Title: In-Depth Online Registration Training Focusing on
ICG Enhancements
Date: Monday, March 23, 2009
Time: 2:00-3:30pm
All providers are invited to attend this webinar. However, this in-depth presentation is especially geared towards ICG Providers who have limited experience using ProviderConnect for on-line registration of consumers. There will be a focus on each data element that comprises the registration, including those that are required for ICG registrations. An overview of online registration focusing on ICG registration changes only for agencies who are experienced in submitting registrations will be provided on March 16th during the first 30 minutes of the regular weekly scheduled TA call, which is held at 2:00 PM.
Two (2) ways to join this presentation
1) Telephone Only:
If you do not have access to a computer, you may join by telephone using the Dial-In Number and Passcode listed below.
2) Webinar: If you choose this option, all participants must use their telephones to dial-in AND computers to log onto the Web to access this training session. By calling the dial-in number and giving the passcode, you will be able to hear the presentation. By accessing the Internet and entering the Web address and meeting number, you will be able to see the presentation.
You can join the Webinar directly by going to JoinWebinar.com and typing in the Webinar ID: 206087611
Remember, you MUST do both if you choose this second option.
Dial-In Number:
Please join the meeting 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting to ensure that you are able to log in, as you may need to download software.