Welcome to
Teacher: Amy Hall
Assistant: Sheila Bumgarner
Dear Parents,
We would like to welcome you and your child to first grade. Let’s work together to make the transition from kindergarten to first grade a fun and easy one for your child. If at anytime during the year you have questions and/or concerns please feel free to contact us via phone, email, note or in person. Our ‘door’ will always be open to YOU.
There are a few things we wanted to let you know in order to start the year out in the right direction.
School arrival & departure times:
7:30- breakfast begins
7:45- classroom opens
8:00- tardy bell
3:10- dismissal
Your child needs to bring pencils, pencil box, book bag, crayons, glue sticks,two decorated two-pocket folders, scissors and two composition notebooks. Your child will also be using headphones. They have these at the Dollar Tree.
A few other items on our “wish list” are as follows: *quart size and gallon size Ziploc bags
*baby/disinfected wipes- we use these to clean a lot*individually wrapped candy
There might be certain times during the year that we call on you to help us with certain items for different projects. Again we would appreciate any and all help you can give.
We will be having a scheduled snack time during the day for your child in the morning. Your child will be assigned a day to bring snack for our class. Please see our snack calendar for the assigned day. Currently, we have 19 students in our class.
We will be having two official parties this year. They will be scheduled at Christmas and Easter. If you would be willing to help, please feel free to do so. There may be other times where your child has a birthday and/or you want to do something for the class. Any food brought in needs to be store bought and have the label on it. Please help us follow this NC law. We also ask that you let us know ahead of time so we can schedule it during our regular snack time or in the afternoon.
Your child may pay daily or weekly for his/her lunch. Weekly is easier because the cafeteria collects in the morning and your child doesn’t have to keep up with. When sending money with your child, the best examples are an envelope marked $ or a baggie that is sent to school in their homework folder or planner.This helps keep the money in a safe place.
Breakfast is FREEfor all students andlunchhas been increased to $2.55 per day for students.
Contact Numbers
Please make sure that we have phone numbers where you can be reached, either at work or at home. If your number changes anytime during the school year, please notify us in writing.
Please make sure we know how your child is getting home from school each day. If you need to change the way your child is going home you must send in a note, fax the school (632-4912) or email the office or . They will NO LONGER accept phone calls for changes unless it is deemed an emergency.
Each Monday we will send home our newsletter.It will have different things such as the spelling words for that week, certain projects that are coming up, important dates to remember, and anything else we consider news “hot off the press.” Please take the time to read this with your child as sometimes honors and congratulations are given to the children.
Take Home BAGS
There will be Take-Home bags sent home daily(Mon-Thur).Every child will have his/her own planner and homework folder. We will be using these all year long. This will ensure that we have daily communication for behavior and work habits. Please help your child return these daily. On Fridays your child will bring home their ‘Friday Folder’ with graded work. You will sign the insert and return to school on Monday.
Your child will be required to read Mon-Thurs. nights. Please list the title of story and number of minutes read and initialin your child’s plannernightly and return to school. This is not considered homework.Reading should be viewed as a positive habit.
Homework/Class work
Remember, homework is used to reinforce skills learned at school. Homework also teaches responsibility.
------Spelling Sort
Thursday------Spelling practice test
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday------Reading
Specials Schedule
We will operate under a daily rotation schedule. We will consistently send home reminders and announce at school the day we are on and upcoming days.
Day 1- PE
Day 2- Media
Day 3- Music
Day 4- Guidance
Day 5- PE
Day 6- Media
Your child will ALWAYS need tennis shoes on Days15.
LUNCH - 12:15-12:45
We are excited about having your child in first grade and look forward to a fantastic year!!
Thank you for taking the time to read this booklet of information. If you have any questions at all please feel free to call us(632-4866) or email Amy Hall at
Mrs. Amy Hall