For every purchase order, it is a requirement that a valid, error-free ASN be provided by the vendor for each shipment to a DC or store. This is a vital component of our operations as it plays an important role in receiving accuracy and invoicing.Since our vendor partners play a significant role in transmitting accurate and on time ASNs to support our receiving process, there are three (3) compliance programs that reinforce proper actions: NO ASN Receipt DC/Store, Late ASN Receipt DC/Store, and ASN Variance. These infractions are outlined below.
- NO ASN Receipt DC/Store: A valid ASN must be received at the Toys”R”Us DC or Store
- Late ASN Receipt DC/Store: A valid ASN must be received prior to the receipt of goods at the Toys”R”Us DC or Store
- ASN Variance: The ASN details (pack, inner pack, routing ID, quantity) do not match what was actually received at our DC. Ensure that what was transmitted on the EDI850 (PO) is represented back in the ASN in the proper fields. The three comparisonsthat areevaluated to determine non-compliance when viewing an ASN Variance infraction are Receipt vs. ASN Item Quantity, Receipt vs. ASN and ASN vs. PO Pack/Inner Pack Variance, and ASN vs. Routed Data (Collect Orders Only). A screen shot of how this data is shown within the DPS detail screen is below.
After receipt of the ASN is confirmed, the information is scanned and identified for errors. If an error is detected, an ASN email error notification is sent to those users signed up to receive these subscriptions through the Vendor Extranet. Prior to clicking the link in the email to view the error, you must sign into the Vendor Extranet.
ASN ERROR NOTIFICATIONS: To view a list of ASN Error Notifications with definitions, please review “ASN NOTIFICATION ERRORS” attached
- An error message type will be noted as a “Warning” or “Critical” when viewed in the email, however every error must be reviewed and checked for accuracy. After corrections are made, the ASN must be retransmitted in its entirety, using the same ASN ID prior to DC receipt and ensure that the GS1-128 carton IDs do not change when the documents are re-transmitted.
HELPFUL HINTS: Please review the attachment “ASN Error Notification Helpful Hints” on the top (8) contributing ASN errors