Creating a Mass Haul Diagram


To create a mass haul diagram

  1. Generate cross sections with the Edit Design Control command, if you haven't done so already.
  1. From the Cross Sections menu, choose Total Volume Output Import Mass Haul.

The following prompt is displayed:

Volume computation type (Prismoidal/Avgendarea) <Avgendarea>:

  1. Specify the volume computation type: Prismoidal or Avgendarea:

·  Average End Area Calculation: For the average end method, the calculations for volumes takes the area of cut or fill at one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values, but the reported values are rounded to the volume precision of your choice.

·  Prismoidal Calculation: The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a longer time to process.

The prismoidal method calculation is:

Total sum of cut (or fill) area at first station (A1), cut (or fill) area at second station (A2) plus the square root value of A1*A2. Divide the total sum by 3 and multiply by the distance between the two sections.

The following prompt is displayed:

Use of curve correction (Yes/No) <Yes>:

  1. Do one of the following to specify whether to use curve correction:

·  Type Y to use curve correction.

·  Type N to skip this option.

In normal volume calculations, the length between the end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve. With curve correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the areas for a more accurate result.

The following prompt is displayed:

Use of volume adjustment factors (Yes/No) <Yes>:

  1. Specify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors: For more information, see Changing the Cross Section Volume Adjustment Factors.

·  Type Y to use volume adjustment factors. You are then prompted for the cut and fill adjustment factors.

·  Type N to skip this option.

NOTE For a material that expands 15 percent, enter the value 1.15. For a material that shrinks to 93 percent of its original value, enter the value 0.93. A factor of 1.00 does not adjust the volumes.

The following prompt is displayed:

Pick insertion point:

  1. Select the insertion point for the mass diagram plot.

The insertion point is the lower-left intersection of the station and mass ordinate plot lines.

  1. Specify the range of stations. The defaults for the beginning and ending stations are based on the beginning and ending stations of the current alignment. Accept the default or enter a different range of stations.

The following prompt is displayed:

Vertical scale (cu. yds.) <1.00>:

  1. Specify the vertical scale, depending on how much cut and fill the alignment has. The default value is local to the station range specified. The vertical scale is per plotted inch/millimeter based on the horizontal scale factor.

The command then draws the mass haul diagram. The volume balance line is placed on the MDBAL layer. The vertical and horizontal grid lines are placed on the MDGRID layer. The station labels and volume numbers are placed on the MDGRIDT layer.

The following illustration shows a sample mass haul diagram:

Mass haul diagram

The following illustration shows a close up of a mass haul diagram:

Close-up of mass haul diagram