Test 1 Earth Science

1) According to the big bang timeline , as the universe began to expand,

A.Temperatures rose

B.Gravity caused the universe to collapse gain

C.Galaxies formed relatively quickly

D.Temperatures dropped

2) The closest star to Earth, aside from the sun, is 4.2 ______away.



C.Light years

D.Astronomical units

3) The study of the origin, structure, and future of the universe is called

A.Expansion theory




4) Edwin Hubble discovered that distant objects in space are

A.Much closer to Earth than once imagined

B.Extensions of the Milky Way Galaxy

C.Moving farther away from each other


5) The discovery of radiation coming from all directions in space supports the big bang theory because

A.The radiation could be cosmic background radiation

B.It indicated that thermal energy was distributed in a few choice places

C.Is showed that all of space has cooled to the same temperature

D.It proved without any doubt that the big bang occurred

6) One of the answers in the question above is totally crazy if you are talking about science…which one and why?

7) The discovery of radiation coming from all directions in space supports the big bang theory because

A.The radiation could be cosmic background radiation

B.It indicated that thermal energy was distributed in a few choice places

C.Is showed that all of space has cooled to the same temperature

D.It proved without any doubt that the big bang occurred

8)______is a theory which states that about 14 billion years ago all of the contents of the universe gathered under extreme pressure, temperature, and density into a tiny spot and exploded.

A.The big bang theory

B.The big crunch theory

C.Universal expansion


9)Which type of wave isnota part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

A.Radio waves

B.Sound waves

C.X rays


10)The car below emits sound waves, represented by red circles, that are heard by an observer. Based on the pattern of sound waves, what is the direction and speed of the car?

  • A. Towards the observer, faster than the speed of sound.
  • B. Towards the observer, slower than the speed of sound.
  • C. Away from the observer, faster than the speed of sound.
  • D. Away from the observer, slower than the speed of sound.

11) What is the best definition of the Doppler effect?

  • A. A change in the frequency of a wave caused by the motion of the source relative to the observer.
  • B. The increase in volume of a sound as the source approaches an observer.
  • C. A low-pitched, very loud noise produced by aircraft moving at or above the speed of sound.
  • D. The pattern of louder and quieter regions caused by the interference of sound waves.

12) The Doppler effect applies to light waves as well as sound waves. Astronomers use this to measure the motion of stars and galaxies. In 1929, Edwin Hubble discovered that light from distant galaxies was shifted away from the blue end of the spectrum and towards the red end of the spectrum. Red light has a longer wavelength (and a lower frequency) than blue light. What could Hubble conclude about these galaxies?

A. The distant galaxies are growing smaller.

B. The distant galaxies are growing larger.

C. The distant galaxies are moving towards the Earth.

D. The distant galaxies are moving away from the Earth.

13)Which of the following elements is/are represented in the spectrum below?

  • A. Hydrogen only
  • B. Helium only
  • C. Hydrogenandhelium
  • D. Calcium only

14) The spectrum of a distant star contains sodium lines that are offset from their normal position, as shown. What is the most likely explanation?

  • A. The star is relatively hot.
  • B. The star is relatively cool.
  • C. The star is moving rapidly toward us.
  • D. The star is moving rapidly away from us.

15) In the 1920s, Edwin Hubble looked at the spectra of stars from distant galaxies. To his surprise, he found that all of these spectra were red-shifted, and that the more distant the galaxy, the greater the red-shift. What is a reasonable conclusion from this evidence?

  • A. The universe is expanding.
  • B. The universe is contracting.
  • C. The universe is unchanging.
  • D. The universe is curved.

16) The experiment shown below is finished. What can you conclude from these results?

  • A. Seed C germinates more with more light.
  • B. Seed C germinates more with less light.
  • C. Seed C germinates more with more water.
  • D. Seed C germinates more with less water.

17) A farmer in Minnesota plants some tomato seeds in early spring. She plants them outdoors in soil and adds water every day. A few weeks later, nothing has happened. What is the most likely reason the seeds have not germinated?

  • A. Not enough light
  • B. Not enough heat
  • C. Not enough water
  • D. All of the above

18) The controlled experiment shown here is about to begin. Which variable is going to be tested?

  • A. Heat
  • B. Light
  • C. Daily water
  • D. Type of seeds

19) This experiment below has not started yet. It is meant to test how light affects seed germination. What needs to be fixed so that it is a fair test (a controlled experiment)?

  • A. Use the same amount of light for all three trays.
  • B. Use the same type of seeds in all three trays.
  • C. Turn the heat to high under all three trays.
  • D. Use three different amounts of water and heat for the three trays.

20) What factor is the least important to seed germination?

  • A. Amount of heat.
  • B. Amount of light.
  • C. Amount of water.
  • D. All of these factors are very important.

