/ SUBJECT GUIDE FOR psychology & counselling

This guide gives you a starting point for research to help you find library resources on your subject. The resources given are not intended to be exhaustive but covers all aspect of Psychology and Counselling. They are relevant to courses in Psychology and Counselling.

  1. Overview of Subject

Reference books that are useful:

Title A dictionary of psychology / Andrew M. Colman
Imprint New York : Oxford University Press, 2009
Call No. BF31.C65 2009
Title The counseling dictionary: concise definitions of frequently used terms.
Imprint Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2006.
Call No. BF637.C6G5353 2006
Title Handbookofcounselingpsychology / edited by Steven D. Brown, Robert W. Lent.
Imprint Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Call No. BF637.C6H363 2008
Title Handbook ofcounselingand psychotherapy with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
clients / edited by Kathleen J. Bieschke, Ruperto M. Perez, Kurt A. DeBord
Imprint Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, 2007
Call No. BF637.C6H37 2007
  1. Finding books

To find books on Psychology and Counselling in our online catalogue, search by Subject or Call Number.

Subject / Call Number
Psychology / BF
General periodicals, collected works, dictionaries / BF1 - BF32
History of psychology / BF81 - BF109
General works / BF110- BF140
Mind and Body / BF150- BF171
Pathological psychology, abnormal psychology, psychoanalysis / BF173- BF175
Experimental psychology / BF180- BF198
Consciousness, cognition, perception, intuition, memory / BF311- BF499
Affection, feeling, emotion / BF511- BF593
Will, volition, choice / BF608- BF635
Applied psychology / BF636- BF637
Comparative psychology / BF660- BF685
Personality / BF698
Genetic psychology / BF699- BF711
Developmental psychology / BF712- BF724
Temperament, character / BF795- BF839
Child development / BF1101- BF1139
RC - Internal medicine
Neurosciences. biological psychiatry, neurology / RC321- RC429
Psychiatry / RC435- RC571
Personality disorders, behaviour problems including drug abuse, child abuse etc. / RC554- RC569
Developmental disabilities / RC569- RC571
RJ - Pediatrics
Genetic aspects. therapeutics, infant and neonatal morbidity / RJ1- RJ91
Child health / RJ101- RJ103
Physiology of children and adolescents / RJ125- RJ145
Child nutrition / RJ206- RJ235
Hospital care, pediatric nursing / RJ242- RJ247
Diseases of children and adolescents / RJ370- RJ550
Child psychiatry / RJ499- RJ507
  1. Finding Journals

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Printed Journals Available in UTAR Library

You can find these journals in the Main Library – Current Journal Shelves are located at the Upper Ground Floor.

Applied Linguistics - Call Number : P129.A67
Applied PsycholinguisticsCall Number : P37.A67
Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking - Call Number : HM851.C95
Journal of Applied Psychology - Call Number : BF1.J68
Journal of Counseling Psychology - Call Number : BF637.C6J68
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology - Call Number : HM251.J68
Psychologist, The - Call Number : BF1.P79
Psychology today - Call Number : BF1.P793

Online Journals Subscribed by UTAR Library

You can access these online journals at

Applied Psycholinguistics Vol.20- (1999-)

Applied Psychological Measurement Vol.23- (1999-)

AsianJournal of Counselling Vol.9-18 (2002-2011)

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Vol.1- (1998-)

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Vol.35- (2004-)

Psychology Today (1992-)

Open Access Journals

Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ

This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. There are now 4401 journals in the directory. Currently 1686 journals are searchable at article level. As of today, 321346 articles are included in the DOAJ service. You may access under library website click on Open Access Resources.

  1. Finding Electronic Resources - Databases

The UTAR Library subscribes to electronic databases which provide access to journals related to psychology and counseling. The list of journals given is not comprehensive, but should give you a sense of what's readily available. Some journals may also appear in other databases.

