1. Call to order: 9:23am
  2. Attendance Report: Alexander Farley
  3. Voting Members: 6
  4. Non-voting Members:3
  5. Chair Report: Jason A. White
  6. 55 organizations submitted budget materials.
  7. 50 organizations submitted budget requests in the required format and by the deadlines set by the Committee on Finance and are therefore going to be entertained by this committee.
  8. The dollar amount of the total request Student Organization Budgets is: $2,471,493.91
  9. This puts the Student Organization Budgets at $371,493.00 over the $2,100,000.00 available total for Student Organization Budgets.
  10. Old Business
  11. N/A
  12. New Business

Budget Criteria is as follows:
Committee on Finance Funding Request Approval Criteria:

  1. Does the organization meet the eligibility requirements?
  2. Does the organization actively recruit members?
  3. Does the organization have an active roster with attendance records?
  4. Does the organization conduct fund-raising activities to supplement their allocated budget?
  5. Does the organization participate in community service events?
  6. Is the funding request clear, complete, precise, and appropriately prepared?

If the answer to any of #1- #6 is no: request denied in full

  1. Will the events, programs, or service sponsored by the organization be effective?

Criteria to be considered when assessing “effectiveness”

  1. Will a large number of students be positively affected by the event, program, or service?
  2. Will the event, program, service be significant, profound, or of vital importance to the participants?
  3. Will the event, program, service be academic or professionally relevant in nature?
  4. Will the event, program, service be culturally enriching in nature?
  5. Will the event, program, service be provide a specific service to the university
  6. What will the students who participate in this event, program, service bring back to the University as a result? In other words, what is the "take back" - especially for conferences and other travel requests. (examples: spirit, recruitment, SPECIFIC retention plans, community building)
  1. Motion to set budget limit to 2 million due to declining enrollment
  2. So moved: Alexander Farley-
  3. Second: Michelle
  4. Approved: unanimously
  1. MTA: A science and art publication $3,614.00
  2. Rebecca
  3. Second: Michelle
  4. Motion to cut refreshments to 2 months of total $100: Alex Farley
  5. Second: Michelle
  6. Passes: unanimously
  7. Motion to approve $3,614.00
  8. Passes: unanimously
  9. MTA: American Choral Directors
  10. Rebecca
  11. Second: Michelle
  12. Motion tofriendly amend guest speakers to keep the 4 speakers at only $50 per person: Rebecca Adams
  13. Call to question
  14. Passes: unanimously
  15. Fails
  16. Motion to strike line 11 The American Spiritual ensemble
  17. Alex Bock
  18. Second: Alex Farley
  19. Passes: 5
  20. Opposed: 1
  21. Passes
  22. Motion to strike line 17 receptions
  23. Alex Bock
  24. Second: Alex Farley
  25. Passes: unanimously
  1. Motion to strike line 5 of travel: ACDA conference
  2. Alex Bock
  3. Second: Michelle
  4. Passes: unanimously
  5. Motion to strike line 5 of capital
  6. Alex Bock
  7. Second: Alex Farley
  8. Passes: unanimously
  9. Motion to approve $9,256.00
  10. Passes: unanimously
  1. MTA: American String Teachers
  2. Rebecca Adams
  3. Second: Alex Bock
  4. Motion to strike line 14 in program:Sybarite 5 string quintet
  5. Alex Bock
  6. Second: Alex Farley
  7. Passes: unanimously
  8. Motion to strike line 19 in programming: time for three string trio
  9. Alex Bock
  10. Jared Berken
  11. Passes: unanimously
  12. Motion to strike line 5 in Travel: National ASTA Conference
  13. Alex Farley
  14. Alex Bock
  15. Passes: unanimously
  16. Motion to strike line 9 in capital: Receptions for orchestra concerts
  17. Alex Bock
  18. Michelle
  19. Passes: unanimously
  20. Motion to approve $2,330.00
  21. Passes: unanimously
  22. MTA: Art acquisition/ exhibition
