Your ref:
Please contact: / Michael Holgate
Telephone: / 07500815340
Fax: / 01422 392515
E-mail: /
Date: / 23rd February 2015
Head Teachers, Chairs of Governors,
School Business Managers /
Children and Young People’s Services
Northgate HouseNorthgate
Dear Colleague
Services for Schools Intranet and School Packet Changes
As mentioned in the last Services for Schools Update Bulletin, as part of our continuous improvement and in response to feedback from schools, we have made further enhancements to the Services for Schools Intranet by bringing all information together in one place with a new look.
This includes changes to the way School Packet is delivered. Whilst it will look much the same it has become a live entity, updated constantly, so there is no need for you to have to wait until Wednesday for information. This is now available through our new What’s New? Section on the homepage. Additionally, we will be sending out a Friday summary email, starting this Friday, with links to everything that has been posted during the week, to ensure you don’t miss anything. This will go to Head teachers, School Business Managers and Chairs of Governors and can be forwarded to others as required. As before, some information will remain restricted to those with a School’s Intranet account and those who have purchased certain services but access can be requested as normal.
All the features of the Services for Schools site will remain so you can still browse the A-Z of Services to view SLAs, purchase services, find a range of guidance, forms and templates, or just use as a directory of services and key contacts. You can still access the School Noticeboard which includes the events and good causes board, the save it share it swap it board, the calendar of key dates, training information and the school discussion forum. Other features, such as Stuart Smith’s Blog and David Whalley’s School Improvement Bulletin will also remain.
We will appreciate your feedback as you use the site. Also, if there is any other information you need, please let me know either by phone, email or the feedback page or the school discussion forum
Yours sincerely
Michael Holgate
Account Manager, Services for Schools
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