Algebra 1 Syllabus
Fall 2015
Contact Information
Planning Period: 2nd Block
Required Supplies / Wishlist- Composition Notebook
- 1 inch binder
- Lined paper
- Pencil, highlighter, pen
- Binder Dividers (5) / - Glue sticks
- Kleenex
- Lysol Wipes
- Colored Copy Paper
- Markers
- Hand Sanitizer
Grading Policy
Classwork, Bellwork, Homework 30%
Tests and Quizzes 50%
Exam 20%
Grades are available online and are updated weekly. Parents are encouraged to view grades regularly.
Bellwork grades will be given daily. Each grade is out of a possible 3 points: one point each for a date stamp, correct answer, and explanatory sentence. A date stamp is earned by having answered the question by the time Mr. Gumm walks around to check work (approximately five minutes into the block).
Homework will be given out almost daily, and is checked in class each day. Points will be given based on completion (100 – 70 – 0) and will be accumulated and recorded at the end of each chapter. Homework quizzes may be given throughout the year to ensure students are checking their work and learning from their mistakes.
Algebra is focused on preparing students for college, real-world situations, and the ACT. Staying alert and contributing positively to the learning environment is an important part of this process. Classwork may be assigned in the form of interactive notebook assignment, worksheet, or exit ticket. Student’s group role will also be factored in. Exit tickets must be made up before or after school.
Tests/ Quizzes (50%)
Tests will normally be scheduled at the end of each chapter or unit. Tests are comprehensive so they will consist of new information as well as previously taught information. Most questions will be open-ended and require an in-depth response. Similar to the state test, the test will be broken into calculator and non-calculator specific questions. Due to the amount of group work that is expected of my students, a group-work aspect will be given each chapter.
Exam (20%)
Midterm and final exams are comprehensive. Exemptions will follow Desoto County School guidelines.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Please enter our classroom quietly and begin working on the bellwork.
2. You will be given a number that corresponds to a calculator that you will use in our class. You will also use this number on all of your work at the top right corner.
3. Bell work will be on the board each day. It will be graded every day.
4. Please do not bother my things! My desk is my personal area.
5. Purses/bags must be on back of chair, under desk, or on floor – not in seats.
6. Make yourself familiar with the student handbook regarding absences and the makeup policy. Make it easy on everyone and come to class!
7. It is YOUR responsibility to make up any work missed while you were absent. The assignments will be posted on the side board. I will not ask you for any work. In the case of a missed test, you must see me before or after school. You will not be allowed to make up a test during our class. A zero will be recorded until you have made up the assignment or test.
8. Any time that we must leave our class i.e. an emergency or drill, we will be on our very best, example setting behavior.
9. Cheating in any form will not be tolerated! I realize you and other students will work together, but you are responsible for doing your own work. Any act deemed by me to be cheating will result in a 0. This includes but is not limited to copying someone else’s work or allowing them to copy yours. Protect your work! Talking during a test will be considered cheating and earn you an automatic 0.
10. I will dismiss our class each day. The bell / announcement is a signal. Please do not assume you are dismissed when it sounds.
11. Graphing calculators are provided by the school and are very expensive, so it is important that we take excellent care of them. If you happen to drop a calculator, you must put it away and may not use it for the remainder of the class period. 12. Tutoring will be offered daily.
I reserve the right to adjust the terms of this syllabus as needed. Being successful in math requires you to stay focused. Please do not hesitate to ask for help. It is your responsibility to ask for assistance; I do not always know when you first hit a roadblock. I am looking forward to a great semester with you!
Mr. Gumm
Classroom Rules
1. Keep all body parts, objects, and unkind words to yourself.
2. Stay in your seat, unless given permission.
3. Be SILENT when a faculty member is talking
4. Stay Alert!
Consequences are infractions. 1st is documented warning, 2nd is note/call home, 3rd and following result in ASD (After School Detention)