  23. Rebecca
  24. Second: Michelle
  25. Motion to strike all of capital
  26. Alex B
  27. Alex F
  28. Passes: unanimously
  29. Motion to strike lines 53-54 in programming: Annual art acquisition for the University art collection
  30. Rebecca
  31. Second: Jared
  32. Passes: unanimously
  33. Motion to strike lines 60-63 in programming: opening receptions for exhibitions
  34. Alex F
  35. Second: Michelle
  36. Passes: unanimously
  1. Motion to strike lines 50 in programming: Holiday Bazaar fundraising event and material costs and essentials for the event
  2. Alex F
  3. Second: Michelle
  4. In favor: 3
  5. Opposed: 3
  6. Passes: Chair decides
  7. Motion to strike line 5, 15, 35,44: Guest lecturers
  8. Alex B
  9. Second: Alex F
  10. Passes: unanimously
  11. Motion to approve $13,042.00
  12. Passes: unanimously
  1. Motion to approve Art and Guild Design
  2. Rebecca
  3. Second: Michelle
  4. Motion to strike line 14 in travel: NYC
  5. Alex B
  6. Second: Alex F
  7. In favor: 5
  8. Abstained: 1
  9. Passes
  10. Motion to approve $5,150.00
  11. Passes: unanimously
  12. Motion to revisits
  13. Alex B
  14. Second: Rebecca
  15. Motion to strike line 9 in programming: Semester parties
  16. Alex B
  17. Second: Tori
  18. In favor: 5
  19. Abstained: 1
  20. Passes
  21. Motion to approve the new amount of $4,890.00
  22. In favor: 5
  23. Opposed: 1
  24. Passes
  25. Bass Fishing was not be entertained due to lack of fund raising
  26. Motion to approve Biology Club
  27. Rebecca
  28. Second: Alex B
  29. Motion to strike line 5 in Travel: Boston, MA
  30. Alex B
  31. Second: Alex F
  32. Passes: unanimously
  33. Motion to amend totals of line 6 to $200 to $10 per shirt in programming
  34. Michelle
  35. Second: Tori
  36. Passes: unanimously
  37. Motion to approve $600
  38. Passes: unanimously
  39. Motion to Approve BSU
  40. Rebecca
  41. Second: Alex B
  42. Motion to strike line 10, 55 in programing: Freshman night, American Spiritual Ensemble
  43. Alex B
  44. Second: Jared
  45. Passes: unanimously
  46. Motion to strike line 5,7,49 in programing: Car smash, Italian ice Social, and Speaker
  47. Alex B
  48. Second: Alex F
  49. Passes: unanimously
  50. Motion to strike 5 in Travel: Skating
  51. Tori
  52. Second: Michelle
  53. Passes: Unanimously
  54. Motion to strike line 10 in Travel: Broadway play
  55. Tori
  56. Second: Michelle
  57. Passes: unanimously
  58. Motion to strike line 14 in Travel: BSU national conference
  59. Tori
  60. Second: Michelle
  61. In favor: 4
  62. Opposed: 2
  63. Passes
  64. Motion to remove time limit for 10 minute cap for BSU
  65. Alex F
  66. Second: Tori
  67. Passes: unanimously
  68. Motion to strike line 29 in Travel: Spring Trip
  69. Alex F
  70. Second: Tori
  71. Passes: unanimously
  72. Motion to strike all capital
  73. Alex F
  74. Second: Alex B
  75. Passes: unanimously
  76. Motion to strike line 15 in programming: Supplies for fundraising
  77. Michelle
  78. Second: Tori
  79. Passes: unanimously
  80. Motion to strike line 16 in programming: shirts
  81. Alex F
  82. Second: Michelle
  83. Passes: unanimously
  84. Motion to strike line 29, 31 in programming: Food
  85. Alex F
  86. Second: Tori
  87. In favor: 1
  88. Opposed: 5
  89. Fails
  90. Motion to strike line 54 in Programming: Shirts
  91. Rebecca
  92. Second: Tori
  93. Passes: unanimously
  94. Stipulation that line 47 must be Julian Bond
  95. Motion to strike line 27, 33, 40, 50 in programming: equipment handlers
  96. Alex B
  97. Second: Alex F
  98. Passes: unanimously
  99. Motion to strike line 43, 45 and amending line 42 to $300 in programming: Fashion Show
  100. Rebecca
  101. Second: Tori
  102. Passes: unanimously
  103. Motion to approve $24,775.00
  104. Passes: unanimously
  105. Motion of privilege
  106. Alex F
  107. Second: Michelle
  108. Boxing club was not entertained due to not to fundraising, community service, and programming and didn’t fill out the word document
