To:All Freshman and Transfer Intercollegiate Athletes
From:Wilmington College Athletic Training Department
Date:2013 – 14 Intercollegiate Sports Seasons
Re:Intercollegiate Pre-participation Forms
This letter is to inform you of the Pre-participation medical eligibility forms you must complete in order to participate in athletics at Wilmington College. Each athlete must pass a complete physical exam by OURteamphysicians (No family physician or off campus physical exam will be accepted) to become medically eligible to participate in athletics. Enclosed you will find forms that you and your parents must fill out. All forms must be filled out completely except the physical exam form, which our doctor will fill out on campus. Please bring the completed forms with you when you come in for your physical exam.
Our summer physical exam day will be Wednesday August 14. 2013. Each team will be given a specific time to report. All fall sport participants are required to attend this first round of physical exams on the August 14th physical day. The second round of physical exams will be scheduled for August 29th. The Third round of physicals will be scheduled for September 12th.
It is very important that you read this information and fill it out properly. Below you will find the dates and times for each sports physical exam period. No athlete will be allowed to practice or compete until all of the required information is submitted and signed by our medical staff. Information that is incomplete will be treated as non-compliant. If you have any questions, call 937-382-6661, ext. 252.
August 14, 2013 – Meet in Hermann Court
M-Soccer, M-Cross Country2:45
W-Soccer, W-Cross Country,Volleyball,3:15
August 29th, 2013 – Meet in Herman Court
Baseball and Softball7:30
Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse8:00
Men’s and Women’s Tennis8:30
September, 12th, 2013 – Meet in Herman Court
Women’s Basketball7:00
Men’s Basketball7:30
NAME ______BIRTHDATE ______DATE ______
SPORTS______YEAR IN SCHOOL______SS# ______
1.Are you under a physician's care for any reason now? ...... ______
2.Have you ever had shortness of breath during exercise...... ______
3.Have you ever passed out(Unconscious) during or after exercise? ...... ______
4.Have you ever been dizzy during or after exercise? ...... ______
5.Have you ever had chest pain during or after exercise? ...... ______
6.Do you tire more quickly than your friends during exercise? ...... ______
7.Have you ever had high blood pressure? ...... ………………………….. ______
8.Have you ever experienced or been told you have cardiovascular problems...... ______
9.Have you ever been told you have a heart murmur or irregular rhythm? ...... ______
10.Have you ever had racing of your heart or skipped beats? ...... ______
- Do you have any family (immediate) history of sudden death, cardiac disease,
valvular heart disease, Marfans syndrome, asthma, or fainting spells?...... ______
12.Have you ever taken medication for high blood pressure?……………….……………….. ______
13.Are you presently taking any medications or pills? ...... ……………..………………… ______
14.Are you missing any organs (kidney, spleen, eye, testicle, etc)? ...... ______
15.Have you ever been hospitalized? ...... ______
16.Have you ever had surgery (i.e. tonsillectomy, arthroscopy, etc.)?...... ______
17.Do you have any allergies (hayfever, hives, and eczema ,
medicines, stinging insects, etc.)? ...... ______
18.Do you have asthma or do you have trouble breathing or cough
during or after activity? ...... ______
19.Do you have, or have you had in the last six months, skin rashes? ...... ______
20.Have you ever had a head injury? ...... ……………..………………. ______
21.Have you ever been knocked out or unconscious? ...... ______
22.Have you ever had a memory loss from any cause? ...... ______
23.Have you every had a seizure? ...... ______
24.Have you ever had a stinger or burner or pinched nerve? ...... ______
25.Have you ever had heat or muscle cramps? ...... ______
26.Have you ever been dizzy or passed out due to the heat? ...... ______
27.Do you use any special equipment (pads, braces, neck rolls,
mouth guard, eye guards, etc.)?...... ______
28.Have you had any problems with eyes or vision? ...... ______
29.Do you wear glasses or contacts or protective eyewear? ...... ______
30.Have you ever sprained/strained, dislocated, broken or had repeated
swelling of any of the following? ...... ______
___Head ___Shoulder ___Thigh ___Neck ___Elbow ___Knee ___Chest ___Forearm
___Shin/Calf ___Back ___Wrist ___Ankle ___Hip ___Hand ___Foot
32.Have you ever missed practice three or more days? (explain)...... ______
33.Do you wear any dental appliances (braces, false teeth)? ...... ……………………… ______
34.Do you have ear drum tubes or a perforated ear drum? ...... ______
35.Have you had any other medical problems (i.e. infectious mononucleosis,
diabetes, etc.)? ...... ______
36.Have you had a medical problem or injury since your last evaluation? ..... ……….……… ______
37.When was your last tetanus shot? ______
38.When was your last measles immunization? ______
39.Have you ever been told not to participate in any sport? ...... ______
Which sport and when? ______
Are there any other medical conditions that was not mentioned above?______
I hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, my answers to the above questions are correct.
Signature (Participant)Date
I hereby state that I have reviewed this medical history and find the answers to the questions correct to the best of my knowledge. (Required for legal minors.)
