Mr J Dorey (Chairman), Mr J Horne (Vice Chairman)
Mr G Hughes, Mrs S Hunt, Mr T O’Hagan & Mrs A Reith
Cty Cllr S Butikofer
Sally Gill (Clerk)
3660. Apologies for Absence
Mr Glenister and Dst Cllr Knowles sent apologies.
3661. Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items
There were none on this occasion.
3662. Minutes of Meeting Held on 6th July 2017
Mrs Hunt proposed acceptance of the minutes of the meeting of Upper Sheringham Parish Council held on 15th June 2017, seconded by Mr Hughes. It was agreed. The minutes were signed by the Chairman.
3663. Public Participation
There were no members of the public present.
3664. Police
a) Crime Updates
The June Police Newsletter had previously been circulated. Crime figures are still to be input to the Police website for May, June and July.
3665. Finance
a) Bank Balances. At the close of business on 2nd August 2017, the Parish
Council had £1,609.59 in the Community Account and £7,670.39 in the Business
Saver Account.
3666. District Council Matters
a) District Councillor Report
There was no report on this occasion.
b) Local Green Space Designations
District Council as part of the preparation of a new Local Plan are asking Parish
Councils if there are any areas in the Parish to be considered for designation as a
Local Green Space(LGS). LGS is a way to provide protection against development
for green areas of importance to local communities. Mr Horne proposed nominating
the land behind the Village Hall, seconded by Mr O’Hagan. It was agreed.
3667. County Council Matters
a) County Councillor Report
Cty Cllr Butikofer gave a report as follows:
Cty Cllr Butikofer has been appointed to the Communities Committee and to the
Norfolk Police and Crime Panel.
There needs to be budget cuts at NCC to deal with a shortfall, this is giving cause
for concern, the next budget meeting being in September.
Cty Cllr Butikofer is supportive of any improvements to the A148/Holway Road
junction, a letter will be sent out soon to all Parishes along the A148 regarding
issues along that stretch of road.
The Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner is looking into taking the Fire Service
under his brief, which is giving NCC cause for concern. The Fire Service are soon
be called out on medical grounds, with Holt currently piloting this service.
Cty Cllr Butikofer currently receives circa five NCC updates per week, it was agreed
She will forward to the Clerk who will pass to members for their information.
Cty Cllrs have been allocated £6,000 each for Highways works so any bid for a
project needs to be made as soon as possible.
Mr Horne asked if anything could be done about the state of the gulleys along
Lodge Hill, Cty Cllr Butikofer will report this to Highways.
3668. Highways and Transportation
a) A148/Holway Road Junction
We have been contacted by Judy Oliver, Cty Cllr for Sheringham regarding a possible roundabout at this junction. Cty Cllr Oliver would like to attend one of our meetings to discuss this matter, it was agreed to invite her along to a meeting.
b) Delivering Highway Improvements in Partnership
Mr Dorey is to meet with Steve White to discuss the viability of a SAM2 speed awareness sign for the Village, we will now include Holway Road as a possibility for the sign as well as other roads identified. Westcotec have provided costs, they would be £3281 of which we would fund half. When the meeting has taken place with Steve White a decision can be made on whether to put in a bid for this scheme.
c) Any Other Highway Matters
Butts Lane has been included in the maintenance programme.
A reply is awaited from Sarah Price at NCC regarding Warbys Loke footpath.
The National Trust have included cutting back of vegetation on Lodge Hill in their maintenance programme for this Autumn.
Regarding the correct naming of Church Lane and Weybourne Road for sat nav purposes this is not a County Council matter but should be referred to either District Council or the post office.
The contractors have still not made good Blowlands Lane, the Clerk will contact Kevin Clarke at Broadland Housing to chase up this matter.
3669. Planning
a) Planning Application – PF/17/0492. Receipt was noted of application for
the erection of a single storey dwelling to provide a site for Caretaker’s
accommodation at Hilltop, Beeston Regis. Mr Horne proposed the Parish Council
supports this application, seconded by Mrs Reith. It was agreed.
b) Planning Decision – PF/17/0830. Receipt was noted of decision on planning
application for erection of single storey glazed link and two storey brick/timber
extension, external alterations to existing dwelling, demolition of conservatory,
porch, detached brick garage, timer workshop, timber summerhouse and shed at 25
Church Lane, which has been permitted.
c) Planning Decision – PF/17/1107. Receipt was noted of decision on planning
application for the provision of 8 static caravan pitches at Woodlands Caravan Park,
which has been permitted.
d) Planning Application PF/17/0748. Receipt was noted of decision on
planning application for erection of building to provide wood chip store, alterations
to the entrance and boundary fence, relocation of the main entrance gate,
improvements to access surfacing and improvement of hardstanding around the
proposed building at land at Bodham Covert Plantation, Sheringham Park, which
has been permitted.
3670. Parish Matters
a) Norfolk Coast Partnership – Community Pond Project
The partnership hopes to run a Community Pond project and is inviting involvement
from local Parishes. There are no ponds in the Village, with the only ponds in the
Parish being in Sheringham Park, however the National Trust have also been
contacted and can therefore participate as appropriate.
b) Parish Newsletter
There have been no volunteers to date to take on the role of Editor of the newsletter
when Janice Weeden retires at the end of the year.
c) North Norfolk Parish Forum
Angela Reith has been invited to join the executive committee and will be
attending a meeting on 6th September.
d) Standing Orders
A copy of draft standing orders had previously been circulated and Mr Hughes so
proposed adopting the standing orders, seconded by Mrs Reith. It was agreed.
3671. Any Other Business
Mr Dorey noted the debris on the road near The Reservoir has still not been cleared
by Highways, Cty Cllr Butikofer will chase this up.
The Clerk advised she has chased up TT Jones for the costs of a new street light at
the junction of Weybourne Road/ Park Road, TT Jones are still awaiting information
from the off grid team.
Dong are carrying out a consultation on the proposed Hornsea wind farm, this will
be an agenda item for September.
3672. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting is on Thursday 7th September 2017 at 6pm.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.25pm
Chairman …………………………………..…….Dated………………………………………