Regular MeetingMinutesOctober 26, 2015
2910 East Fifth Street Austin, TX 78702
~ Minutes ~
Executive Assistant/Board LiaisonGina Estrada
Monday, October 26, 201512:06 PM Meeting Called To Order
12:00 PM2:09 PM Meeting Adjourned
I.Pledge of Allegiance
II.Safety Briefing
Donna Simmons, Vice President of Administration, presented the monthly safety briefing. Halloween is right around the corner and Ms. Simmons urged everyone to be vigilant of children crossing the streets and be extra careful when driving. She reminded us we should not drink and drive, and instead use late night public transportation services, such as MetroRail and MetroRapid, if out downtown for the holiday.
III.Public Comment:
Scott Myer and Cody Leal, citizens, thanked Capital Metro for our support of White Cane day and presented President Watson and Chair Cooper with a plaque.
Willie Samarripa, citizen, also thanked the Board for Capital Metro’s support of White Cane Day.
Joseph De la Cruz, bus operator, expressed his discontent with the transition from First Transit to MV Transportation. He reported that as of today workers still do not have health insurance. He is very unhappy with the situation and criticized staff for recommending MV in place of First Transit.
Charles Barnes, bus operator, mentioned he has been in the transit center for 15 years and this is the worst transition he has experienced. He reported workers do not have health insurance and are having to pay out of pocket for medical expenses. He is very disappointed with MV for not honoring the terms of the contract.
Board member Garza asked if a staff member could address the health insurance situation. Staff member Dottie Watkins, Vice President of Bus and Paratransit Services announced MV is scheduled to start open enrollment today with retroactive coverage starting October 1st.
Yolanda Williams, bus operator, announced that her questions regarding overtime, retirement benefits, sick leave and vacation leave have not been addressed and she has not been paid for overtime.
Malgorzata Adamasek, bus operator, also expressed her disappointment with MV and showed the Board a memorandum dated October 22nd indicating open enrollment would begin October 26th online. She is concerned she currently does not have health insurance.
Board member Stafford declared she is extremely disappointed to hear the transition to MV from First Transit was not as smooth as MV had promised. She said the insurance and communication issues need to be resolved immediately.
Board member Garza asked what type of measures can be taken if MV is not meeting the terms of the contract. Staff member Dottie Watkins, Vice President of Bus and Paratransit Services, said the contract can be terminated if MV does not uphold its end of the contract. She added a status report will be provided to the Operations, Planning and Safety Committee at their November meeting on how the transition went, and she will provide a briefing on ways to remedy issues with the contract.
Board member Silas echoed the same concerns as Board member Stafford and Garza. She also stated that MV management needs to be visible and socialization needs to happen on a grassroots level.
Carlos Leon, citizen, thanked some operators but noted that bullying behavior has increased this month. He referenced CCR document 8728. He stated this operator tried to enforce a no sleeping rule and insisted that he move his belongings which were not blocking the aisle or exit.
Sandra Seekamp, citizen, expressed her frustration with riding regular fixed-route bus service while in an electric wheelchair. She explained that she prefers the Access system and feels the ADA requirements for this service are too stringent.
IV.Advisory Committee Updates:
1.Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee
Jackie Nirenberg, Community Involvement Manager, gave the update for the CSAC. The committee met on October 14, 2015 to draft a workplan for 2016. There were no action items taken. The committee will present two new committee members on today’s consent agenda for the CSAC committee - Dr. Betsy Greenberg and Michael French.
Board member Silas reported that her appointee, Bette Taylor, has resigned from the CSAC committee and asked staff member Jackie to get with her to work on a new appointee.
2.Access Advisory Committee
Jackie Nirenberg, Community Involvement Manager, provided the update. The committee met on October 7, 2015, but there was no official meeting because ACC lacked a quorum. Therefore, no action items were taken. Topics of discussion included updates to the MetroAccess Eligibility process and hands on demonstrations of the Gillig buses for passengers with disabilities.
V.Board Committee Updates:
1.Operations, Planning and Safety Committee
Board Member Silas, Chair of the Operations, Planning and Safety Committee, presented the update from the Committee’s meeting on Monday, October 14, 2015.
There were 9 action items on the committee agenda and all were voted to be placed on the consent agenda for today. Items number 7 - 15. Lastly, Board Member Silas indicated that due to time constraints, the item on Mobility Transformation Programs will be placed on the November Committee agenda.
