University of Louisville
Kent School of Social Work
100 Patterson Hall
Louisville, Ky 40292
MSSW- (December 1999) University of Louisville.
BS- Sociology (May 1990) University of Louisville
March 2003-Present University of Louisville, Kent School of Social Work, Credit for Learning Program. This program is collaboration between the University and the Cabinet for Families and Children. The courses are: Introduction to Child Welfare and Enhancing Safety and Permanency and Advanced Casework Practice for Supervision (3). I teach 6-14 classes each calendar year. I provide instruction to graduate level students through group discussion, readings, exercises, visual aids and lecture. I teach four courses in the Bachelor of Social Work program. They are Child Abuse and Neglect (352) and Interventions in Child Abuse (353), Practicum I and Practicum II. I also coordinate the Public Child Welfare Certification Program for the University.
August 2009-Present Provide training and consultation to private child welfare agencies in Florida, Washington and New Hampshire on solution based casework as an engagement model. In 2012 I trained Washington State supervisors in Coaching and Mentoring.
Fall 2007-2011 Bluegrass Community and Technical College. I taught Introduction to Social Services (SW124) and the Development of Social Welfare (SW222) to undergraduate students. I provided instruction and facilitated discussion utilizing readings, group exercises, visual aids and lecture.
August 1991-March 2003- Cabinet for Families and Children. Began work as a Family Service Worker in 1991 working primarily with Child Protective Services cases. In July 1997 I was promoted to Family Services Office Supervisor where I supervised nine-child protection, adult protection and clerical workers. In October 1999 I was promoted to Service Region Clinical/Administrative Associate where I provided Child/Adult protective services consultation and supervision in seven counties to 10 supervisors, approximately 55 child/adult protective services workers. I also supervised 2 protection specialists and 1 preventative specialist. In this position I worked on several projects including developing and training on critical issues such as assessment and case planning and policy and procedure as it related to KRS 620; developing and implementing the region’s case review lab; and preparing the region for the Council on Accreditation site visit and post-site visit, Council on Accreditation responses; the Ky Foster Care Census and Chairing the Adoption and Safe Families Act meetings for the Bluegrass Service Region (16 counties).
August 1987-October 1990 Kentucky Baptist Homes for Children, Glendale Campus, Glendale, Kentucky.
August 1987-January 1991 United States Army Reserve. I received my commission as an officer in the military in May 1990 and was honorably discharged following the Gulf war.
I have worked with others in training specific social worker teams in New Hampshire, Washington State and in Florida in Solution Based casework interviewing and intervention skills in child protective services. Most recently (2012), I developed a one day training for New Hampshire in Solution-based Casework, Family Team Meetings and worked with Dr. Bibhuti Sar on a curriculum for Coaching and Mentoring for Washington State. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education conference in February 2005 in New York. The presentation was entitled: Collaboration in Child Welfare. In February 2007 I attended two training workshops which, qualifies me to present material for the “Within My Reach” program and the “PREP” (Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program).
I have approximately eight hundred and fifty hours of training as an attendee through the Cabinet for Families and Children, Department of Protection and Permanency. I also provided regional training on the Adoption and Safe Families Act, the Multi-ethnic Placement Act, Concurrent Planning law as it related to KRS 620, Council on Accreditation standards, and assessment and case planning.
Certified to work with children with Sexual Behavior Problems and Sexually Reactive Children
Certified in Solution Based Casework
Certified parent educator in the Nurturing Program.