1. Please pray for each member of the Board of General Superintendents and General Board as they travel and gather for meetingsin Kansas City during the next 10 days:
Dr. Jerry Porter, Dr. Jesse Middendorf, Dr. J. K. Warrick,
Dr. Eugenio Duarte, Dr. David Graves, Dr. Stan Toler
- For our neighbors and friends to become hungry and thirsty to know Jesus Christ.
- For an awakening across the globe: the wind of the Spirit is beginning to blow.
- For a spirit of renewal, revival, and restoration of a passion for God in the church.
- For pastors on districts who have valiantly identified locations for possible new works.
- That the Holy Spirit will teach us how to multiply new works around the world.
- That the Lord will send a revival throughout many countries where we are currently ministering in our preparation for a movement of God in those regions.
- For our leaders and people in many locations where they face serious threats. Due to security, we cannot discuss details, but prayer crosses every boundary.
- For open doors and redemptive efforts that are bearing fruit in spite of pressure.
- That we will repent for allowing complacency, apathy, or indifference to replace passionate, missional obedience.
- For God’s direction for pastors and DSs who need another assignment.
- That God will continually guide leaders in our colleges and universities.
- That our people will be faithful in giving for the mission of the church, especially for global enthusiastic participation in World Evangelism Fund giving.
- That all of our churches will experience a dynamic Easter season in God’s mission.
2. Trust God to pour the Holy Spirit into the Church by:
a. Restoring churches as houses of prayer for all nations (Is. 56:7; Mt. 21:13)
b. Refreshingauthentic commitment to the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20)
c. Renewing practical fulfilment of the Great Commandment (Mt. 22:37-40)
d. Reviving spiritual vitality through fullness with the Holy Spirit
e. Rekindling obedience in the Word and relevance in addressing human need
3. Seek God’s glory:
a. That people in all nations will experience Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
b. That we will reach unreached people in more nations with the gospel
c. That Christ’s peace and love will embrace each nation and culture
d. That kings and governments will submit to the Lordship of Christ
e. That He will bless people groups that seek Him with all their heart
4. Ask and trust God to intervene in global challenges such as:
a. Increasing number of people economically challenged and marginalized
b. Response to health pandemics and natural disasters
c. Corruption in multiple segments of society
d. Persecuted churches in multiple nations
e. Wars, bloodshed, and ethnic violence
f. Millions of refugees and immigrants
5. Intercede for next generations of developing leaders globally:
a. That they will enjoy deeper intimacy with the Lord and obedience to Him
b. That they will become fully-devoted disciples and will live in holiness
c. That they will serve the Lord wholeheartedly and follow Him wherever He leads
d. That they will be compassionate toward the poor, destitute, and desperate
e. That they will reach their peers with the gospel
6. Begin and conclude your personal or group prayer time in thanksgiving, praise, and worship. Give all the glory and honor to the Lord. He alone is worthy!
“If my people,
who are called by my name,
will humble themselves
and pray and seek my face
and turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven
and will forgive their sin
and will heal their land”
(2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV).