ECERS-R Annual Development Form
WV Pre-k System
Please use this form and the included EXCEL worksheet to submit the required ECERS-R assessment of WV Pre-k System classrooms, including preschool special education and a continuous quality improvement plan based on the assessment results.
Please submit the following completed informationby July 15:
Contact Information
I. ECERS-R Observation and Training Survey
II. WV Pre-k System Classroom Information
III. EXCEL Worksheet – Classroom Profile Summary
IV. Continuous Quality Improvement Plan
Submit information to:
West Virginia Department of Education
Coordinator of Early Childhood
Building 6, Room 730
1900 Kanawha Blvd, East
Charleston, WV25305-0330
Please provide the following information for the county contact responsible for the annual ECERS-R assessment process:
I. ECERS-R Observation/ Training Survey
Each Pre-K program is to submit information from their ECERS-R observations annually.
ECERS-R observations provide information about individual classroom environments that can identify strengths and inform programs about human resources, materials and supply budgets, facility and physical plant needs. Responsibility for quality environments is the work of many!
Please check all answers below that apply. We will use this information as plans are made to make ECERS-R a tool for quality improvement.
How did your ECERS-R observers receive training?
___ ECERS-R book and video
___ Training from a trained “reliable” observer
___ CCRC
___ On site training in North Carolina
___ Other (please explain)
Who did the ECERS-R observations in your classrooms?
___ the teacher of the classroom
___ a teacher from another classroom
___ education or curriculum specialist
___ supervisors/principals
___ other (Please explain)
Were the observations done by
___teams of ___ people
___ individuals
Who has copies of the All About ECERS-Rbook?
___ each classroom
___ education specialists
___ supervisors/principals
___ other (please explain)
Who was involved in writing the continuous quality improvement plans?
___ teachers
___ education or curriculum specialist
___ supervisors/principals
___ other (Please explain)
What information would you like about the ECERS-R?
___ How to train observers
___ How to use the information from ECERS-R
___ other (please explain)
How will you use the ECERS-R profiles to help individual classroom environments?
How will you use the information at the county level?
II. WV Pre-k System Classroom Information
Please provide the following information for each WV Pre-k classroom in the county. Add additional rows as necessary.
WV Pre-k System Classroom InformationCenter/ Class / Observers / Date(s) of Observation / No. of Children
- ECERS-R Program Profile (EXCEL Worksheet)
Using the provided ECERS-R Program Profile EXCEL Worksheet enter the scores for each classroom on the individual subscales listed on the profile. Average scores will be calculated automatically.
IV. Continuous Quality Improvement Plan
Using the ECERS-R classroom assessment results, please identify areas for development for countyWV Pre-k System classrooms and design a plan for opportunities for growth. Record the plan below (Add additional pages as necessary):
Sub-scale no. or area / Objective / Strategies/ Action Steps / Individuals/ Agencies Responsible / Timeline / Outcomes/ Evaluation