Program Descriptions and Reporting Requirements

PROGRAM NAME: Emergency Preparedness Program (EPP) (8 November 2010)

PROGRAM CODE: Guidance, State Funded Personnel/Positions, 8-2010 to 8-2011



- To support local (County and District) and state Public Health emergency preparedness activities associated with planning, equipping, training, and evaluating readiness and responding to events of Public Health significance

- The Division will provide consultation and technical assistance to the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (EPP) state funded personnel as necessary and perform sub-recipient monitoring of activities within this Program including comprehensive site visits and programmatic report reviews

- The Public Health Emergency Preparedness state funded personnel are employees of the various sections and offices and will be assigned according to that policy. All EPP funded staff will be integral members of the State’s Emergency Preparedness Program and the Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness has the responsibility to ensure compliance with this GIA Annex

- Response to most disasters begins at the local level. Planning for and training to meet the responsibilities of public health in disaster response has consistently shown a positive correlation in the level of optimal outcomes from the public health response to disasters. As noted in responses to actual disasters throughout the state, planning and preparing for emergency response has led to more efficient and effective participation by public health during disaster response. Natural threats identified for Georgia include hurricanes, tornados, wild fires, floods, and drought, as well as, disease outbreaks to include pandemic influenza and newly emerging infectious diseases. Manmade threats include the possible terrorist use of chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological, or explosive agents, as well as, accidental and intentional industrial chemical releases or nuclear power plant incidents. Planning and response also includes the subsequent evacuations or reception of evacuees.

- Examples of incidents where Public Health Emergency Preparedness has been of benefit to local and state response include, but are not limited to: Tropical Storm Alberto (1994), the Centennial Olympic Games (1996), Olympic Park and other bombings (1996 and 1997), winter and spring floods (1998), Y2K (1999), West Nile Virus (2001), Anthrax incidents (October, 2001), BioLab Fire (May, 2004), G8 Summit (June, 2004), Graniteville Train Derailment (2005), Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (August and September, 2005), Sumter County Tornado (March, 2007), SE Georgia Wildfires (April, 2007), metro-Atlanta mellineum flood (fall, 2009), H1N1 Epidemic Response 2009 and the Haiti post-earthquake NDMS-like evacuation/reception (Jan, 2010).

- The Public Health priority outcomes to be addressed through this Grant-in-Aid Annex include the Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response stated priorities of Prevention, Health Promotion, and Protection associated with the public’s health. In concert with these priorities, CDC’s goals of Prevention, Detection and Reporting, Investigation, Control, Recovery, and Improvement will be included in the priority focus.

- All personnel funded by this, and previously associated emergency preparedness GIA’s, are to have emergency preparedness as their priority use; PMF’s will indicate such and each staff member will sign appropriate documentation indicating they are performing 100% EPP duties.

- All equipment, supplies, IT hardware and IT software purchases with EPP funds, have to be discussed with the Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness and the Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response Budget Analyst. Upon approval, then the appropriate forms can be initiated; prior to any submission through the Department or Division of Public Health processes, all forms will be submitted to Emergency Preparedness and Response, for written approval by Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness and the Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response Budget Analyst.

- All personnel activities, including, but not limited to posting/advertisement of open funded positions, reallocations, pay raises, demotions, firings, Family Medical Leave Act actions and other activities will first be coordinated with Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness, the Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response Budget Analyst and Personnel Manager, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response. This will occur as a face to face conference with the supervisor and stated members of EPR. Upon agreement with the activity, the written request will then be submitted to Personnel Manager, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response, as the first activity, for written approval. Any personnel action not occurring as written, will be denied and possibly not authorized for re-submission.

- All travel must be submitted to the Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness, the Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response Budget Analyst and Personnel Manager, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response for approval not less than four weeks before the requested travel date.

- No mixing or moving of funds between the EP dollars and other funding streams, such as Hospital Preparedness Program (ASPR), without written (email is permissible) consent of both Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness and Director of Hospital Preparedness Program.

