Advanced Certificate of University Teaching
Duquesne University
Applicants must meet with a CTE consultant before beginning the Advanced Certificate of University Teaching program. This checklist has been designed for electronic completion.
Completion of Certificate of University Teaching Program
- Date Completed:
- Documentation submitted to CTE:
2 additional semesters of teaching at Duquesne University, for a total of four semesters of teaching, by the time of program completion[1]
Course Number / Course Title / Semester TaughtMastery of Basics of Teaching: Workshops
Graduate student attended one CTE or departmental session that fills each of the following four general categories:
CTE Book or Article Study (limited offerings: please plan accordingly)
- Title:
- Date Completed:
- Documentation submitted to CTE:
Faculty Career Advancement
- Title:
- Date Completed:
- Documentation submitted to CTE:
Teaching Portfolio OR Teaching Philosophy[2]
- Title:
- Date Completed:
- Documentation submitted to CTE:
One Additional Workshop on Teaching and Learning (on topic of choice)
- Title:
- Date Completed:
- Documentation submitted to CTE:
Feedback on Teaching
Graduate student asked a peer from Duquesne University to observe him/her. The peer completed a written observation and engaged in a follow-up discussion. Graduate student also conducted a peer evaluation, with follow-up discussion, for another peer at Duquesne University.
Observation BY a peer with follow-up discussion
- Name of Peer:
- Date Completed:
- Documentation submitted to CTE:
Observation OF a peer with follow-up discussion
- Name of Peer:
- Date Completed:
- Documentation submitted to CTE:
Professional Interactions about Teaching and Learning
Graduate student completed TWO additional professional interactions about teaching and learning,at least ONE of which falls under the “Leadership” category.
Documented mentorship by a faculty advisor
One-page reflection on class observation of a faculty member, which included a preliminary meeting and follow-up discussion with the faculty member
Consultations with CTE staff on the topic of teaching (e.g., a consultation on specific teaching techniques, effective grading, student evaluation scores, etc.)
Formal discussions with TAs or Adjuncts in your department about teaching
Membership in a professional organization, including one-page reflection indicating how you have used their resources to inform your teaching
Other (please describe in the space below)
Service as an “Experienced TA” at TA orientation
Formal mentorship of other TAs or Adjuncts (serving as Head TA or Mentor)
Leader of CTE workshop
Departmental leadership
- Serving on a departmental committee that centers on teaching
- Leadership in regular TA meetings
- Assistance in course development or contribution of teaching ideas to department
Presentation on university teaching and learning at a conference
Publication on university teaching and learning
Involvement in community engaged teaching and/or learning communities at Duquesne University
Writing a Teaching and Learning Tip for CTE
Writing a teaching-related post for CTE’s blog, “The Flourishing Academic”
Other (please describe in the space below)
Title/Description of Professional Interaction #1:
Date Completed:
Documentation submitted to CTE:
Title/Description of Professional Interaction #2:
Date Completed:
Documentation submitted to CTE:
Final Project
Graduate Student either attended aTeaching Portfolio Review Session or met individually with a CTE staff member to discuss the portfolio.[3] Graduate student completed a more substantial teaching portfolio that has undergone revision from the draft compiled for the Certificate of University Teaching program, which includes:
- A revised statement of teaching philosophy
- Two observations by faculty members (completed through Certificate program)
- One observation by a peer (completed through Advanced Certificate program)
- A one-page reflection on observations
- Another carefully selected instructional material (for a total of two)
- A one-page reflection on the instructional material (for a total of two)
- A working list of professional interactions about teaching
Attended Teaching Portfolio Review Session or Consulted with CTE Staff
- Date Completed:
- Documentation submitted to CTE[4]:
Completion of Teaching Portfolio
- Date Approved by CTE Staff:
Updated April 2015
[1]The Certificate of University Teaching program requires two semesters of teaching experience. The Advanced Certificate of University Teaching program requires two additional semesters, for a total of four.
[2] The applicant will have already attended one of these workshops for the Certificate program and will attend the remaining workshop for the Advanced Certificate program.
[3]The applicant will have already completed one workshop/consultation for the Certificate program and will complete an additional workshop/consultation for the Advanced Certificate program.
[4]Documentation is not required for an individual consultation with a CTE staff member.