You can access these databases at

EBSCOhost – Business Source Premier

Annual Review of Psychology - 02/01/1950 to present

Applied Developmental Science - 03/01/1997 to present (with a 18 Month delay)

Applied Psychology: An International Review - 01/01/1996 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Basic & Applied Social Psychology - 03/01/1980 to present (with a 18 Month delay)

Behavioral Science - 01/01/1990 to present

Behaviour & Information Technology - 01/01/1996 to present (with a 18 Month delay)

British Journal of Psychology - 02/01/1975 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Cognition & Emotion - 01/01/1998 to present (with a 18 Month delay)

Community, Work & Family - 04/01/1998 to present (with a 18 Month delay)

Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice & Research - 01/01/2003 to present

Current Psychology- 03/01/1990 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

CyberPsychology & Behavior - 02/01/2000 to present

CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking - 02/01/2000 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education - 03/01/2003 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Human-Computer Interaction - 03/01/1985 to present(with a 18 Month delay)

ICFAI Journal of Consumer Behavior - 12/01/2007 to 03/01/2009

ICFAI Journal of Soft Skills - 03/01/2008 to present

Industrial Psychiatry Journal - 07/01/2010 to present

International Journal of Psychology - 03/01/1975 to present (with a 18 Month delay)

Journal of Applied Psychology - 02/01/1965 to present

Journal of Behavioral Economics - 03/01/1990 to present

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research - 01/01/1994 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Journal of Consumer Behaviour - 06/01/2001 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Journal of Consumer Psychology (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates) - 01/01/1992 to 10/01/2007

Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied - 03/01/2003 to present

Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception & Performance - 08/01/1993 to present

Journal of General Psychology - 01/01/1975 to present (with a 18 Month delay)

Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology - 01/01/1965 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology - 04/01/2003 to present

Journal of Occupational Psychology - 01/01/1965 to present

Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory & Cognition - 07/01/1993 to present

Journal of Psychology - 01/01/1975 to present

Journal of Psychology & Financial Markets - 01/01/2000 to present

Journal of Russian & East European Psychology - 01/01/2001 to present

Journal of Socio-Economics - 03/01/1990 to present

Journal of Social Psychology - 02/01/1975 to present(with a 18 Month delay)

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) - 04/01/1998 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

North American Journal of Psychology - 12/01/2000 to present

Occupational Psychology - 01/01/1965 to present

Personnel & Guidance Journal - 09/01/1974 to present

Personality & Social Psychology Review (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates) - 01/01/1997 to present

Personnel Psychology - 03/01/1965 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health - 2002-2007 (Vols. 34-39)

Political Psychology - 03/01/2003 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Psychological Inquiry - 01/01/1990 to present (with a 18 Month delay)

Psychological Record - 01/01/1990 to present

Psychological Research - 01/01/1998 to present - (with a 12 Month delay)

Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell) - 01/01/1990 to 12/01/2009

Psychological Science in the Public Interest (Wiley-Blackwell) - 05/01/2003 to 12/01/2008

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Section A - 02/01/1996 to present

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Section B - 02/01/1996 to present

Social Choice & Welfare - 01/01/1997 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Social Science Journal - 01/01/1990 to present

Social Science Quarterly (University of Texas Press) - 06/01/1976 to 12/01/2000

SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia - 04/01/1999 to present

Thinking & Reasoning - 05/01/1996 to present (with a 18 Month delay)


Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies - 1969-2004 (Vols. 1-36)

American Ethnologist - 1974-2005 (Vols. 1-32)

American Anthropologist - 1888-2005 (Vol. 1 - New Series Vol. 107)

The American Journal of International Law - 1907-2012 (Vols. 1-106)

The American Political Science Review - 1906-2009 (Vols. 1-103)

American Sociological Review - 1936-2010 (Vols. 1-75)

Annual Review of Sociology - 1975-2007 (Vols. 1-33)

Annual Review of Anthropology - 1972-2007 (Vols. 1-36)

Anthropology Today - 1985-2007 (Vols. 1-23)

Asian Folklore Studies - 1963-2007 (Vols. 22-66)

Contemporary Sociology - 1972-2010 (Vols. 1-39)

Current Anthropology - 1959-2013 (Vols. 1-54

Demography - 1964-2009 (Vols. 1-46)

