Local Development Scheme Board – 26 January 2018 – Notes of Meeting
Attendees: Angie Singleton (AS), Derek Yeomans (DY), Nick Weeks (NW), Peter Gubbins (PG) Ric Pallister (RP), Martin Woods (MW), Simon Fox (SF), Jo Wilkins (JW), Jo Manley (JM), David Clews (DC), and Stephen Baimbridge (SB).
Apologies:Sue Steele (SS), Val Keitch (VK)
- Notes on last meeting
- The notes of the Local Development Scheme Board held on 5th September 2017 were agreed.
- Evidence base on the potential for Rural Settlements to be designated ‘Villages’ - draft evidence base report and summary
- JW explained that officers were asking the Board to endorse the methodology being used to produce the report, which would eventually go on to form part of the evidence base for the Local Plan Review.
- DC gave an overview of the methodology being used and a discussion was held between officers and Members about the approach being taken and the potential impacts of the introduction of a ‘villages tier.
- RP highlighted a technical error pertaining to Merriott. Action point: It was resolved that the error would be corrected.
- The methodology was endorsed by the Board. Action point: The report is to be finalised and in due course will go on to form part of the evidence base for the Local Plan Review and be published on the web site.
- Brownfield Register – verbal update
- DC set out the background to the Register and explained why it has been published.
- RP queried whether the permitted development change of use from a business use to residential use was being monitored. Following a brief discussion it was concluded that it was monitored as part of the regular Economic Development monitoring process.
- PG queried details of a specific site on the Register.
- Local Plan Review Issues and Options Consultation process – verbal update
- JW gave an update on the Local Plan Review Issues and Options consultation. Over 200 people had attended the drop-in sessions and over 800 consultation responses have been received.
- Neighbourhood Planning progress – verbal update
- JW briefed the Board on the progression of the District’s Neighbourhood Plans, including:
- Wincanton – Referendum is on 8 February 2018.
- South Petherton – Regulation 16 consultation ends on 31 January 2018.
- East Coker – Submitted, but awaiting receipt of finalised documentation.
- Ansford and Castle Cary – SEA screening completed December 2017. Preparing for pre-submission consultation.
- Queen Camel – on-going.
- Ilminster- on-going
- Martock and Bower Hinton–on-going.
- Employment Land Review progress – verbal update
- JM updated the Board on the progression of Employment Land Review.The final draft will be presented to the Board at the next meeting in April 2018.
- RP queried the impact of the Garden Settlement proposal and its relationship with Somerset County Council and their Growth Plan. A brief discussion took place about the proposal and the principle of a garden settlement.
- JW advised that the issue of a garden settlement would be addressed as part of the Local Plan Review.
- It was agreed that the next Local Development Scheme Board meeting should be scheduled for the afternoon of 11th April 2018 (Action point).