption from import tariffs, income taxes and the VAT. They are charged, however, a fee of 1% or 2% in lieu of taxes. Free-zone investors may sell all or part of their products on the Egyptian market after payment of the relevant customs duties. There are currently nine public free zones in operation. Egypt also has one Special Economic Zone, which benefits from special and simplified customs procedures, tariff-free imports of inputs and equipment, and lower taxes. 第72/2017号法律就自由区的设立作出了新规。自由区提供的激励措施主要是为了吸引投资、为埃及人民提供就业机会并鼓励出口。埃及有两类自由区,即公共自由区和私人自由区。其中,公共自由区是为多个项目设立的,而私人自由区则仅限于单一特定项目或公司,且必须满足最低资本限制(1000万美元)和出口(出口额不得低于总产值的80%)等方面的要求。自由区内的企业可完全免缴进口关税、收入税和增值税。但是,作为替代,它们要缴纳1%或2%的费用。只有缴纳相关海关关税后,自由区投资者才可将其产品全部或部分在埃及市场上出售。目前,埃及共有9个公共自由区。此外,埃及还有一个经济特区。该特区享受特殊简化海关程序,其进口的投料和设备免缴关税,同时适用较低税率。