2.Finance, Audit and Administration Committee; and
Board Member Mitchell, the Chair of Finance and Audit and Administration Committee, presented the report from the committee meeting. Items discussed this month included:
Annual Approval of the Capital Metropolitan Investment Policy (action item)
Approval of the revisions to the Capital Metro Budget & Financial Planning Policy (action item)
Approval of a contract for State Legislative Services (consent item)
Approval of a contract for Transit and outdoor Advertising Installation and Removal (consent item)
The committee also heard the following presentations:
Capital Metro Retirement Plans Audit
Fuel Price Risk Management Program
3.CAMPO update
Board Member Mitchell, Capital Metro's CAMPO representative, gave an update from this month's CAMPO meeting. Discussions at the meeting included appropriation of transit alternative program awards and amendments to the transportation program.
VI.Consent Items
Chair Cooper asked if there were any Board members that wish to remove any items from the Consent Agenda. Board Member Silas asked that item 14 be removed from the consent agenda. Board member Stafford moved to approve the consent agenda/Board member Mitchell seconded. (Board member Kitchen was not present)
1.Approval of minutes for September 14, 2015 Public Hearing and September 28, 2015 Board Meeting.
2.Approval of a resolution appointing Dr. Betsy Greenberg to the Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee
3.Approval of a resolution appointing Michael French to the Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee
4.Approval of a resolution appointing Leslie Browder, Gerardo Castillo, Lea Sandoz and Donna Simmons as investment officers authorized to withdraw, invest, reinvest and accept payment with interest consistent with the Investment Policy.
5.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract for State Legislative Services with K&L Gates in an amount not to exceed $1,464,472.
6.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with Axis Graphics Installations for Transit and Outdoor Advertising Removal/Installation for a 1-year base period with the option to extend for Three (3) Additional 1-year periods in an amount not to exceed $857,720.
7.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with Stadler Bussnang AG, the original manufacturer of the Capital Metro Rail vehicles, for $2,186,000 to upgrade the existing fleet of six (6) GTW rail vehicles in order to make them Alternate Vehicle Technology compliant as part of the TIGER V project, for a not to exceed amount of $2,186,000 of which $200,000 is for contingency.
8.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a Multiple Use Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation to permit the construction, maintenance and operation of a public bus transit center and park and ride lot by Capital Metro on the US 290 / SH 71 (Ben White Blvd.) highway right of way, in the median area between the eastbound and the westbound frontage roads between Pack Saddle Pass and Manchaca Road in accordance with Capital Metro’s Park and Ride Program.
9.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to adjust the term of Contract #137282 with MV Contract Transportation Services, Inc. for UT Shuttle, BRT and Fixed Route Contracted Services.
10.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to amend the supplement to the interlocal agreement with Capital Area Rural Transportation Services (CARTS) for the provision of Route 271.
11.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to amend the interlocal agreement with Capital Area Rural Transportation Services (CARTS) master regional mobility agreement for transportation services.
12.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a modification of contract #138215 for the Plaza Saltillo Track Relocation with Jay Reese Contractors, Inc. in an amount of $1,500,000 for a contract total amount not to exceed $7,851,800.
13.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to negotiate and execute an interlocal agreement with the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) for reimbursement of work performed in support of the Capital Area Regional Transit Coordination Committee (RTCC) for an amount not to exceed $7,890.
14.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a three year service contract with SHI Government Solutions to renew the Microsoft software suite including Exchange Online Email System, Office 365, SharePoint, Skype, Dynamics AX, CRM and other ancillary services and software products in an amount not to exceed $799,500.
VII.Action Items:
1.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to negotiate and execute an interlocal agreement (ILA) with the City of Pflugerville for a Transit Development Plan (TDP) in an amount not to exceed $68,019 in FTA Section 5307 funds from Capital Metro and $17,005 in local funds from the City of Pflugerville.
This item was pulled from the consent agenda by Board Member Silas to highlight some of the work that Capital Metro has been doing with our regional partners in Central Texas recently.
Michelle Meaux, Regional Coordination Planner, presented this item and introduced Trey Fletcher, Assistant City Manager of Pflugerville. This agreement would begin the process of putting together a Transit Development Plan with the City of Pflugerville, similar to the plan for fixed-route service that was recently completed for the City of Hutto. Funding for service would come from the City and available Federal 5307 funding. Board Member Jonse moved to approve this action item/TM seconded.