  109. MTA: Catholic Student Association
  1. Rebecca
  2. Second: Alex B
  3. Motion to strike lines 16 in programming: food
  4. Alex B
  5. Second: Michelle
  6. Passes: unanimously
  7. Motion to strike line 10 in programming: Food
  8. Michelle
  9. Second: Alex B
  10. Passes: unanimously
  11. Motion to strike line 11 in programming: DVD and Study materials
  12. Rebecca
  13. Second: Tori
  14. In favor: 5
  15. Opposed 1
  16. Passes
  17. Motion to strike line 14 in programming: food
  18. Alex F
  19. Second: Alex B
  20. Passes: unanimously
  21. Motion to approve $ 3,128.00
  22. Passes: Unanimously
  1. Motion to Cheerleaders
  2. Rebecca
  3. Second: Michelle
  4. Motion to approve $ 1,118.00
  5. Passes: unanimously
  6. Motion to approve Chemistry
  7. Rebecca
  8. Second: Alex F
  9. Motion to strike line 5 in programming: recruitment party
  10. Alex F
  11. Second: Alex B
  12. Passes: unanimously
  13. Motion to strike line 5 in Travel: American Chemical Society Meetings
  14. Michelle
  15. Second: Alex F
  16. Passes: unanimously
  17. Reinstate line 7 to $480: Vans
  18. Alex F
  19. Second: Tori
  20. Passes: unanimously
  21. Motion to strike line 8 in Travel: Spring gathering
  22. Michelle
  23. Alex B
  24. Passes: unanimously
  25. Motion to approve $2,075
  26. Passes: unanimously
  27. MTA: college against cancer
  28. Rebecca
  29. Second: Alex B
  30. Motion to strike line 13 in programming: Food
  31. Alex B
  32. Second: Alex F
  33. Passes: unanimously
  34. Motion to strike line 28 in programming: car smash
  35. Alex F
  36. Second: Tori
  37. Passes: unanimously
  38. Motion to strike line 18 in programming: Workshop
  39. Alex B
  40. Second: Alex F
  41. Passes: unanimously
  42. Motion to strike line 27, 39 in programming: Prizes
  43. Alex B
  44. Second: Alex F
  45. Passes: unanimously
  46. Stipulation that all prizes come from the campus bookstore
  47. Alex F
  48. Second: Rebecca
  49. Motion to strike line 51 in programming: Prizes
  50. Alex B
  51. Second: Tori
  52. Passes: unanimously
  53. Stipulation can only spend up to $10 per shirt and must be from the campus bookstore
  54. Michelle
  55. Motion to strike line 92 in programming: food/ beverage
  56. Alex F
  57. Second: Michelle
  58. Passes: unanimously
  59. Motion to approve $ 9,605.00
  60. In favor: 0
  61. Opposed: 6
  62. Fails
  63. Collegiate Entrepreneurs was not entertained due to lack of fundraising, community service, and programming
  64. Rebecca
  65. Second: Alex F
  66. MTA: Computer Science
  67. Rebecca
  68. Second: Michelle
  69. Motion to strike line 5, 9 in programing: food
  70. Alex B
  71. Second: Alex F
  72. Passes: unanimously
  73. Motion to strike line 14 in Travel: LAHacks
  74. Alex B
  75. Second: Michelle
  76. Passes: unanimously
  77. Motion to strike, 5, 12, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41 in capital: Games
  78. Alex B
  79. Second: Tori
  80. Passes: unanimously
  81. Motion to strike 9 in Travel: PACISE conference
  82. Alex B
  83. Second: Rebecca
  84. Passes: unanimously
  85. Motion to strike line 38 in capital: posters
  86. Alex B
  87. Second: Michelle
  88. Passes: unanimously
  89. Motion to approve $5,388.00
  90. In favor: 5
  91. Opposed: 1
  92. Passes
  93. MTA: Council for exceptional children
  94. Tori
  95. Second: Michelle
  96. Motion to strike travel budget
  97. Tori
  98. Second: Alex B
  99. Passes: unanimously
  100. Motion to strike line 16 in programming
  101. Alex B
  102. Second: Alex F
  103. Passes: unanimously
  104. Motion to approve $1,075.00
  105. Passes: unanimously
  106. Dance team was not entertained due to lack community service
  107. MTA: Double Reed Society
  108. Tori
  109. Second: Michelle
  110. Motion to approve $1,090.10
  111. Fails
  113. Tori
  114. Second: Jared
  115. Motion to strike line 11 in Travel: Fall leadership training conference
  116. Tori
  117. Second: Alex B
