Letter Basics
The purpose of letter writing is to explain your ideas and opinions of your independent reading book in detail.
In each letter you must include:
- Date Written, Greeting, Closing and Signature
- Title and Author
- Thesis Statement
- One Clear Topic for the entire letter
- Detailed Explanation of your thesis statement
- Should be 2-3 chunky paragraphs in length
- Quotes from the Book with Citation to support explanations (2-3 minimum)
- Discuss a Deeper Insight you have had on the book in relation to the topic
As you are reading, develop strong thoughts, opinions, etc. on what you read while paying attention to quotes that support your ideas and can be used in letters.
Create an open-ended question based on your ideas that can be explained using multiple paragraphs that include several quotes and one connection (text-to-text or text-to-world) as support.
In class, students were given copies of five strong letter examples.
Possible Letter Topics
These topics are simply a jumping off point (many are generic and can be used for many novels). Students can create their own strong open-ended questions for own specific books.
1. Explain how the theme of the novel is developed
2. Explain how the theme of the novel affects the characters
3. How is the setting its own character in the book
4. How does the setting affect the characters
5. Explain why the book belongs to a certain genre (science fiction/fantasy)
6. How did this historical event/person affect our world today
7. How does the relationship affect the characters
8. What is symbolic and why
9. How an event changes or influences a character
10. Explain how mood is used in the novel to develop character/there/etc.
11. How does the language or vernacular affect the story or reader
12. Why did you abandon the book
13. Who would you recommend the book to and why
14. Explain what you liked in the book
15. Explain what you disliked in the book
16. How do the illustrations affect the reader
17. Explain the deeper meaning of certain illustrations
18. Discuss why the author chose graphic novel over prose
19. How does the poetic style of writing affect the story/reader
20. How does the narration affect the story/who would be a better narrator and why
21. How does the author’s life influence the story
22. Explain the author’s message of the book
23. Explain the purpose of violence in the story
24. Explain how a character’s perspective affects the reader
25. Explain why the author wrote a series rather than one book
26. Explain what the author could change to improve the story and why
27. Explain the importance of the title. What would you have titled it and why
28. Discuss how the protagonist is an antagonist or vise versa
29. Analyze the importance of a significant quote to the story
30. Compare/contrast characters to real world people
31. Explain how a particular personality trait is the character’s major flaw and why
32. Why did the author write the book
33. Explain the difficulties who’ve had understanding the book and why
Letter Rubric
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Evidence of Understanding
(Possible 9 points per letter) / Clear, thoughtful topic thoroughly developed through detailed explanation and evidence from the text. Thoughts of novel expand beyond what is written in the text. Strong connections are well developed.
(9 points) / Clear topic developed with good explanation and some evidence from text. Some thoughts of novel expand beyond the text. Connections are mostly developed.
(7.5 points) / Topic may not be clear and ideas are lacking explanation and evidence from text. Thoughts do not expand much beyond the text. Connections are lacking development. Parts may read like a summary.
(6 points) / Topic may not be clear and ideas are not explained and lack evidence from text. Thoughts do not go beyond the text. Lacks connections. Reads like a summary.
(4.5 points)
(Possible 5 points per letter) / Your letter is clearly organized into paragraphs that are about the same topic. Details are given to explain and support your thoughts.
(5 points) / Your letter is organized into paragraphs about the same topic with a few underdeveloped details and explanations.
(4 points) / Paragraphs lack organization with details or explanations that either ramble or are undeveloped. It may be hard to understand.
(3 points) / The latter is lacking a clear topic and details with explanation. It may be hard to understand.
(2 points)
(Possible 4 points per letter) / You use interesting language and word choice in your letter. The reader can “hear” your voice as they read. Your letter is unique and the reader wants to read more.
(4 points) / You make some attempts to use interesting language in your letter. Your letter contains a few interesting parts.
(3 points) / You have used some interesting words, but they are not your own voice. Your letter does not sound unique.
(2 points) / The letter may be uninteresting to the reader. Your letter sounds very generic.
(1 point)
Teacher Questions
(Possible 9 points) / Questions the teacher asked have been highlighted and answered clearly and in detail.
(9 points) / Questions the teacher asked may be highlighted and answered, but more detail is needed to make the answers clear.
(7.5 points) / Questions the teacher asked are highlighted but not answered.
(6 points) / Questions the teacher asked have not been highlighted or answered.
(4.5 points)
Letter Format
(Possible 2 points per letter) / The entire letter format is followed.
(2 points) / Most of the letter format is followed (one part missing).
(1.5 points) / Some of the letter format is followed (2 parts missing).
(1 point) / Little or none of the letter format is followed.
(0.5 points)
(Possible 2 points per letter) / Nearly all spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar are correct. There are few or no mechanical errors.
(2 points) / Most of the spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar are correct. There are some mechanical errors.
(1.5 points) / Many errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization and/or grammar.
(1 point) / There are many errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization and/or grammar which make the letter difficult to understand.
(0.5 points)