Ethics - 1938-2012 (Vols. 48-123)

Ethos - 1973-2005 (Vols. 1-33

The Family Coordinator - 1968-1979 (Vols. 17-28)

Family Planning Perspectives - 1969-2001 (Vols. 1-33)

Family Relations - 1980-2007 (Vols. 29-56)

Gender and Society - 1987-2009 (Vols. 1-23)

International Family Planning Perspectives - 1979-2008 (Vols. 5-34)

Journal of Black Studies - 1970-2009 (Vols. 1-40)

Journal of Health and Social Behavior - 1967-2010 (Vols. 8-51)

The Journal of Interdisciplinary History - 1970-2007 (Vols. 1-38)

Journal of Marriage and Family - 1964-2007 (Vols. 26-69)

The Journal of Negro Education - 1932-2012 (Vols. 1-81)

Journal of Peace Research - 1964-2009 (Vols. 1-46)

The Journal of Philosophy - 1921-2007 (Vols. 18-104)

Journal of the American Academy of Religion - 1967-1999 (Vols. 35-67

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D (The Statistician) - 1962-2003 (Vols. 12-52)

Latin American Perspectives - 1974-2009 (Vols. 1-36)

Man - 1901-1994 (Vol. 1 - New Series Vol. 29)

Medical Anthropology Quarterly - 1983-2005 (Vol. 14 - New Series Vol. 19)

Mind - 1876-2005 (Vol. 1 - New Series Vol. 114)

Modern Asian Studies - 1967-2007 (Vols. 1-41)

Modern Language Notes - 1886-1961 (Vols. 1-76)

Modern Language Studies - 1971-2009 (Vols. 1-39)

Modern Philology - 1903-2012 (Vols. 1-110)

The New England Quarterly - 1928-2009 (Vols. 1-82)

The North American Review - 1821-2009 (Vols. 13-294)

Numen - 1954-2007 (Vols. 1-54)

Pacific Affairs - 1928-2008 (Vols. 1-81)

Pacific Coast Philology - 1966-2009 (Vols. 1-44)

Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health - 2002-2007 (Vols. 34-39)

RAIN - 1974-1984 (Nos. 1-65)

Signs - 1975-2013 (Vols. 1-38)

Social Forces - 1925-2009 (Vols. 4-88)

Social Psychology Quarterly - 1979-2010 (Vols. 42-73)

Social Text - 1979-1999 (Nos. 1-61)

Sociological Forum - 1986-2009 (Vols. 1-24)

Sociology of Education - 1963-2010 (Vols. 37-83)

Science, Technology, & Human Values - 1978-2009 (Vols. 4-34)

Studies in Family Planning - 1963-2010 (Vols. 1-41)

ProQuest – Technology, Business and Social Science

Academy of Health Care Management Journal - 2006 (Vol. 2) - present

Adolescence - Spring 1986 (Vol. 21, no. 81) - Winter 2009 (Vol. 44, no. 176)

Adultspan Journal - Fall 2008 (Vol. 7, no. 2) - present

Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities - 2007 (Vol. 1, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Advisor Today - FEB 1972 (Vol. 67, no. 2) – present

Advisor's Edge - Jun 1998 (Vol. 1, no. 1) – present

Ageing and Society - Mar 1989 (Vol. 9) - present

The American Behavioral Scientist - Jan 1989 (Vol. 32, no. 3) - present

American Journal of Community Psychology - Feb 1989 (Vol. 17, no. 1) – present (delayed 1 year)

American Journal of Psychoanalysis - Dec 1995 (Vol. 55, no. 4) - present (delayed 1 year)

The American Journal of Psychiatry - Jan 1986 (Vol. 143, no. 1) – present(delayed 1 year)

The American Journal of Psychology - Spring 1986 (Vol. 99, no. 1) - present

American Journal of Psychotherapy - Jan 1989 (Vol. 43, no. 1) - present

American Journal of Public Health - Jan 1988 (Vol. 78, no. 1) – present

American Sociological Review - Feb 1986 (Vol. 51, no. 1) – present(delayed 1 year)