MOVER:Rita Jonse, Board Member
SECONDER:Terry Mitchell, Board Member
AYES:Stafford, Mitchell, Word, Cooper, Garza, Jonse
2.Approval of revisions to Capital Metro’s Budget and Financial Planning Policy.
Leslie Browder, Executive Vice President and CFO, presented proposed revisions to Capital Metro's Budget and Financial Planning Policy. The revised policy will be renamed "Financial Policies" and includes a section called General Provisions that addresses best financial practices in all major areas. It also includes several changes to specific budget polices to improve/streamline processes and practices. After a brief discussion on variance thresholds, Board Member Stafford moved to approve this item/Jonse seconded.
MOVER:Ann Stafford, Secretary
SECONDER:Rita Jonse, Board Member
AYES:Stafford, Mitchell, Word, Cooper, Garza, Jonse
3.Approval of a resolution approving Capital Metro's Investment Policy for 2016.
Leslie Browder, Executive Vice President and CFO, presented this item for Board approval. State law (Public Funds Investment Act) requires governing bodies to adopt a written investment policy and strategies and then to review annually. This investment policy governs investment of all Capital Metro funds. In closing, Leslie presented an overview of what is included in the policy. Motion to approve the Capital Metro Investment Policy without revisions was made by Board Member Garza/Word seconded.
MOVER:Delia Garza, Board Member
SECONDER:Juli Word, Board Member
AYES:Silas, Stafford, Mitchell, Word, Cooper, Garza, Jonse
4.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to amend the interlocal agreement with the City of Austin and Austin Independent School District to add Travis County to the joint engagement program known as the Conversation Corps.
Jackie Nirenberg, Community Involvement Manager, briefed the Board on this item, which would simply add Travis County as a partner in our current agreement with AISD, the City of Austin, and Leadership Austin. Board Member Mitchell moved to approve this ILA/Board member Stafford seconded. Motion carries: 7-0.
MOVER:Terry Mitchell, Board Member
SECONDER:Ann Stafford, Secretary
AYES:Silas, Stafford, Mitchell, Word, Cooper, Garza, Jonse
1.Internal Audit Presentation - Final FTA 2015 Triennial Report
Caroline Beyer, Vice President of Internal Audit, briefed the Board on this item. She informed the Board the law requires FTA to perform reviews and evaluations of grant activities every 3 years. She reported the review focused on17 different functional areas and programs within Capital Metro. She stated no deficiencies were found with the FTA requirements in 13 areas, but minor deficiencies were found in four areas; Financial Management and Capacity, DBE, Planning, and Alcohol program. She stressed that following FTA's site visit, the corrective actions in those areas were made and have been closed. A hard copy of the report was provided to the Board.
2.Ridership Initiative Review - 2Timer Campaign
Dan Dawson, Vice President of Marketing, presented a comprehensive overview of the "Ridership Initiative Review - the 2Timer Campaign". The campaign focused primarily on educating Millennials on Back to Basics fundamentals and playing up the Capital Metro App. How-to videos were also part of the campaign. Key messages of the campaign centered on illustrating the benefits of riding transit and demonstrating the ease and convenience of ticketing, trip planning, and real time arrivals by using our app.
1.President's Report
Linda Watson, President/CEO presented her report. The report included the following:
Update on extended transit services for Formula One weekend
Mobile APP recognition - Innovative Solutions Award by Metro Magazine
Update on ToastMasters Chapter
Update on Gillig Buses
X.Items for Future Discussion:
ADA Compliance
Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications are provided upon request. Please call (512)389-7458 or email if you need more information.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Wade Cooper, chairperson; Beverly Silas, vice chair; Ann Stafford, board secretary; Rita Jonse; Ann Kitchen; Delia Garza; Terry Mitchell and Juli Word. Board Liaison: Gina Estrada (512)389-7458, email if you need more information
The Board of Directors may go into closed session under the Texas Open Meetings Act. In accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with attorney for any legal issues, under Section 551.072 for real property issues; under Section 551.074 for personnel matters, or under Section 551.076, for deliberation regarding the deployment or implementation of security personnel or devices; arising regarding any item listed on this agenda.
Capital Metropolitan Transportation AuthorityPage 1Updated 1/25/2016 7:30 AM