- The following programs and minimal specific expectations are currently supported by this GIA Annex:

1) Epidemiology Section (Epidemiologists and administrative assistants)

a. coordinate and develop Epidemiology Response Teams

b. provide subject matter expert advice during man-made and natural events, impacting short

and long term public health, including working in assigned 2 PT EOC Section or GEMA SOC,

during activations

c. active recruiting for sentinel providers, through schools, hospitals, non-traditional members of

the Healthcare Community, businesses, colleges/universities/schools

d. develop and maintain surveillance programs in compliance with the Public Health Emergency

Preparedness grant(s)

e. active participation in the Georgia Information Sharing and Analysis Center

f. working with recognized veterinary programs, FDA, and appropriate state agencies, will assist

appropriate lead agency develop, maintain, exercise an agro-terrorism program

g. will assist with plans development and maintenance, including exercises

h. administrative assistants will be assigned to the 2PT EOC Admin/Finance during drills,

exercises and real-world events

2) Office of Nursing

a. coordinate and develop the GA Nurse Alert System volunteers and assist the ASPR/HPP

Volunteer Coordinator in statewide recruitment of nursing and medical professionals (active

and retired)

b. provide subject matter expert advice during man-made and natural events, impacting short

and long term public health

c. will assist with plans development and maintenance, including exercises

d. responsible to develop, update, maintain Public Health nursing specific guidance, such as Statewide Chem-Bio Manual

3) Office of Pharmacy

a. coordinate and develop the GA Pharmacy Alert System volunteers and assist the ASPR/HPP

Volunteer Coordinator in statewide recruitment of pharmacy and medical professionals

(active and retired)

b. provide subject matter expert advice during man-made and natural events, impacting short

and long term public health, including working in assigned 2 PT EOC Section or GEMA SOC,

during activations, including, but not limited to state/federal pharmaceutical laws and


c. will assist with plans development and maintenance, including exercises, and coordination with state licensing board, state narcotic board and other state/federal regulatory agencies, ensuring plans are legal/appropriate during emergency and non-emergency events. Will research and develop documents for the Division director and other leadership to present to such boards/agencies, the Legislator and the GOVERNOR, to better prepare the state for emergency distribution of pharmaceuticals and vaccines in pre-event planning/preparation and during events (ie, pandemic influenza)

d. working as the SME and the CDC liaison, assisting EPR Planners with understanding of

pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics used during biological events, chemical antidotes, anti-

virals and ensure appropriate use/dispensing in accordance to state and federal laws

4) Public Health Laboratory

a. provide subject matter expert advice during man-made and natural events, impacting short

and long term public health, including working in assigned 2 PT EOC Section,

during activations, including, but not limited to state/federal laboratory testing laws and


b. ensure trained and qualified laboratorians perform appropriate/accurate tests in accordance to CDC, federal and state standards/laws/regulations

c. work and train with State DoD units, such as the 4th WMD-CST, understanding capabilities, strengths and weaknesses

d. provide instruction to hospitals how to package and send materials for confirmatory testing

e. working with Epidemiology and CDC, determine appropriate testing of patients/exposed individuals during events of Public Health significance, such as pandemic influenza outbreaks

5) Public Health Office of Information Technology

a. provide subject matter expert advice and IT support during man-made and natural events,

impacting short and long term IT infrastructure, including working in assigned 2 PT EOC

Section, during activations

b. provide guidance and recommendations on all EP IT initiatives, ensuring CDC PHIN

compliance and adherence to state/departmental IT policies

c. upon request, provide all current and proposed IT initiatives, affecting or potentially

affecting EP activities

d. upon request, provide documented comparative analysis of competing or proposed products

within a specified timeline

e. upon request, provide Project Management assistance, using proven/acceptable concepts

6) Office of Health Information and Policy (Ass’t Webmaster, Public Health web site)

a. ensure PH website(s) is/are always active and up to date

b. coordinating with the Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness, work with PH sections,

such as Epidemiology, providing our citizens and clients with the most up to date, reliable

and verifiable information

c. provide subject matter expert advice/assistance and IT/website support during man-made and natural events, impacting short and long term IT infrastructure, including working in assigned 2 PT EOC Section, during activations