  118. Passes: unanimously
  119. Motion to strike line 10 in programing: Prezzi
  120. Alex F
  121. Second: Rebecca
  122. In favor: 5
  123. Opposed: 1
  124. Passes
  125. Motion to amend the amount the line 6 in Travel to $1500: Regional Competition
  126. Michelle
  127. Second: Tori
  128. Passes: unanimously
  129. Motion to strike line 24: 1890’s weekend
  130. Alex F
  131. Second: Michelle
  132. In favor: 1
  133. Opposed: 5
  134. Fails
  135. Motion to approve $4,051.82
  136. In favor: 5
  137. Opposed: 1
  138. Passes
  139. MTA: Fire ferrets (quidditch)
  140. Tori
  141. Second: Alex B
  142. Motion to strike line 10 in capital: individual dues
  143. Alex B
  144. Second: Alex F
  145. In favor: 3
  146. Opposed: 3
  147. Passes- chair decides
  148. Motion to approve $6,667.50
  149. Passes: unanimously
  150. Fishier and aqua culture was not entertained due to lack of fund raising
  151. MTA: Garden Club
  152. Tori
  153. Second: Michelle
  154. Motion to approve $ 2,499.84
  155. Fails
  156. GLO was not entertained due to lack of community service
  157. MTA: Geography Club
  158. Tori
  159. Second: Alex F
  160. Motion to approve $ 6,097.58
  161. Fails
  162. MTA: Geology Club
  163. Michelle
  164. Second: Alex B
  165. Motion to strike line 5, 31, 37 in Travel: Adirondack trip, West Virginia, spring break
  166. Alex B
  167. Second: Michelle
  168. Passes: unanimously
  169. Call to question
  170. Alex B
  171. Second: Alex F
  172. Passes: unanimously
  173. Motion to approve $3,460.84
  174. Fails
  175. MTA: History club
  176. Tori
  177. Second: Michelle
  178. Motion to strike line 15 from travel: Spain and Portugal
  179. Alex B
  180. Second: Alex F
  181. Passes: unanimously
  182. Motion to strike programming: pizza
  183. Tori
  184. Second: Alex F
  185. Passes: unanimously
  186. Motion to approve $1,867.00
  187. In favor: 5
  188. Opposed: 1
  189. Passes
  190. MTA: Honors association
  191. Tori
  192. Second: Michelle
  193. Motion to strike line 6 in programing: food/ beverages
  194. Alex F
  195. Second: Tori
  196. Passes
  197. Motion to strike line 7 in programming: food/ beverages
  198. Alex F
  199. Second: Alex B
  200. Passes
  201. Motion to strike line 24 in Travel: Boston, Ma
  202. Alex B
  203. Second: Alex F
  204. In favor: 4
  205. Abstained: 2
  206. Passes
  207. Motion to strike line 15, 18 in Travel: Skating
  208. Tori
  209. Second: Alex F
  210. Passes: unanimously
  211. Motion to approve $ 1,194.80
  212. In favor: 4
  213. Abstained: 2
  214. Passes
  215. MTA: Horn Club
  216. Tori
  217. Second: Michelle
  218. Motion to approve $16,840.00
  219. Fails
  220. MTA:Hula hoop
  221. Tori
  222. Second: Alex B
  223. Motion to strike line 6, 10 from programming: Professional DJ
  224. Tori
  225. Second: Alex F
  226. Passes: unanimously
  227. Motion to strike line 5 in capital and line 5 in Travel
  228. Alex B
  229. Second: Tori
  230. Passes: unanimously
  231. Motion to approve $445.00
  232. In favor: 5
  233. Opposed: 1
  234. Passes
  235. MTA: International student organization
  236. Motion to strike line 5, 8, 17, 23 37, in programing: Food/ DJ
  237. Alex B
  238. Second: Alex F
  239. Passes: unanimously
  240. Motion to strike line 9, 27, 32, 35 in Travel: Trips
  241. Alex B
  242. Second: Alex F
  243. Passes: unanimously
  244. Motion to strike line 13 in Travel: Hersey Park
  245. Alex F
  246. Second: Alex B
  247. In favor: 4
  248. Opposed: 1
  249. Abstained: 1
  250. Passes
  251. Motion to strike line 43 in Travel: Fall Trip
  252. Alex B
  253. Second: Alex F
  254. Passes: unanimously
  255. Motion to approve $ 14,785.00
  256. In favor: 5
  257. Opposed: 1
  258. Passes
  259. International Tuba was not entertained due to lack of fund raising
  260. MTA: Jazz Organization
  261. Alex F
  262. Second: Tori
  263. Motion to strike line 6,8 in programing: Guest Artist, receptions
