Module title / Mathematics Subject Study Audit
Module code / EM534
Credit value / 20
Mark the box to the right of the appropriate level with an ‘X’ / Level 4 / Level 5 / X / Level 6 / Level 7 / Level 8
Level 0 (for modules at foundation level)
Entry criteria for registration on this module
Specify in terms of module codes or equivalent / None
Co-requisite modules
Specify in terms of module codes or equivalent
Module delivery
Mode of delivery / Taught / X / Distance / Placement / Online
Pattern of delivery / Weekly / Block / Other
When module is delivered / Semester 1 / Semester 2 / Throughout year / X
Brief description of module content and/ or aims
Overview (max 80 words) / This module is designed to enable students to deepen and extend their understanding of mathematics.
Module team/ author/ coordinator(s) / 2 Year BA Team
School / School of Education
Site/ campus where delivered / Falmer
Course(s) for which module is appropriate and status on that course
Course / Status (mandatory/ compulsory/ optional)
2 Year BA (Hons) Mathematics Education with QTS course
2 Year PGCE Conversion (Mathematics) with QTS


Aims / The aims for this module are set into the context of the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and they relate to the SEEC level descriptors for level 5 study. The aims are also underpinned thematically by the five key outcomes for children and young people identified in Every Child Matters and the Common core of skills and knowledge for the children’s workforce.
In this module students are provided with the opportunity to identify their subject strengths and areas for development. Through a program of supported self-study they will be able to develop their knowledge and understanding to a level that will enable them to deal confidently with subject related questions and to teach the topics effectively.
Learning outcomes / In relation to
·  The QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications
·  The SEEC level descriptors for level 5 study and
·  The Training and Development Agency’s Professional Standards for Classroom Teachers
by the end of the module students should be able to:
1.  identify their strengths;
2.  analyse their areas for development and be able to indicate whether this is due to conceptual difficulties or lack of knowledge;
3.  prioritise their areas for development.
Content / The content will include:
The concept of proof which will be a theme running through all topics;
Number systems;
Sequences and Series;
Iteration and Recursion;
The Algebra of sets;
Group Structures and theory;
Trigonometric identities and equations;
Techniques of differentiation and integration;
Applications of Calculus
Learning support / This will depend upon the identified strengths and areas for development. However, the following electronic sources will certainly be used.
Electronic Sources: (all accessed July 2009)
Assessment and Qualifications Alliance
Teaching and learning activities
Details of teaching and learning activities / Contact time will be a mixture of workshops - both tutor and student-led - and taught sessions.
The students will also receive support materials to help them work at their own pace. Workshops will involve the students in exploring a range of problems. These problems will be initially tutor-set and will provide the opportunity for students to share ideas and to identify and discuss the subject issues that arise.
Non-contact time will be used by the students to explore, and solve problems, to follow up references and to apply and reflect on ideas and skills they have met.
During this module students will be encouraged to work in small groups which will provide a mutually helpful and supportive community.
Allocation of study hours (indicative)
Where 10 credits = 100 learning hours / Study hours
SCHEDULED / This is an indication of the number of hours students can expect to spend in scheduled teaching activities including lectures, seminars, tutorials, project supervision, demonstrations, practical classes and workshops, supervised time in workshops/ studios, fieldwork, and external visits. / 50
GUIDED INDEPENDENT STUDY / All students are expected to undertake guided independent study which includes wider reading/ practice, follow-up work, the completion of assessment tasks, and revisions. / 150
PLACEMENT / The placement is a specific type of learning away from the University. It includes work-based learning and study that occurs overseas.
Assessment tasks
Details of assessment on this module / Assessment will be in the context of the University of Brighton Assessment Policy and the Faculty Code of Practice in Assessment, and students will be required to complete the following:
Following a presentation on one of the learned topics for formative assessment:
Task (Weighting 100%):
Students will present a portfolio of evidence of the work that they have done on this module, providing evidence of the progress that they have made towards acquiring the necessary subject knowledge.
(3500 word equivalent)
The task will be marked on a percentage basis.
Referral task: Rework original task.
Assessment Criteria:
General criteria for assessment are framed by the SEEC descriptors for level 5. Against specific criteria, credit will be awarded for:
·  the ability to identify and analyse strengths and areas for further development in their own mathematical knowledge (LO1, LO2, LO3);
·  the quality of the supporting evidence LO3).
All learning outcomes must be achieved in order to pass the module at the threshold level.
Types of assessment task[1]
Indicative list of summative assessment tasks which lead to the award of credit or which are required for progression. / % weighting
(or indicate if component is pass/fail)
WRITTEN / Written exam
COURSEWORK / Written assignment/ essay, report, dissertation, portfolio, project output, set exercise / 100%
PRACTICAL / Oral assessment and presentation, practical skills assessment, set exercise


Area examination board / Combined Area Examination Board
Refer to University for guidance in completing the following sections
External examiners
Name / Position and institution / Date appointed / Date tenure ends
Richard Cowley


Date of first approval
Only complete where this is not the first version / September 2009*
Date of last revision
Only complete where this is not the first version / N/A
Date of approval for this version / September 2009 (KIS amends March 2016)
Version number / 1
Modules replaced
Specify codes of modules for which this is a replacement / *Recoded version of EM234 (June 2012)
Available as free-standing module? / Yes / No

Module descriptor template: updated Aug 2014

[1] Set exercises, which assess the application of knowledge or analytical, problem-solving or evaluative skills, are included under the type of assessment most appropriate to the particular task.