21)In engineering, the design process begins when…

a. information about an existing product is gathered by an engineer

b. an engineering design team comes up with ideas for a new product

c. a design engineer recognizes the need for a solution to a problem

22. Identifying the “target population” or “target audience” occurs during which step of the engineeringdesign loop?

a. Identify the Need

b. Research the Problem

c. Develop Possible Solutions

23. Engineers must understand the difference between requirements and constraints. Let’s say a team ofengineers is asked to design a pair of kids’ tennis shoes for less than $20. They determine that the onlyway to manufacture shoes for this price is to use recycled materials. What is the team’s constraint?

a. The shoes must be designed for kids

b. The shoes must be made out of recycled materials

c. The shoes must cost less than $20 to manufacture

4. During a brainstorming session we want to focus more on:

a. quantity of ideas rather than quality

b. quality of ideas rather than quantity

25. Which step of the engineering design loop distinguishes an engineer from a technician?

a. Construct a Prototype

b. Test and Evaluate a Prototype

c. Redesign

26. Although the terms “model” and “prototype” are often used interchangeably, they are not the samething. A ______is used to test different aspects of a product before the design is finalized. A ______isused to demonstrate or explain how a product will look or function.

a. model, prototype

b. prototype, model

27. When following the engineering design loop, the different stages can occur in which direction?

a. clockwise

b. counter-clockwise

c. both clockwise and counter-clockwise

d. in any direction, including shortcuts

28. The engineering design process is iterative (look it up or ask). This allows engineers to…

a. become proficient at different engineering software applications

b. find the most optimal solution to a design problem

c. Incorporate both math and science concepts into a design problem

29. When finding the solution to an engineering design problem, there is/are usually…

a. only one possible correct solution

b. a very limited number of possible correct solutions

c. many possible correct solutions

Explain if the following quotes are sustainable or frontier: Write S or F. Be sure to defend your answer just in case.

30. ______“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”
―Mahatma Gandhi

31.______No one is going to hand me success. I must go out & get it myself. That’s why I’m here. To dominate. To conquer. Both the world, and myself.

— Unknown

Answer question 32 from the passage below:

Cellphones: Safe or Carcinogenic?

With an estimated five billion worldwide users, the public debate over cellphone and the possiblelink to cancer is one of critical importance. The concern is that cellphones may cause the growthof any one of three types of tumors: cancer of the parotid (a gland near the ear), glioma (a rapidlyspreading brain tumor), and acoustic neuroma (a tumor that typically develops on the nerveconnecting ear and brain).

Scientist 1

There is growing evidence to support the conclusion that there may be a cellphone-cancer

connection. The Interphone Study is the largest and longest study of cellphones and cancer.

Including nearly 20,000 participants from 13 countries, the study found that those who used

cellphones most frequently had a 40% higher incidence of glioma. Another peer-reviewed study

conducted in Israel found that there was 58% greater occurrence of parotid tumors among heavycellphone users. A Swedish survey of 16 scientific studies concluded that the incidence of

acoustic neuroma and glioma was two times greater among those who used cellphones for 10

years. After reviewing a large collection of published studies, a group of 31 scientists from 14

countries commissioned by the World Health Organization classified cellphones as a possible

carcinogen. This classification indicates that there is sufficient evidence of the connection to

warrant further investigation and watchfulness. Reporting in an esteemed peer-reviewed journal,the National Institute of Health showed that a single hour of cellphone use significantly increasesglucose metabolism rates at locations closest to the antenna. Even areas far from the antennashowed biological effects, a sign that the radiation may be capable of so-called non-thermaleffects upon the brain. Cellphone radiation may be stimulating free radicals to destructive actionor even initiate some form of inflammatory response within the brain. These could trigger achain of actions that lead to tumor development.

Scientist 2

There is no credible evidence establishing a connection between cellphone use and cancer.

Studies like the Interphone Study and others are observational studies that show only an

association between cellphone usage and the occurrence of cancer. Such studies are biased in

terms of how survey questions are asked of cellphone users who have acquired cancer. These

methodological flaws do not lend credibility to their results. Statistical studies like these are not

cause-effect studies. They do not isolate other variables and so they cannot determine that the

cancer was actually caused by cellphone use. Furthermore, the tumors that are associated with

cellphone use are so rare that even a doubling of probability of cancer would be equivalent to a

small increase in the total numbers. Cellphones give off a form of radiation known as nonionizingradiation. The frequencies associated with this form of electromagnetic radiation aretoo low and the signal is too weak to be able to break biochemical bonds within body tissues andto be able to damage DNA molecules. Such effects are known as thermal effects. Study afterstudy has shown that cellphone radiation does not have a thermal effect upon the brain; that is, itdoesn't fry our brain. No scientist has yet proposed an acceptable biological mechanism toexplain how cellphones can cause cancer via non-thermal effects. Simply speculating that there isincreased glucose metabolism rate associated with cellphone use does not establish thatcellphones cause cancer. Because there is no cause-effect model proposing how cellphones causecancer, and because the studies associating cellphone use with cancer have obvious flaws, thereis no reason for the general public to fear that cellphone use causes cancer.


32. The Interphone Study found a 40% higher incidence of glioma in heavy users of cellphones.

The data from the study also found that the incidence of cancer among all cellphone users -

from heavy to light use - was slightly less than the incidence of cancer among non-users of

cellphones. How would Scientist 1 most likely interpret the results of this study?

a. Heavy use of cellphones can cause cancer; light use of cellphones actually protects the

user from cancer.

b. Statistical findings are highly unreliable and cannot be trusted as a source of evidence in

the cellphone-cancer debate.

c. Averaging a large amount of data for many subjects in a study sometime produces less

reliable findings than looking at the data for a smaller group of subjects.

d. It is important to sort the cellphone data into high use, moderate use and low use; the

frequency of exposure plays a critical role in the probability of getting cancer

33. What type of ACT question is this?

  1. Scientific method
  2. Detail
  3. Pattern
  4. Compare and contrast