Kindergarten Homework

Ms. Green October 21-25, 2013

  1. write you first and last name and date on the top of the page
  2. write five words that begin with the “Ff”
  3. Use action words – Verbs to answer the questions
What would you do if you heard a funny joke? What would you do to get up a hill? What would you do to get to the other side of a pool? What do you do with a ball when you play catch?
  1. Positional words-
Draw a table with a light “over” it.
  1. Complete HOTS question(s) in your homework notebook, write the question and answer.
Story elements
Setting, theme , and plot
Think of your favorite story. What is the setting of your favorite story?
  1. write you first and last name and date on the top of the page
  2. write the letter “Ff” five times
  3. use action words
Draw a picture of yourself at the park, write action words that describe what you are doing.
  1. Positional words
When you sit down are you on the chair or over the chair? Write your answer using a complete sentence
  1. Complete HOTS question(s) write the question and answer.
Think about the story Raccoons and Ripe Corn. What happened at the beginning of the story?
  1. write you first and last name and date on the top of the page
  2. write a sentence using your vocabulary words (you should have 3 sentences)
  3. put your spelling words in alphabetical order
  4. Who is helping you with your homework? Use a positional word to tell where they are sitting? Example: My mom is helping me with my homework and she is standing behind me.
  5. Complete HOTS question(s), write the question and answer.
What happened in the middle of the story?
  1. write you first and last name and date on the top of the page
  2. Complete HOTS question(s), write the question and answer.
  3. Review for Friday Test
Spelling test, Vocabulary tests, and Math test will be given tomorrow, PLEASE STUDY STUDY STUDY !!!!!! / HOTS
What happened at the end of the story?
  1. Review alphabet focusing on M, R, S, B, T, Aand F
  2. Review numbers 1-50 focusing on 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8and 9

Test review

Spelling words but- was – have – has – go – the – and – brown – pink – white

Math Positional words

Reading Story Elements

Vocabulary words corn – autumn – ripe