Annual Review of Psychology - 1989 (Vol. 40) - present

Annual Review of Sociology - 1989 (Vol. 15) - present

Applied Psycholinguistics - Mar 2001 (Vol. 22, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Archives of Sexual Behavior - Feb 1989 (Vol. 18, no. 1) – present

Attention, Perception and Psychophysics - Nov 2004 – present

Behavior and Social Issues - Fall 2001 (Vol. 11, no. 1) - present

Behavior Research Methods - Nov 2004 (Vol. 36, no. 4) - Nov 2010 (Vol. 42, no. 4)

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - Jan 2003 (Vol. 53, no. 2) - present

Behavioral Science -Jan 1989 (Vol. 34, no. 1) - Oct 1996 (Vol. 41, no. 4)

Behaviour Change - 2000 (Vol. 17, no. 2) - present

British Journal of Psychology - Feb 1989 (Vol. 80) – present

Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science - Jan 1993 (Vol. 25, no. 1) - present

Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology - Dec 1988 (Vol. 42, no. 4) - present

Canadian Psychology - Jul 1986 (Vol. 27, no. 3) – present (with exceptions)

The Career Development Quarterly - Mar 1990 (Vol. 38, no. 3) – present

Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal - Feb 1995 (Vol. 12, no. 1) – present(delayed 1 year)

Child Psychiatry and Human Development - Spring 1997 (Vol. 27, no. 3) - present (delayed 1 year)

Child Welfare - Jan 1986 (Vol. 65, no. 1) - present

Clinical Social Work Journal - Spring 1989 (Vol. 17, no. 1) – present(delayed 1 year)

Cognition, Technology & Work - Apr 2002 (Vol. 4, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Cognitive Therapy and Research - Feb 1997 (Vol. 21, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Community Mental Health Journal - Winter 1989 (Vol. 25, no. 4) - present

Constructivism in the Human Sciences - Spring 1996 (Vol. 1, no. 1) - 2008 (Vol. 12, no. 1/2)

Contemporary Sociology - Jan 1989 (Vol. 18, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry - Mar 1997 (Vol. 21, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders - Sep/Oct 1998 (Vol. 9, no. 5) - present (delayed 1 year)

Death Studies - 1989 (Vol. 13, no. 1) - present

Early Childhood Education Journal - Mar 1997 (Vol. 25, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - Mar 1999 (Vol. 8) - present (delayed 1 year)

Exceptional Children - Jan 1989 (Vol. 55, no. 4) – present

Experimental Brain Research - Jan 2002 (Vol. 142, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Families in Society - an 1990 (Vol. 71, no. 1) - present

Family Therapy - 2006 (Vol. 33, no. 1) - 2009 (Vol. 36, no. 3)

Fathering - Feb 2003 (Vol. 1, no. 1) - present

Forum: Qualitative Social Research - 2000 (Vol. 1, no. 1) – present

Gender & Behaviour - Dec 2008 (Vol. 6, no. 2) - present

Group & Organization Management - Mar 1981 (Vol. 6, no. 1) - present

Human Relations - Jul 1972 (Vol. 25, no. 3) - present

Human Studies - Jan 1997 (Vol. 20, no. 1) – present(delayed 1 year)

International Journal of Early Childhood - 1997 (Vol. 29, no. 2) - present (delayed 1 year)

International Journal of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy - Spring 2010 (Vol. 29, no. 2) - present

International Journal of Group Psychotherapy - Jul 1998 (Vol. 48, no. 3) – present (delayed 1 year)

International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior - 2002 (Vol. 5, no. 1/2) - present (delayed 1 year)

International Journal of Psychological Studies - Jun 2009 (Vol. 1, no. 1) – present

International Journal of Reality Therapy - Spring 2006 (Vol. 25, no. 2) - Fall 2009 (Vol. 29, no. 1)

International Psychogeriatrics - Oct 2007 (Vol. 19, no. S1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Issues in Child Abuse Accusations - 2004 (Vol. 14) - present