  264. Alex B
  265. Second: Alex F
  266. Passes: unanimously
  267. Motion to strike line 5 in Capital: Microphones
  268. Alex B
  269. Second: Alex F
  270. Passes: unanimously
  271. Motion to approve $600.00
  272. Passes: unanimously
  273. MTA: Kelchner Fitness Center
  274. Alex F
  275. Second: Michelle
  276. Motion to change the amount to $120,000.00
  277. Alex F
  278. Second: Michelle
  279. Passes: unanimously
  280. Motion to approve $120,000.00
  281. Passes: unanimously
  282. MAC was not entertained due to lack of fund raising
  283. MTA: Math Club
  284. Alex F
  285. Second: Michelle
  286. Motion to strike line 5 in Travel: T3 conference
  287. Alex B
  288. Second: Michelle
  289. Passes: unanimously
  290. Motion to approve $1,567
  291. Passes: unanimously
  292. Men for progress was not entertained due to lack of fund raising
  293. Musical Theatre organization was not entertained due to lack of community service
  294. MUTV was not entertained due to lack of community service
  295. MTA: National Alliance of saxophonists
  296. Alex F
  297. Second: Alex B
  298. Motion to strike line 5-8 in programming: Guest/ Class/ Performance/ food/drink
  299. Alex F
  300. Second: Jared B
  301. In favor: 2
  302. Opposed: 3
  303. Abstained: 1
  304. Fails
  305. Motion to strike line 8 in programing: equipment repair
  306. Alex F
  307. Second: Alex B
  308. Passes: unanimously
  309. Motion to strike line 5 in capital: music
  310. Alex B
  311. Second: Rebecca
  312. In favor: 5
  313. Opposed: 1
  314. Passes
  315. Motion to approve $1,350.00
  316. Passes: unanimously
  317. MTA: National Art Education Association
  318. Alex F
  319. Second: Tori
  320. Motion to strike line 5, 17-19 in programming: Food/ Beverages, Guest Person
  321. Alex B
  322. Second: Alex F
  323. Passes: unanimously
  324. Motion to strike line 11 in Travel: Convention in New Orleans
  325. Alex B
  326. Second: Alex F
  327. Passes: unanimously
  328. Motion to strike line 5 in capital: Holiday Bazaar Chair
  329. Alex F
  330. Second: Tori
  331. In favor: 5
  332. Opposed: 1
  333. Passes
  334. Motion to approve $6,130.00
  335. Passes: unanimously
  336. Navigators was not entertained due to lack of community service
  337. MTA: Nerf Club
  338. Rebecca
  339. Second Alex B
  340. Motion to strike line 5, 14, in capital: Nerf Blasters, Bandannas
  341. Alex B
  342. Second: Tori
  343. Passes: unanimously
  344. Motion to approve $329.96
  345. Passes: unanimously
  346. Organization communication Club was not entertained due to lack of fund raising, and community service
  347. MTA: PCMEA
  348. Rebecca
  349. Second: Tori
  350. Motion to strike line 11, in programming: Breakfast
  351. Alex B
  352. Second: Tori
  353. Passes: unanimously
  354. Motion to strike line 8 in programing: meal
  355. Alex B
  356. Second Alex F
  357. Passes: unanimously
  358. Motion to strike line 9 in programing: reception
  359. Tori
  360. Second: Alex B
  361. Passes: unanimously
  362. Motion to strike line 10 in Travel: Summer Conference
  363. Alex B
  364. Second: Jared B
  365. Passes: unanimously
  366. Motion to approve $8,845.00
  367. In favor: 5
  368. Opposed: 1
  369. Passes
  370. MTA: Photography Club
  371. Michelle
  372. Second: Tori
  373. Motion to strike line 11, 12 in capital: Camera kit, macro lens
  374. Michelle
  375. Second: Rebecca
  376. Passes: unanimously
  377. Motion to strike line 8, 13 in Travel: Food
  378. Alex F
  379. Second: Jared
  380. Passes: unanimously
  381. Motion to approve $8,009.00
  382. Passes: unanimously
  383. Political Science Club was not entertained due to not filling out the budget sheet entirely
  384. MTA:Pre-Med Club
  385. Tori
  386. Second: Alex F
  387. Motion to strike line 15, 17 in programming: food
  388. Alex B
  389. Second: Alex F
  390. Passes: unanimously
  391. Motion to strike all of programing
  392. Alex F
  393. Second: Alex B
