Permission to Photograph Child

Your child may be photographed during some activities while at Light of Life Preschool. In this way, we can document their experiences, the building of friendships, and some memorable times. We’d love to be able to share these moments with you and your child’s friends!

ONLY children whose parents have agreed in writing to have photos displayed will be posted. ONLY parents & guardians of our preschool children, and people approved by the preschool director will be accepted as friends to join the Light of Life Lutheran Preschool Facebook group. The director and teachers are the only ones with permissions to post photos on our page.

I, ______give permission for Light of Life

(parent/guardian name)

Lutheran Preschool to photograph ______

(child/children’s name(s))

for the following purposes:

Take still photographs & short video clips.
Display photo in newsletter.#
Display photos & videos on preschool Facebook page*.
Display still photos on our preschool website.
Display photos in digital picture frame for school publicity (church, open house, preschool fair).
Display photos in end of year slideshow for parents/family.

# Newsletter will be available on school website.

* No last names will appear with pictures posted on Facebook or preschool website.

I understand it is my responsibility to update this form in the event I no longer wish to authorize one or more of the above uses. I agree this form will remain in effect during the term of my child’s enrollment.


(Parent/Guardian signature) (date)