Signature (Parent or Guardian) Date
NAME______Sports______Yr in School______Date______
BLOOD PRESSURE(Sitting)______
Normal Abnormal Findings
1. Eyes (Pupils Equal?)
2. Ears, Nose, Throat
3. Mouth and Teeth
4. Neck
5. Chest and Lungs
6. Cardiovascular: *As per NCAA Recommendations.
A. Precordial Auscultation:
Sitting and Standing:______
B. Femoral Artery Pulses:______
C. Physical Stigmata of Marfan Syndrome:______
7. Abdomen
8. Skin
9. Genitalia ____
10. Musculoskeletal:
ROM, Strength, etc.
a. Neck
b. Spine
c. Shoulders
d. Arms/Hands
e. Hips
f. Thighs
g. Knees
h. Ankles
i. Feet
11. Neurological Assesment
12. Urinalysis(Optional)
13. Laboratory (If needed) ___
Comments ______
Can this person participate in NCAA Intercollegiate Athletics? YES______NO______
Participation Recommendations or Restrictions:______
I hereby state that I have reviewed this medical history and find the answers to the questions correct to the best of my knowledge.
Date of Examination______Signed ______
(Licensed Medical Physician, MD or DO)
Physician Name (Printed)______Phone ______
Address ______
Protecting Health Information
The Wilmington College Athletic Training Department maintains the confidentiality of protected health information as required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and we will follow the terms of our Notice of Privacy Practices. A copy of the Notice is posted in the training room and a paper copy is available upon request.
Information Release Authorization
I, ______hereby give my consent for the team physicians, athletic training staff, campus clinic, coaches or other medical personnel of Wilmington College to release such information regarding my medical history, record of injury or surgery, record of illness, and rehabilitation results to each other in order to coordinate medical care and athletic training services. This information is normally confidential and, except as provided in this RELEASE, will not be otherwise released by the parties in charge of the information. This RELEASE remains valid until revoked in writing by me.
Student Athlete Signature Date
Assumption of Risk
I, ______understand that there are risks in participating in the sport (s) of ______and I will be liable for any athletic injury that may occur to me. I do understand that there is a small risk of potentially catastrophic injury by participating in intercollegiate athletics. I assume financial and legal responsibility for any injury or injuries I suffer during tryouts/practices/ games of the above mentioned sports. I am aware of the risks and assume the responsibilities associated with participation in the sports listed above.
Student Athlete Signature Date
Medical Treatment Consent
I, ______hereby consent to receive medical treatment deemed necessary by the Athletic Training staff at Wilmington College. Any such treatment in no way confers liability to Wilmington College. Permission is hereby granted to the attending team physician, athletic training staff, or other medical personnel associated with Wilmington College to proceed with any medical or minor surgical treatment, x-ray examination and immunizations. In the event of serious illness or injury, I understand that an attempt will be made by the appropriate medical personnel to contact the parents or legal guardian. If medical personnel are not able to communicate with responsible parties the treatment necessary in the best interest of the student athlete may be given.
Student Athlete Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature (If a minor) Date
Student-Athlete Authorization/Consent
Disclosure of Protected Health Information
to the
National Collegiate Athletic Association
Name of Student-AthleteName of my Institution
and its physicians, athletic trainers and health care personal to disclose my protected health information and any related information regarding any injury or illness during my training for and participation in intercollegiate athletics to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and :as employees or agents.
I understand that my protected health information will be used only by the NCAA s Injury Surveillance System (ISS) for the purpose of conducting research on injuries resulting from training for or participation in athletics. The ISS is a longitudinal research database that provides WC, NCAA; NCAA sports rules committees, athletic conferences, researchers and individual schools with summary (aggregate) injury and participation information that does not identity individual athletes or schools. The summary data provide the Association and other groups with an information resource upon which to base health and safety rules and policy and to examine the effectiveness of such efforts.
I understand that my injury/illness information is protected by federal regulations under either the Health Information portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (the Buckley Amendment) and nay not be disclosed without either my authorization under HIPAA or my consent under the Buckley Amendment. I understand that my signing of this authorization/consent is voluntary and that my institution will not condition or withhold any health care treatment or payment, enrollment in a health plan or receipt of any benefits (if applicable) on whether I provide the consent or authorization requested for this disclosure. I also understand that I am not required to sign this authorization/consent in order to be eligible for participation in NCAA athletics.
I understand that while HIPAA regulations do not apply to the NCAA's use or disclosure of my injury/illness information, the NCAA is committed to protecting my privacy. I understand that the protected health information will be encoded before being transmitted Goon my institution to the NCAA and that neither the NCAA nor the ISS will identity me personally in any publication or disclosure of research results. Data will be stored on a secure server at the NCAA national office it. Indianapolis, Indiana.
This authorization/consent expires 380 days from the date of my signature below, but I have the right to revoke it in writing at any time by sending written notification to the athletics director at my institution I understand that a revocation takes effect on its request date and does not affect any action taken prior to that date.
Printed Name of Student-AthleteSignatureDate
This form must be fully completed prior to student's participation in athletics.