IUP Journal of Behavioral Finance - Mar 2009 (Vol. 6, no. 1) - present

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology - Feb 2003 (Vol. 31, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis - Winter 2005 (Vol. 38, no. 4) - present (delayed 1 year)

The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science - UL/AUG 1971 (Vol. 7, no. 4) – present

Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling - Spring 1998 (Vol. 29, no. 1) – present

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - Feb 1997 (Vol. 27, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making - Mar 1999 (Vol. 12, no. 1) - present

Journal of Business and Psychology - Spring 1999 (Vol. 13, no. 3) – present

Journal of Child and Family Studies - Mar 1995 (Vol. 4, no. 1) – present(delayed 1 year)

Journal of Child Language - Feb 2001 (Vol. 28, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Children's Services - 2006 (Vol. 1, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies - Sep 2006 (Vol. 6, no. 2) - present

The Journal of Conflict Resolution - Mar 1986 (Vol. 30, no. 1) – present

Journal of Counseling and Development: JCD - Jan 1986 (Vol. 64, no. 5) – present

Journal of Criminal Psychology - 2011 (Vol. 1, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior - Jan 1989 (Vol. 51, no. 1) – present(delayed 6 months)

Journal of Family and Economic Issues - Spring 1998 (Vol. 19, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Family Studies - Apr 2005 (Vol. 11, no. 1) - present

Journal of Gambling Studies - Spring 1998 (Vol. 14, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Gender Studies - Jul 1997 (Vol. 6, no. 2) – present

The Journal of General Psychology - Mar 1989 (Vol. 150, no. 1) - present

The Journal of Genetic Psychology - Mar 1989 (Vol. 150, no. 1) - present

Journal of Happiness Studies - 2000 (Vol. 1, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Health and Social Behavior - Mar 1992 (Vol. 33, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Managerial Psychology - 1986 (Vol. 1, no. 1) – present

Journal of Marriage and Family - Feb 1988 (Vol. 50, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Marital and Family Therapy - Jan 1989 (Vol. 15, no. 1) – present

Journal of Mental Health Counseling - Oct 1997 (Vol. 19, no. 4) – present

Journal of Nonverbal Behavior - Fall 1996 (Vol. 20, no. 3) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology - March 1978 (Vol. 51, no. 1) - present

Journal of Organizational Behavior Management - 1981/1982 (Vol. 3, no. 3) – present

Journal of Organizational Psychology - Sep 2011 (Vol. 11, no. 1) - present

The Journal of Parapsychology - Mar 1989 (Vol. 53, no. 1) – present

Journal of Personality Disorders - Mar 1987 (Vol. 1, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research - Jan 1997 (Vol. 26, no. 1) – present

Journal of Psychological and Educational Research - Jan 1997 (Vol. 26, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

The Journal of Psychology - Jan 1989 (Vol. 123, no. 1) – present

Journal of Rational - Emotive & Cognitive - Behavior Therapy - Spring 1999 (Vol. 17, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Relationships Research - Oct 1, 2011 (Vol. 2, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty - Apr 1999 (Vol. 18, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

The Journal of Sex Research - Feb 1989 (Vol. 26, no. 1) - present

Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology - Mar 1983 (Vol. 1, no. 1) – present (delayed 1 year)

The Journal of Social Psychology - Feb 1989 (Vol. 129, no. 1) – present

Journal of Systemic Therapies - Fall 1998 (Vol. 17, no. 3) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of the History of Sexuality - Jul/Oct 2001 (Vol. 10, no. 3/4) - present (delayed 1 year)

Journal of Youth and Adolescence - Feb 1992 (Vol. 21, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Law and Human Behavior - Feb 1999 (Vol. 23, no. 1) – present (delayed 1 year)

Learning & Behavior - Nov 2004 (Vol. 32, no. 4)- present

Mankind Quarterly - Fall 1997 (Vol. 38, no. 1/2) – present (delayed 1 year)

Memory & Cognition - Dec 2004 (Vol. 32, no. 8) – present

Mental Health Special Interest Section Quarterly - Sep 2006 (Vol. 29, no. 3) - present

