Staff Council Minutes

February 9, 2017

KO 170

Submitted by Donna Bevington

Present: LeeAnn Salmons, presiding; Lu Ann Name, Susan Wilson, Donna Bevington, Terri Butler, Monica Carter, Michelle Dunn,Christina Fivecoate, Lisa Frank, Stephanie Graves, Sharon Johnson, Jeremy Kennedy, Cynthia Lipken, Ashley Miller, Lauren Stewart; guests—Kate Aguilar and Brittany Ravas


Staff Council meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by President LeeAnn Salmons.


(B. Ravas, Career and Accessibility Center)

Accessibility services are for students with documented disabilities (physical,

counselling, documented by a health professional)

Students should schedule an intake appointment with the Career and Accessibility

Center; they are then issued a letter to take to their professors

(K. Aguilar, Student Life and Campus Diversity)

Support services, leadership skills

38 organizations are currently under “Student Life”

Kingston’s Coffee House—open mic; community welcome to participate/attend

–to join IUK Life, find organizations

Staff may get involved through sharing ideas, events, supporting additional

programming, participating in the Campus Climate survey, etc.

INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER: Jeremy Kennedy, Technical Services Assistant


From the Foundation, for Cathy Archer Memorial Scholarship

From Lauren Stewart, for flowers upon birth of her baby


Retirees may still participate in Staff Council if they wish.

By-laws Committee: Eva Howe, Bev Ringeisen, Lisa Frank, and Meghan Green

Use “Scholarships and Campus Programming” or “Projects”; if use “Scholarships,” all

money must be used for scholarships

A Fundraising Committee is listed in the bylaws, but we do not have one; everyone in Staff

Council has the opportunity to participate and vote, so we can remove that verbiage from the bylaws. L. Name made the motion to remove, and L. Salmons seconded. All voted unanimously to remove.

Budget Committee: Terri Butler, Chair; Eva Howe, LuAnn Name, Susan Wilson, and LeeAnn


Recommended the following: (can go to a specific venue)

Leda Casey—students traveling to Yellowstone (1st request ever from


Brittany Ravas—students attending IUK Cougar Career Experience--$150

Donna McLean—students traveling to China—$300

Minda Douglas—students attending conference in Georgia—$200

Christine Taff—students traveling to Guatemala (no specific project; will ask

nuns what orphanage needs—$300

Robyn Gill—help create and build a math manipulatives library (abacus, etc.)


Nancy Larkin—help fund employee appreciation across campus—$200

TOTAL: $2000 (we give out that much every year, usually in February)

All requests were approved unanimously.


What does everyone want to see? Can be a club, a one-time activity, training, etc.

Feb. 14—Lita Pener from IUB Human Resources (will meet with all regional campuses)


Susan Wilson submitted the following Treasurer’s Report (as of the end of January 2017):



Special Savings$430.64

Cathy Archer Mem. Schol.$9566.94 total account market value

IUK Staff Council $30,856.71 total account market value

C. Fivecoate suggested showing photos of scholarship beneficiaries.


L. Salmons made the motion to cease the sale of water at commencement, as it is no longer

lucrative. The vote was unanimously “aye.”

The suggestion was made that Terri Hellmann could create a flyer to put in the bags

that graduating students pick up from the bookstore. It could feature pictures and

prices of cookbooks and throws; students could order them when they order commencement regalia, and then pick them up when they pick up caps and gowns.

L. Salmons will talk to the bookstore about a percentage of profits;

perhaps we could set up a table next to them. Ben Leichty has two interns who could help.

Hacienda coupons—the restaurant donates 10% of every meal on organization’s designated night

Other restaurants who have a similar program:




Gift cards—

Different businesses give different percentages

If the patron is going to spend money there, anyway, why not help out?

Craft show(s)

Plans for a spring craft show in addition to the fall craft show are shelved until next year.

Please email suggestions for a new name for the craft show to L. Salmons.

The new application includes a blurb about the types of wares we seek: shabby chic,

upcycled goods, handmade crafts, etc.

If we can get a summer craft show organized, we could bring in food trucks as long as all

proper permits are issued.

Other ideas to unload cookbooks and throws:

Email alumni.

Ben Leichty could feature them in an upcoming alumni magazine and include photos.

Choose one game/match/meet from each sport to set up table.

First Fridays

S. Johnson can sell throws and cookbooks at the School of Education’s December-May

graduation celebration May 3 at 6:00.

New Student Orientations

VIP Days

Florists—could perhaps be persuaded to donate bulbs, flowers, and/or vases

L. Frank suggested a 5K walk/run.


Angel Walk—April 18

Staff Council team

Bring in toothpaste, toothbrushes, and other toiletries to donate to domestic

violence shelter

IU Day—April 19 (wear your IU gear)


The meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.