ATHLETE INFORMATION:School Year______Sports
Last Name / First Name / MI / Sex / Date of BirthRoom/Local Address / Cell Phone Number / Social Security Number
Home Address
Name of Parent/Guardian (Emergency Contact) / Relationship to Athlete / Date of BirthHome Address (include State & Zip Code) / Home Phone Number
Emergency Phone Number / Business Phone Number
Additional Emergency Contact / Relationship to Athlete / Phone number
MEDICAL HISTORY/ALERTS: (Indicate yes or no for each category, explaining where necessary.)
Current Medications:
Contact Lenses: / Yes / No
Tetanus Immunizations: / Yes / No / Date of last Tetanus immunization:
Athlete has own primary insurance.
Name of Policy Holder / Relationship to Athlete / Date of Birth / SexInsurance Company Name & Claims Address
Policy/Member Number / Group Number / Covered Parent/Guardian SS#
Insurance Company Phone Number / Covered Parent/Guardian Employer Name
Copy of front and back of insurance card cart must be included.
INSURANCE DISCLOSER (To be signed by the holder of the primary insurance)
I, ______, understand that any medical bills related to an injury that occurs
(Print name of policy holder)
during the participation of intercollegiate athletics at Wilmington College will be applied to the primary insurance listed above. I also attest that this insurance will cover athletic related injuries. If a balance remains after the primary insurance company has paid its maximum, that balance will be submitted to Wilmington College’s athletic department’s policy for “second layer” coverage. If covered, this policy will be applied to the balance of the eligible medical fees not covered by the personal insurance company up to the maximum of the policy. This policy covers only new accidents that are sustained during competition or supervised official practice. These accidents must be documented by a member of the Wilmington College Athletic Training Staff. Any bills received by parents or students that are related to injuries, which fall into the above category, should be mailed to the athletic department of Wilmington College. Pre-existing injuries, off-season injuries, injuries incurred during the season which are not directly related to in-season competition or supervised practice (physical education injuries, intramural injuries, etc.) or routine medical attention (dental care, eye care, etc.) are NOT COVERED. This is in accordance with NCAA regulations. Medical bills that are incurred due to an athlete’s decision to receive medical treatment that is not coordinated by a member of the Wilmington College Athletic Training Staff also may not be covered by our secondary medical insurance policy.
Signature of policy holder Date
Wilmington College
Sickle Cell Trait Form for NCAA Intercollegiate Athletics
About Sickle Cell Trait:
- Sickle Cell Trait is an inherited condition affecting the oxygen-carrying portion of the red blood cells called hemoglobin.
- Sickle Cell Trait is a common condition
- Although Sickle Cell Trait occurs most commonly in African-Americans and those of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Indian, Caribbean, and South and Central American ancestry, persons of all races and ethnicities may test positive for this condition.
- Unlike persons with actual Sickle Cell Disease, those with Sickle Cell Trait usually have no symptoms or any significant health problems. However, sometimes during very intense, sustained physical activity, certain dangerous conditions can develop in those with Sickle Cell Trait, leading to blood vessel and organ (kidneys, heart, muscle) damage that can cause sudden collapse and death. Some of the settings in which this can occur include timed runs, all out exertion of any type for 2 to 3 continuous minutes without a rest period, intense drills and other bursts of exercise after doing prolonged conditioning training. Extreme heat and dehydration increase the risks.
Sickle Cell Trait Testing:
- The NCAA recommends that all student-athletes have knowledge of their Sickle Cell trait status. Athletes have the following options: 1) show proof of Sickle Cell testing at birth; 2) consent to a blood test for Sickle Cell Trait; or 3) sign a waiver declining options 1 and 2. Whichever option is chosen, it must be completed before the student-athlete participates in any intercollegiate athletic event, including strength and conditioning sessions, try-outs, practices, or competitions.
- Athletes that are positive will not be prohibited from participating in intercollege athletics.
1.)______Copy of student-athletes newborn Sickle Cell testing results is attached.
2.)______Copy of recent Sickle Cell screening test result
I, ______, understand and acknowledge that the NCAA recommends that all student-athletes have knowledge of their Sickle Cell Trait status. Additionally, I have read and fully understand the aforementioned facts and Wilmington College’s policy about Sickle Cell Trait and Sickle Cell Trait testing.
Recognizing that my true physical condition is dependent upon an accurate medical history and a full disclosure of any symptoms, complaints, prior injuries, ailments, and/or disabilities experienced, I hereby affirm that I have fully disclosed in writing any prior medical history and/or knowledge of Sickle Cell Trait to Wilmington College.
I do not wish to undergo Sickle Cell Trait testing and I voluntarily agree to release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless Wilmington College, its officers, employees, agents and their successors and assigns from any and all costs, claims, damages or expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising from any loss or personal injury that might result from my refusal to be tested.
I have read and signed this document with knowledge of its significance. I further state that I am at least 18 years of age and competent to sign this wavier.
Student-Athlete’s SignatureStudent-Athlete’s Printed NameDate
Parent/ Guardian’s Signature (if under 18 years of age)Parent/ Guardian’s Printed NameDate
Witness SignatureDate