  394. Passes: unanimously
  395. Motion to approve $1,040
  396. Passes: unanimously
  1. PRSSA was not entertained due to not having a detailed budget.
  2. MTA: RHA
  3. Alex B
  4. Second: Tori
  5. Motion to strike programing
  6. Michelle
  7. Second: Tori
  8. Passes: unanimously
  9. Motion to strike line 5 in Travel: NACURH conference
  10. Alex B
  11. Second: Jared
  12. Passes: unanimously
  13. Motion to approve $3,709.50
  14. Passes: unanimously
  15. Snow sports was not entertained due to failing to submit a detailed budget sheet
  16. MTA: Social Work
  17. Rebecca
  18. Second: Jared
  19. Motion to amend line 28 to $500 for $10 a shirt per person in programming
  20. Michelle
  21. Second: Rebecca
  22. Passes: unanimously
  23. Motion to strike line 19, 23, 30, 33 in programing: Gifts
  24. Alex B
  25. Second: Alex F
  26. Passes: unanimously
  27. Motion to strike line 5 in Travel: Social problems trip
  28. Jared
  29. Second: Alex B
  30. Passes: unanimously
  31. Motion to strike line 9 in Travel: Advocacy
  32. Alex F
  33. Second: Jared
  34. In favor: 4
  35. Abstained: 2
  36. Passes
  37. Motion to approve $770.00
  38. In favor: 5
  39. Abstained: 1
  40. Passes
  41. Sociology/ anthropology organization was not entertained due to lack of fund raising and community service
  1. Student Composer Society was not entertained due to lack of fund raising and community service
  2. MTA: Student Dietetics Association
  3. Rebecca
  4. Second: Jared
  5. Motion to strike line 12 in programming: smoothie materials
  6. Michelle
  7. Second: Alex F
  8. Passes: unanimously
  9. Motion to strike line 5 in Travel: Trip
  10. Alex F
  11. Second: Michelle
  12. Passes: Unanimously
  13. Motion to approve $475.00
  14. Passes: unanimously
  15. MTA: Student advocating for everyone
  16. Tori
  17. Second: Michelle
  18. Motion to strike line 107, 108 in programming
  19. Alex F
  20. Second: Alex B
  21. In favor: 2
  22. Opposed: 4
  23. Fails
  24. Motion to strike line 111 in programming: feel good Fridays
  25. Alex F
  26. Second: Tori
  27. Passes: unanimously
  28. Call to questions
  29. In favor: 5
  30. Opposed: 1
  31. Passes
  32. Motion to approve $19,675
  33. Passes: unanimously
  34. MTA: Flashlight
  35. Jared
  36. Second: Tori
  37. Motion to strike line 10 in Capital: Stands
  38. Alex B
  39. Second: Alex F
  40. Passes: unanimously
  41. Motion to strike line 8 in Capital
  42. Alex B
  43. Second: Alex F
  44. Passes: unanimously
  45. Motion to approve $9,555.00
  46. Passes: unanimously
  47. MTA: Transfer Student Organization
  48. Michelle
  49. Second: Rebecca
  50. Motion to strike line 13, 18, 26, 37 in programming
  51. Alex B
  52. Second: Tori
  53. Passes: unanimously
  54. Motion to strike line 5 in Travel: Conference
  55. Alex B
  56. Second: Alex F
  57. Passes: unanimously
  58. Motion to line 17 to make it $10 per shirt per person purchased at the campus book store in capital
  59. Alex B
  60. Second: Alex F
  61. Passes: unanimously
  62. Motion to strike line 5 in programming: advertisement
  63. Tori
  64. Second: Rebecca
  65. Passes: unanimously
  66. Motion to strike line 32 in programming: workshop
  67. Alex B
  68. Second: Alex F
  69. Passes: unanimously
  70. Motion to approve $0
  71. Failed
  72. MTA: WNTE
  73. Tori
  74. Second: Jared
  75. Motion to strike line 13, 16 in programming: DJ party, Mardi Gras party
  76. Alex B
  77. Second: Alex F
  78. Passes: unanimously
  79. Motion to strike line 5 in programming: WNTE Formal
  80. Alex B
  81. Second: Alex F
  82. In favor: 2
  83. Opposed: 4
  84. Fails
  85. Motion to strike line 5 in Travel: CMU
  86. Michelle
  87. Second: Alex F
  88. Passes: unanimously
  89. Motion to approve $13,610.94
  90. Passes: unanimously
  1. Announcements
  2. Advisor Comments
  3. Public Comments
  4. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 5:46 PM
  5. Passes: unanimously