Machine Knit Socks – Women’s size 7/8
- Patons Stretch Sock Yarn – 2 – 50 GR balls – rewound. Start balls with same color repeat at the beginning if yarn is self- patterning
- Knit circular (no side seams) with ribber, pitch P5, standard gauge
- T 3 rib; T 6 body of sock
- T 0/0 -Cast on 67 (34L X 33R main bed)(33L x 32R on ribber) – every other needle in a 1 X 1 zig zag row with ribber by knitting 1 row to L
- Hang ribber comb and weights; broken toe cast on
- K 1 circular row – (Right PR button on ribber up and L part button pushed in)
- Remove circular settings
- T3/3. Knit 30 rows of ribbing for sport socks –( add length here if desired)
- Move all st to main bed; change to main bed sinker plate
- T6. K 1 row
- Change to waste yarn (WY) (not loose woven but sharp contrasting color) and K several rows and remove from machine
- Remove comb and weights
- Ribber pitch to H
- Put N on each bed to working position - 17 L & 17 R on main bed and on ribber 17L X 16 R
- Wrong side of knitting facing me and WY to back, (not in center of sock) start on R center needle by placing L most loop of sock onto that N. Roll rib into a circle and place what was the R most loop onto L center needle and put loops onto main bed to fill the whole 34 St.(Center seam of rib will be back of sock)Reach under ribber and hang 2 weights on back of the sock
- Change sinker plate to ribber one
- Push knitting in between beds as you pull ribber half way up
- Weight the front of ribbing with 2 or 3 claw weights
- Working your way along ribber bed put remaining 33 loops onto ribber N
- Pull ribber up into place pushing the knitting down between beds and tugging knitting down from below
- Circular settings on(Right PR button on ribber up and L part button pushed in)
- RC000
- T 6/6
- K 40 circular rows (80 on row counter)Add length here if desired
- Keep constant downward pressure by tugging the knitting and weights every couple rows
- Drop ribber half way down
- Set machine to Hold
- Remove circular knitting setting on main carriage
- T 5
- Change sinker plate to plain knitting sinker
- Short row down to 18 N (8 N in Hold on each side)
- Keep constant weight/pressure on the back part of sock as you short row. (N on main bed are growing and N on ribber are not being worked)
- Short row back out till all N are in working position - moving weights up as you go onto the heel
- FILL HOLES by picking up back loop from ribber end st and hanging on end st on main bed
- Move 2 weights behind heel up
- Change sinker plate back to the ribber one and raise ribber all the way up
- Set main carriage back to circular knitting setting
- T 6/6
- Remove Hold setting
- Reset counter to 000
- K foot – 44 circular rows (88 on row counter)Add length here if desired
- Use double transfer tool and dec 1 st both ends on both beds. (pick up 2 st, move 1 space in – 1 empty N pushed out of work and end N has 1 st and 2nd N in has 2 St on it) (Full fashion dec)
- K 2 circular rows (4 rows on counter)
- Repeat this decrease/ K 2 circular rows - 5 times total
- Repeat this same dec, but k 1 circular row – 6 times
- 12 stitches remain on main bed and 11 on ribber
- Break main yarn (MY) and leave a long enough tail to kitchener stitch toe
- Thread waste yarn (WY); K several rows and remove from machine
- Kitchener st toe and mattress or bickford stitch back cuff seam; weave in ends