Minutes of the OAOA Organizing Committee
August 27, 2003
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. Introductions were made.
PRESENT: Jack Folliard, Clark Sanders, Marcus Eng, JoAnn Hartley, Howard Mayo, Bob Reichert, Rick Wallace, Bob Flood, Steve Rei, and Bob Wellnitz.
GUESTS: Jim Alex (PFOA official), Kevin Hatfield (PFOA official), Debi Hanson (State Rules Interpreter and Greater Portland Volleyball Officials Association Commissioner), and Debra Anderegg (GPVOA official), Rich Rohde (PBOA official) and Chris Rohde (PBOA official), Bob Tunison (State Soccer Rules Interpreter).
OSAA STAFF: Tom Welter, Brad Garrett, Cindy Simmons, Mike Wallmark, and Susan Weber.
- APPROVALS OF MINUTES – Hearing no objections, the minutes of the July 10, 2003 minutes were accepted.
- FINANCIAL REPORT – Jack reported that the OAOA has opened a checking account, and their office has been set up at the OSAA office.
Motion: Motion by Bob Flood, second by Marcus Eng to appoint Howard Mayo as the Board member who oversees OAOA’s finances. Motion carried.
- PROPOSED STATEWIDE VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS CLINIC – Debi Hanson and Debra Anderegg presented their proposal for a statewide clinic. Discussion followed regarding the concepts and details of statewide and annual regional clinics seasonally for each sport. OAOA can provide some funding for the clinics.
GPVOA asked for general acceptance and support of the OAOA to go forward with planning for the 2004 statewide volleyball clinic. Motion: Motion by Marcus Eng, second by JoAnn Hartley that OAOA endorse the concept of a statewide volleyball clinic for 2004. Motion carried.
25200 SW Parkway Avenue, Suite 1, Wilsonville, OR 97070
Fax 503.682.0960
- WEBSITE UPDATE/LOGO – Rich Rohde (current host of the PBOA website) presented his concept for hosting OAOA’s website. Chris Rohde will work with Jack in designing the site to include on-line surveys, meeting dates, list-serve capabilities, minutes, policies, etc. Chris and Rich also will be developing a web-based assigning project seeking support from OAOA. They kindly offered to develop and host OAOA’s site without a charge. Motion: Bob Flood moved and Howard Mayo seconded to authorize Rich and Chris to move forward with developing OAOA’s website. Motion carried.
Motion: Howard Mayo moved and Steve Rei seconded to approve a logo. The motion was amended for Jack and Clark to finalize the details (color) of the logo with Chris Rohde. Motion carried.
- EXECUTIVE/ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR REPORT – Jack and Clark attended the OSAA Executive Board Summer Workshop, where Jack fielded questions and concerns of the Board. Brad and Tom commented that OAOA was well received by the OSAA Executive Board and they look forward to working with OAOA on mutual issues in the future.
Jack also met with the OADA Board and who were very receptive of the concept of the officials association and would be interested in mutual representation. Jack and Clark attended Athletic Director’s Workshops as well as fall rules interpreter’s clinics.
- OSAA REPORT – Tom Welter reported that the next OSAA Executive Board meeting is Monday, September 8. OSAA paid the premium for the D & O coverage. Jack will be the “administrator” and will handle any claims that arise on behalf of the local associations.
Clark and Jack will provide input on officials background checks (criminal conviction history). Discussion included accused vs. convicted and local association by-laws and decisions. Bob Reichert, of Central Oregon, has a lawsuit pending for the OAOA to be aware of.
Communication issues – Negative feedback, damage control. Contact those people with concerns. Bob Flood will contact football commissioners about public relation issues. JoAnn Hartley will contact volleyball commissioners. Marcus Eng has already contacted soccer commissioners. Howard Mayo will contact basketball commissioners. Rick Wallace will contact wrestling officials. Steve Rei will contact baseball commissioners. Bob Reichert will contact softball commissioners.
Bob Tunison, speaking for soccer officials, felt that $10 was not the issue, but what the $10 gets for the officials. It’s the way you approach people – personal phone call vs. a piece of paper or e-mail.
Continue process of filling Executive Board – Seven commissioners (formerly the SOC members), and seven regional officials representatives. The following officials were proposed. Final approval of all seven official representatives will occurred at the next meeting:
Motion: It was moved and seconded, that Tony Jones be invited to serve on the OAOA Executive Board representing the Coastal area. Motion carried.
25200 SW Parkway Avenue, Suite 1, Wilsonville, OR 97070
Fax 503.682.0960
Motion: It was moved and seconded that Karen Meats be invited to serve on the OAOA Executive Board representing the Emerald area. Motion carried.
Motion: It was moved and seconded that Dave Place be invited to serve on the OAOA Executive Board representing the Central area. Motion carried.
JoAnn and Jack will work on the Southern area nomination; Bob Reichert and Jack will work on the Eastern area nomination.
All organizing committee members should make personal contact with commissioners by the end of next week (Sept 15) for a list of nominees to serve as regional official’s representatives on the Board.
The other two areas that need to be filled are Metro Portland and Salem/Mid-Valley.
VIII.NEW BUSINESS – Kevin Hatfield brought forth the number of football officials for Metro area games. Discussion followed.
NEXT MEETINGS – Thursday, September 25, 2003; and Wednesday, October 22, 2003. Meetings begin at 8:30 a.m.
25200 SW Parkway Avenue, Suite 1, Wilsonville, OR 97070
Fax 503.682.0960