Motivation and Emotion - Mar 1997 (Vol. 21, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

The New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy - 2010 (Vol. 8) – present

North American Journal of Psychology - 1999 (Vol. 1, no. 1) – present

Organisational and Social Dynamics - 2010 (Vol. 10, no. 1) - present

Personnel Psychology - Autumn 1971 (Vol. 24, no. 3) – present (with exceptions)

Psychiatry - Feb 1994 (Vol. 57, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

The Psychological Record - Winter 1989 (Vol. 39, no. 1) – present

Psychological Research - Jun 1997 (Vol. 60, no. 1-2) – present (delayed 1 year)

Psychology & Marketing - Jan 1992 (Vol. 9, no. 1) - present

Psychometrika - Mar 2005 (Vol. 70, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

Psychotherapy Networker - Jan/Feb 1994 (Vol. 18, no. 1) - present

Rehabilitation Education - 2006 (Vol. 20, no. 1) - 2010 (Vol. 24, no. 3/4)

Resources for Feminist Research - Dec 1985/Jan 1986 (Vol. 13, no. 4) - 2010 (Vol. 33, no. 3/4)

Russian Social Science Review - Jan 1989 (Vol. 30, no. 1) - present

SA Journal of Industrial Psychology - 2011 (Vol. 37, no. 2) - present

Sex Roles - Jan 1989 (Vol. 20, no. 1-2) – present (delayed 1 year)

Sleep and Breathing - Mar 1997 (Vol. 2, no. 1) – present(delayed 1 year)

Social Cognition - Mar 1982 (Vol. 1, no. 1) – present

Social Forces - Mar 1986 (Vol. 64, no. 3) - present

Social Psychology Quarterly - Mar 1989 (Vol. 52, no. 1) – present (delayed 1 year)

Sociology of Education - Jan 1994 (Vol. 67, no. 1) - present (delayed 1 year)

The Spanish Journal of Psychology - 2006 (Vol. 9, no. 1) – present

Suicide & Life - Threatening Behavior - Spring 1989 (Vol. 19, no. 1) – present

Violence and Victims - 1986 (Vol. 1, no. 1) - present

SAGE Humanities and Social Science

Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work- March 1986 -- present

American Behavioral Scientist-September 1957 - present

Applied Psychological Measurement-January 1977 - present

Assessment-March 1994 - present

Assessment for Effective Intervention-1979 - present

Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology - March 1968 - present

Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice - July 1997-present

Behavior Modification: (formerly Behavior Modification Quarterly) - January 1977 - present

Canadian Journal of School Psychology – 1985 - present

Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals - 1978 - present

Child Language Teaching and Therapy - 1985 - present

Child Maltreatment - February 1996 - present

Clinical Case Studies - January 2002 - present

Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry - January 1996–present

Clinical Psychological Science-January 2013 - present

Communication Disorders Quarterly - 1976 - present

Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation- present

The Counseling Psychologist - Spring 1969 - present

Crime & Delinquency - July 1955 - present

Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal - March 2005 - present

Criminal Justice and Behavior: An International Journal - March 1974 - present

Criminal Justice Policy Review -January 1986 - present

Criminal Justice Review - Spring 1976 - present

Criminology & Criminal Justice: An International Journal - February 2001 - present

Culture & Psychology-March 1995 - present

Current Directions in Psychological Science - February 1992– present

Educational and Psychological Measurement - 1941 - present

Emotion Review-January 2009 - present

European Journal of Criminology - January 2004 - present

Environment and Behavior - June 1969 - present

Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications - January 1993 - present

The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families - January 1993 - present

Feminism & Psychology: An International Journal - February 1991 - present

Feminist Criminology - January 2006 – present

First Language - February 1980 - present

Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities - June 1986 - present

Group Analysis: The International Journal of Group-Analytic Psychotherapy - November 1967 – present

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations - July 1998 - present

Health Education & Behavior – February 1957– present

Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences - December 1979 - present

History of Psychiatry - March 1990– present

Homicide Studies: An Interdisciplinary & International Journal - February 1997 - present