Children’s Dance Festival
Workshop – hosted by Douglas Anderson School of the Arts
January 30, 2016
Florida Dance Association and Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Dance Department are hosting a regional dance workshop open to students currently in grades 3, 4, 5, or 6
Pre-Registration fees for attendees from FDA member schools is $45.00
On site registration for attendees from FDA member schools is $50.00
Pre-registration fees for non-members is $50.00
On site registration for non-members is $55.00
Elementary students are welcome in school, studio, or training center groups or as individuals.
All pre-registrations include one ticket per student and two free teachers/chaperone tickets per a group of 12 or more students, for the Children’s Dance Concert on Friday or Saturday night of January 29 or 30 at 7:00pm. Pre-registration must be postmarked by December 16, 2015. Late Registration will be provided for the evening performance of the Douglas Anderson Children’s Dance Concert Friday, January 29. However this is not pre registration and will be charged at on-site registration prices.
Onsite registration will be held 9:30 to 10 am at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Dance Department lobby January 30, 2016.
We will offer a wide variety of dance forms including Ballet and Modern dance plus other styles depending on the size of registration. Additional possible classes may consist of musical theatre dance, world dance, jazz, hip hop or tap dance.
*Please note the schedule of teachers or styles of classes may be substituted as necessary.
Late Registration and placement as needed 9:30-10:00
Class 1: 10:00 to 10:50
Class 2: 10:50 to 11:40
Lunch will be 11:40 till 12:10.
Snack items will be sold by D.A. Dance boosters at an additional charge.
Class 3: 12:10 to 1:00
Class 4: 1:00 to 1:50
Hosted by Douglas Anderson School of the Arts
2445 San Diego Road
Jacksonville, Fl 32207
January 30, 2016 ~ Jacksonville, Florida
Pre- Registration Form
Must be received by December 16, 2015- However we would appreciate any applications and checks that can be sent during December.
All institutions must send a Non-refundable registration for all students in one check payable to DA Dance Boosters
And mailed to FDA/DA Elementary Workshop C/O Mrs. Sharon Federico, D.A Dance Guild, 2445 San Diego Rd. Jacksonville, Fl. 32207
Registrations will be accepted thereafter as space permits!
STUDENT Grade level______Technique level: Beg Int. Adv.
Our school / studio is already a Florida Dance Association member
We are not a member of Florida Dance Association
Our school / studio is joining Florida Dance Association through this workshop
Number of Teachers/Chaperones attending (limit one per 12 students; no charge)
Check Enclosed (Workshop checks payable to DA Dance Guild)
Please note: FDA Membership checks go directly to FDA and are made payable to FDA!!!!
Registration Forms and full payment must be received by January 8, 2016.
Send check, payable to D.A Dance Guild to:
FDA/DA Elementary Workshop C/O Treasurer D.A Dance Guild, 2445 San Diego Rd. Jacksonville, Fl. 32207
For FDA Membership please email:
Florida Dance Association
Festival Coordinator Phyllis A. Penney,Ed.D E-mail: