Last Name: / First Name:
Nationality: / ArgentineanNot Argentinean / Gender: / femalemale
Birth Date(mm/dd/yyyy): / Age:
Marital Status: / singlemarriedseparated / No. of Children:
City: / Province: / Select a ProvinceOut of ArgentinaBuenos AiresCapital FederalCatamarcaCórdobaChacoChubutCorrientesEntre RíosFormosaJujuyLa PampaLa RiojaMendozaNeuquénRío NegroSaltaSanta CruzSantiago del EsteroSanta FeSan JuanSan LuisTierra del FuegoTucumán
Zip Code: / Country: / ArgentinaOut of Argentina
Note: Your contact information must be valid to send you messages
Phone (Home): / E-mail:
Phone (Work): / Phone (Mobile):
How did you learn about our programs?
Complete with the last three studies courses at universities or institutions. (Graduate and / or Undergraduate)
Name of Institution / Location / Dates attended / Degree (in Spanish) / Grade Average
Degree received on(mm/dd/yyyy):
Identify your current position or occupation: (e.g.: Journalist)
B. English Exam ScoreNote:If you are about to undertake an English test, complete the Type and Date fields and leave the Score field empty.
Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Score:
C. Publications, Prizes and RecognitionsPublications:
Please specify below indicating title, place and date of publication.
Academic honors or prizes:
Please specify below indicating titles and dates.
Previous scholarships or fellowships:
Please specify below indicating source or sponsor, amount, where held, and duration.
D. Teaching, Work or Research ExperienceComplete with three most important teaching, work or research experience you have had.
Employer / Dates (From - To) / Position (in Spanish)3. COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
A. Have you applied for or have been granted any other scholarship for the same period?
If the answer is "Yes", please specify below.
No.Yes.B. Do you have previous experience in the United States?
If the answer is "Yes", please specify below.
No.Yes.C. Study Plans
Proposed Master program: Master of Science in Engineering Management
Future Plans:
Describe the career you plan to pursue after completion of study in the U.S., e.g. teaching, business, industry or any plans you might have for continued study or research in your home country. Also indicate if you will be returning to former employment, or if you have been promised a position in your home country after completing your U.S. training.
D. ReferencesPlease, include the name and contact information of three persons that can speak about you as a student, or employee, if required. One of your referees may be the same person that has written the letter of recommendation included in your package.
Full Name / Position and Mail / Address4. BACKGROUND INFORMATION
A. Study / Research Objectives
Write a clear and detailed description of your study/research objectives, and give your reasons for wanting to pursue them. Be specific about your major field and your specialized interests within this field. Describe the kind of program you expect to undertake, and explain how your study plan fits in with your previous training and your future objectives. This statement is an essential part of your application and is required.
Note: It is advisable for you to limit your response to fifty lines of text.
B. Personal StatementThis personal statement should be a narrative statement describing how you have achieved your current goals. It should not be a mere listing of facts. It should include information about your education, practical experience, special interests, and career plans. Describe any significant factors that have influenced your educational or professional development. Comment on the number of years of practical experience already completed in the field in which academic work will be done in the U.S.
Note: It is advisable for you to limit your response to fifty lines of text.
5. CURRICULUM VITAEA. Attach your C.V. in English.