BHUAC In Service training topic ideas
Scenario suggestions:
- Tie in the use of study codes or required reports as part of the scenario
- Include scenarios with teenagers.
- Use of noise and other distractions.
- Include role players of persons in altered states
- Example of person on Xanax or Meth
- Alzheimer’s or Dementia
- Include persons with I/D disabilities
- Include other agencies in scenarios that police may interact with on MH calls such as Fire, AMR, security guards, neighbors, jail
PPB Policy and Procedures on Mental Health Calls
- Tracking Mental Health Calls –Accurately reflecting how many MH calls officers are responding to.
- Impact of PPB Study Codes- Ensure officers understand the importance of using the required study codes when responding to MH Calls
- Ensure officers request ECIT officers through BOECwhen needed if initial call is not designated as a mental health call.
- Review of Mental Health Directive Updates
- Knowledge of Mental Health Resources available to officers
- Highlights of mental health call success stories
- For example, recap story of recent Nathan Thomas award recipient
- Peer and Family member examples
- Clarification of Peace Officer Custody authority when symptoms of danger to self/others are not obvious. Include information on underlying medical conditions that would be considered danger to self and appropriate to take into civil custody if not addressing.
- Current issues and lessons learned based on MH calls police are frequently going on.
Americans with Disabilities Act
- How police can modify what they do to properly accommodate people with disabilities
- Interaction with people with an I/D disability
De-Escalation Training
- Engagement Skills in general (applicable to any person interaction)
Trauma Informed Care
- Include Self Awareness of what the officer is bringing to the scene through their personal emotions and perceptions
- What we see or don’t see in humanity based on our perception
Awareness of reoccurring victimization & vulnerability of the mentally ill.
- Cyclic victimization that occurs when people receive their monthly paychecks
- Amount of predators that show up at social service agencies and take advantage of people after they have received their monthly check (1st/3rd of month) (Frequent in Old Town)
- People are taken advantage of or robbed which triggers trauma and it can be difficult for them to control their behavior/emotions or drug addiction. Officers respond to the situation and are unable to recognize the person’s behavior is due to the victimization and the person may end up in jail or a hospital with no resolution to the root problem.
- Police ability to conduct a situational assessment to see what really may be occurring
- Police understanding of the social service system that serve people with mental illness.
Juvenile Mental Health
Cultural diversity
Panel of Peers Discussion
Suicide by Cop discussion
Refresher based on the top 3 most frequent interactions police are encountering
Input from community members on what they would like to see police trained on
- Consumers
- Homeless community
- Mental Health Facilities