AlgonquinLakes Condominium Association

Tuesday July 21, 2015

  1. Call to order

Chris Scorzo, Treasurer of the Algonquin Lakes Condominium Board called to order the bi-monthly meeting of the Algonquin Lakes Condominium Association at 7p on July 21, 2015 at the Algonquin Historic Village Hall.

Michael Wasz, Secretary, conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Board Treasurer Chris Scorzo, Board Vice President Mary Pearson, Director Sandy Hustedand Michael Wasz.Board President Wanda Castillo was absent. Homeowner Terry Carley waspresent.

  1. Approval of Agenda

A few items were added.

Wanda’s resignation was officially accepted by the Board. Terry Carley was nominated and accepted the nomination to replace Wanda until the next election.

Mike made a motion to approve the agenda, Sandy seconded. It was approved unanimously.

  1. Approval of Minutes

Both the corrected March Minutes and the May Minutes were submitted.

Both were approved unanimously.

  1. Financial Reports

The Association is ahead of budget by $7400. Reserves are still on track.

There is one Owner at the Attorney’s Office.

Fines for those in arrears (31 currently) for the Tax Appeal would be fined $15 effective July 24. This amount would increase to $50 in August.

The Association tax return was signed and the IRS owes the Association $909.

The Annual audit shows that everything is operating on the up and up.

Chris gave the Board a mid-year update. The numbers are where they were expected to be.

  1. Management Reports

There were two home sales in April.

  1. Old Business
  1. Landscape Report–New installations are done. Grounds are looking good and the Watering Crew continues to do well.
  1. Website - Everything is running well and securely.The Minutes Tab was redesigned to make them easier to find.
  1. Roofing Report–Project winding down. Very few issues during the installations. EMT will do minor repairs rather than the on-site Carpenter (via Roofers).
  1. Painting Project – Z Gallerie is done. Mike asked that in the future the timeframe for painting the doors be smaller and more specific. It would be brought up during the next painting cycle.
  1. New Business
  1. Lake Gillilan Way Retaining Wall– Chris will send a letter to single family homeowners to clean up the lot lines. The Board would pursue after a timely fashion. Terry took some pictures during a walk along the wall and noticed some plants that need to be addressed. Terry was compiling a chart that he would share with the Board upon completion.
  1. Landlord Lease Protocol Update – Chris explained the new protocol that should both alleviate work and stress on Loretta at the Office level while simultaneously placing more responsibility on the Landlords and Tenants in preparing their documents rather than having NWPM piece things together on the fly and hopefully avoiding timeliness issues.
  1. Dish Rider Update – NWPM/Board needs to approve these before installations, not after.
  1. Open Forum


  1. Adjournment

Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mary and approved unanimously at 8:23p.

Minutes submitted by: R. Michael Wasz, Secretary


Algonquin Lakes Condominium Association July 2015 Meeting Official Minutes