7) Environmental Health (Mass Fatality Planner)

a. provide subject matter expert advice during man-made and natural events, impacting short

and long term public health, including working in assigned 2 PT EOC Section during activations, including, but not limited to state/federal regulations/laws and religious/ethnic guidance on the handling and disposal of human remains

b. coordinate with state, federal, intra-state regional and inter-state regional agencies and organizations, and faith based organizations, developing and assisting with mass fatality plans development and exercise scenarios

c. be lead planner for developing and sustaining Georgia’s State Mortuary Operations Response Team, in accordance to HHS and acceptable state standards (such as Florida’s FLMORT)

8) Office of EMS (Training Specialist)

a. coordinate and assist the District Emergency Preparedness staff, Regional EMS Directors and local EMS providers with identified training, including (but not limited to), appropriate NIMS/ICS/HSEEP training, GEMA CEM courses, professional development courses as identified by EMS Director

b. coordinate with the Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response’s Office of Training and Workforce Development, approved training techniques and programs and plans to assist Regional EMS staff and local EMS providers prepare for and respond to emergencies of Public Health significance, including any AAR’s based on exercises and real-world events; maintain appropriate technologies to execute training

c. will attend appropriate training to ensure HSEEP compliance, including conducting, coordinating, producing AAR’s

d. ensure all EMS full scale exercises are posted to the National Exercise Scheduler (NEXS)

e. ensure Regional EMS Directors have access to the State and District Training calendars and are actively engaged with the District Emergency Preparedness Program

f. assist as much as possible, the local EMS providers are engaged with the District Emergency Preparedness Program staff, assisting with exercises and actual events of Public Health significance (ie, SNS/CRI, Biowatch, Airport and Seaport Planning)


1. In alignment with the Division priority outcomes of prevention and protection, the following CDC

goals are to be achieved.

a. Prevent human illness from chemical, biological, radiological agents and

naturally occurring health threats and decrease time to classify health events as terrorism

or naturally occurring in partnership with other agencies.

b. Detect and Report chemical, biological, radiological agents in tissue, food, or environmental samples that cause threats to public health and improve timeliness and accuracy of information on public health threats as reported by clinicians and through electronic early event detection, in real time, to those who need to know.

c. Investigate by decreasing time to identify causes, risk factors, and appropriate interventions.

d. Control by decreasing time to provide countermeasures and health guidance.

e. Recover by decreasing time to restore health services and increase long term follow-up provided to those affected.

f. Improve by decreasing time for corrective actions.

2. All EPP funded staff will ensure up to date contact information in the state’s designated on-call calendar.

3. All EPP funded staff should work to receive the GEMA Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) certificate within 2 years of employment or receipt of this GIA (if currently on staff) and will maintain CEM for duration of employment in the District Emergency Preparedness program. This is currently not a requirement for the EPP funded position, though highly desirable.

a. if personnel do not work to receive the GEMA CEM, they will complete all requirements to be a NIMS compliant Team Type 3 asset, per the HHS Team and Resource Typing requirements. Requirements can be obtained from the Deputy Director of Operations or the Senior Planner, Office of Emergency Preparedness, within one year of receiving this GIA or within one year of beginning employment as an EPP funded staff member

b. Part time/temporary staff will successfully complete minimum requirements, as maintained by the Office of Training and Workforce Development

4. All EPP funded staff will be trained and available to perform required functions in the 2 Peachtree EOC or GEMA’s State Operations Center during emergency preparedness events (exercises, training, actual events), in accordance to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) standard and/or guidance. During established normal duty hours (0730-1800 Hr), be available for immediate deployment/staffing of the 2 PT EOC or the GEMA SOC. During non-duty hours, weekends, holidays and furlough days, be available to report to the 2 PT EOC or GEMA SOC within 90 minutes of request. All 2 PT EOC and GEMA SOC staffing includes off-tour rotations as required by the incident/event.

5. All EPP funded staff will be part of the State capacity and capability to deploy as NIMS compliant trained emergency preparedness staff to support district surge requirements and as requested for intra-state support for other districts; and in response to requests for assistance from states within Health and Human Services Region IV or other states, as requested through the Emergency Management Assistance Compac (EMAC). Deployments will be approved by the Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness. Prepare and have ready personal “go-bag” and be available for the customary deployment as stated in the current plans, such as the EOC Activation/Deactivation Plan.