Canyon Creek Homeowners Association
Board of DirectorsMinutes
Date: October, 17th 2016 Place: Canyon Creek Country Club
Present: See attendance below
Meeting was called to order at 7:09. Last month’s meeting minutes were reviewed and approved with a motion by Jay and a second by Kyla
Tonight’s meeting was led by Warren Caldwell in Jeremy’s absence and Susan Kuddes took notes because our secretary Debra Emmert was out of town.
- President (Jeremy Thomason)
Was unable to attend tonight and asked Warren Caldwell to lead the meeting. Warren is scheduled to be the President Elect next term starting Nov. 2nd.
- Past President (Susan Kassen)
Reported on the success of the Garage Sale held Sat. Oct. 15th . New signs were created and posted throughout the neighborhood. She has signs for the festival in her car.
- Finance (Richard Luttrell)
Distributed the Treasurer’s report – it was mentioned that one check had to be stopped and rewritten because the scouts misplaced the check. Aldridge Elementary had not cashed their check yet.
- Crime Watch (Warren Caldwell)
Reported on the results of the recent National Night Out-51 registered parties out of 108 streets
Reported the nomination for Crime Watch Director will be Jeff Wolfe
A nomination for Secretary has been found as well, Julia Porter
He invited any & all of us to attend the Leadership Workshop held this Tues. at the Civic Center at 5:30pm. Kerry and Suzie may attend.
Annual Meeting – each director will speak for a minute describing what has been done this past year in their area.
- Communications Report (Suzie Kuddes)
Canyon Creek Magazine: Thank you Richard for the article that was published and Chip will write the article for the Nov. / Dec. issue.
Web site- continues to update monthly -YOM, Minutes, Festival & Halloween contest. All block captains and quadrant leaders can now be seen on site.
Mail Chimp- 5 e-mails went out since the last meeting
Signs for the Family Festival from Susan will be distributed soon.
- Membership/Flag Lease Report (Jay Dalehite)
The curb painting was discussed handled by Multiple Scout Units – still considering other painter options. Scouts receive $5. per home but he is willing to pay more for a better job.
Flag Lease Update– about 20 flags were vandalized but repaired.
Membership Update:he plans to reach out to the non-members
- Beautification Report (Kerry Gaines)
Sign Toppers – Kerry has been deciding on the exact look of the new sign toppers so they will be easier to read.
Halloween Home Decorating contest is underway with creative announcements Kerry designed for Mail Chimp, Web site and Facebook post. The votes have already begun and the procedure allows for on-line voting.
- Community Relations Report (Chip Pratt)
Chip attended a reception for the new President of UTD, Dr. Richard C. Benson and reports that he seems to have a good attitude toward our neighborhood and is well liked. He appears to be similar to the past president, Dr. Daniels.
Our speaker for the Annual Meeting is Michael Morris. He is the Director of Transportation for the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG)
A final meeting for the Cotton Belt Rail project will be held on the 25th downtown at the Dart office. Chip feels it will be “a thumbs” up meeting.
- Events Report – Kyla Obert
Creek IICreek FestivalPreparation reported. Date is this Sunday Oct. 23rd 3-6pm. A very attractive poster has been printed and being distributed at various locations.
Chimp mail messages went out on Oct. 11th and again today Oct. 17th
Web site and Facebook are promoting the event as well. Frankies and Marcus Café have specials available for the festival Sweet Firefly will be open.Volunteers are still needed, but the spaces are filling fast. This year the clubs are bringing their own tables and chairs. Kyla thanked Susan Kassen for all her help in organizing the festival.She has the projector ordered for the Annual Meeting at the club on Wed. 11/2/16.
- Adjourn – Next Annual Meeting Nov. 2nd Canyon Creek Country Club – 6:30
Board Members
2016 Attendance / 1/11 / 2/08 / 3/21 / 4/18 / 5/16 / 6/23 / 8/23 / 9/19 / 10/17 / 11/2
Kassen, Susan / P / P / A / P / A / P / P / A / P
Dalehite, Jay / P / P / P / P / P / P / P / P / P
Pratt, Chip / P / A / P / A / P / P / P / P / P
Obert, Kyla / P / A / P / P / P / P / P / A / P
Emmert, Debra / P / P / P / P / P / P / A / P / A
Fulgham, Matt / A / P / P / A / P / A / A / A / A
Caldwell, Warren / P / P / P / P / P / P / P / P / P
Luttrell, Richard / P / P / P / P / P / P / P / P / P
Thomason, Jeremy / P / P / P / P / A / P / P / P / A
Gaines, Kerry / P / P / P / A / P / P / P / P / P
Kuddes, Susan / P / P / P / P / P / P / P / A / P
P = Present A = Absent
*Annual Meeting will substitute for November meeting