BLFPAOpen Board Meeting Minutes
February 1st, 2017
The open board meeting of the Big Lake Fast Pitch Association(BLFPA) was called to order at 6:33 PM on Wednesday February 1st, 2017, in the Big Lake High School Library by Matt Baufield, President.
Board Members
Matt Baufield - President Kelly Bowne - Travel Coordinator
Michelle Fjone – Vice President Denise Fitzgibbons – Secretary Tony Loftus – Treasurer Wayne Howe – In-House CoordinatorKim Bowen – Varsity Coach
Board Members Not In Attendance
Other Attendees
Jeff Lund
Kris Lund
Gary Hahn
Old Business:
A. A motion to approve the minutes from January was made by Wayne Howe, Kelly Bowneseconded the motion and the rest of the attendingboard was unanimously in favor.
B. A motion to approve the current Treasurer’s report was made by Michelle Fjone, Matt Baufield seconded the motion and the rest of the attending board was unanimously in favor.
C. Discussion was had regarding the insurance premium update. Tony Loftus discussed switching to a different insurance company, less per year with the same coverage. A motion to approve the switch was made by Kim Bowen, Michelle Fjone seconded the motion and the rest of the attending board was unanimously in favor.
D. Discussion was had on parent information meeting was had. Feb 22nd 6:30-7:30pm in the Auditorium then library after. Kelly Bowne stated R & D Sales will be there with uniforms to try on and also with gift cards to sell.
*Treasurer’s report is available upon request*
New Business:
- Discussion was had regarding catching clinics and registrations for summer. Matt Baufield stated there are 3 players registered so far for summer. Tony Loftus to put a deadline on the website of March 9th 2017.
- Discussion was had regarding the By-Laws. BLFPA will table discussion until next meeting, nothing to change at the moment.
C. Michelle Fjone discussed Ice Breaker Tournament May 19th-21st. Maui Wowi, Shirts on Site are scheduled to be there.
D. Matt Baufield reached out to Robert Hoekstra to get dates that baseball needs the concession stand. May 4th-15th and June 8th-19th. Is it possible for them to be out on Sunday June 18th rather than Monday? BLFPA needs time to restock concessions and have a volunteer working the June 19th.
E. Discussion was had regarding Evaluation criteria. Kim Bowen discussed possibly having Kayte again this year for pitching evaluations. BLFPA will have 6 evaluators from St. Cloud State. Kim Bowen to email evaluation sheets to board members and BLFPA will make the final decision on evaluations at the March 1st, 2017 meeting.
F. In-house discussion was had. BLFPA to change In-house to just 8U, less confusing. BLFPA to send flyers to principals and put information on backpack online regarding softball dates for registration.
G. Tony Loftus updated the board on the paid coaching status. He stated we have had 1 applicant and we will set up the interview for March 1st before the open board meeting.
Open Discussions:
- Gary Hahn was present and discussed the JO Volleyball tournament in Rochester that conflicts with the softball tryouts on March 26th. Gary Hahn stated that it seems to be a universal oversite with the schedule. JO volleyball cannot reschedule the tournament.
Gary Hahn is requesting that BLFPA use the previous softball evaluation score for this year. Kim Bowen stated somewhere BLFPA has to draw the line, this seems to be an issue every year with JO volleyball and BLFPA tryouts. BLFPA sets the tryouts well in advance.
BLFPA will have a closed meeting immediately following to discuss what is best for BLFPA and the players.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 7:58 pm by Matt Baufield. Denise Fitzgibbons seconded the motion and the attending board was unanimously in favor. The next public meeting will be on Wednesday,March 1st at 6:30 pm, in the Big Lake High School Cafeteria.
Minutes submitted by:Denise Fitzgibbons, Secretary
Approved by:______
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