Mapping FAQ
Interactive Maps 2
How do I change field boundaries that were imported as a shapefile so they are not all red? 2
A stream or pond is showing up incorrectly. 2
How often are the maps updated? 2
My shapefile does not import. 2
My shapefile opens in the mapping software but when I turn layers on (air photo, etc) they do not show up. 3
A shapefile that imported fine before now gives me an error message and doesn’t import. 3
Wetlands are not showing up in my fields. 4
Are the CAFO soils different from the 590 soils and do I still need DNR approval? 4
If I turn all the layers on is that everything that a complete 590 restriction map would require? 5
My SST or Farmworks shapefiles are not importing. 5
Can I open my .gvsp mapping file using any internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox) or do I always have to use the same one I created it in? 5
My mapping project (.gvsp) isn’t opening - my computer asks what program it should use to open it. 5
My finished map isn’t opening for me to save or print. 6
What co-ordinate system and projection do the interactive maps use? 6
GeoPDFs 7
Wrong section opened, clicking on the map isn’t working or how to quickly move or zoom directly to your map with geopdfs: 7
Don’t see your question listed here? 8
Interactive Maps
How do I change field boundaries that were imported as a shapefile so they are not all red?
Once you bring the shapefile in scroll down the list of layers on the left side to the “Graphics Layers” section and click on the name of your shapefile. Check the “Symbolization” box to get fill and outline coloring options. If you get a pop-up that asks you to “Create new symbolization?” click “OK”.
A stream or pond is showing up incorrectly.
Please contact Stephanie Schneider with the location of the surface water that is potentially labelled incorrectly and she will forward it to DNR for review. If a fix is necessary it will be changed with the annual update of the mapping software. In the meantime, notes should be made on the map using the best professional judgment of your local DNR staff.
How often are the maps updated?
At least once a year. Soils data are updated by NRCS in January; and the interactive maps are updated concurrently with the annual SnapPlus release (usually in the summer).
My shapefile does not import.
Be sure you are selecting all 3 required files: .shp, .dbf, .prj.
If you are getting a prompt at the top of the Internet Explorer window that says something about clicking to download, it could be that the 590 site has to be manually added to the “Trusted Sites” list in Internet Explorer.
“Internet Options” is found in “Tools” menu of Internet Explorer 8. Click the “Security” tab, then click the “Sites” button to add to the list of trusted websites.
The final step is to set the security level for the “Trusted Sites” zone to “Medium-low”.
My shapefile opens in the mapping software but when I turn layers on (air photo, etc) they do not show up.
The projection file (.prj) is likely in the wrong projection. See below for the coordinate and projection the mapping software uses.
A shapefile that imported fine before now gives me an error message and doesn’t import.
The .prj file likely has a carriage return at the end of the projection string. The carriage return is what is causing the error.
Below is a side by side comparison of the files as they appear in web editor. You can see the one on the right has a line “2”.
Once the extra carriage return is removed the shapefile should upload to the website.
The “clean up” could be done in Notepad, but it doesn’t show the carriage return quite so clearly. Or, create a new text file and make sure to only paste the characters without the carriage return.
Wetlands are not showing up in my fields.
Currently there is no electronic wetland data for:
· Jackson
· La Crosse
· Dunn
· Forest
· Florence
Jackson, La Crosse, and Dunn were just flown and mapping is anticipated to be completed sometime after June 30, 2015. If you have an NMP or new field request in these counties Joe Baten with DNR can get you a hard copy of the wetlands map. Contact the NM Specialist with DNR at: or 920-662-5191.
Are the CAFO soils different from the 590 soils and do I still need DNR approval?
Yes! The CAFO restriction maps are based upon NRCS generated criteria (like the 590 maps). In short, 590 uses an interpretation from NASIS called: AWM - Sensitive Soil Features (WI). A Soil Data Access query generates the “W”, “R”, and “P” restriction codes. The criteria are “R” bedrock <=20 inches; “W” depth to annual minimum apparent water table <= 12 inches; and “P” soils in hydrologic group A. Plus a second Soil Data Access script querying slope data from Soil Data Mart (generates the slope restriction categories X, Y, B, Z1, Z2, Z3).
The 243 CAFO interpretation uses an interpretation from NASIS called: AWM - 243 Main Rule - Months (WI) – the output from this generated only two restrictions. The criteria are “R” bedrock <=24 inches; and “W” depth to annual minimum apparent water table <= 24 inches.
The maps are a starting point for determining which areas of CAFO fields may be prohibited from manure spreading due to groundwater or bedrock within 24 inches of soil. The maps are not an end point. Supplementing the maps with additional information sources, like web soil survey, can help to better clarify if areas of CAFO fields are prohibited or not.
If additional information or field verification confirms there is not rock or groundwater within 24 inches of surface in the questionable field area(s), DNR will approved manure spreading within such area(s). Likewise, if the additional info confirms rock or groundwater is within 24 inches, DNR approval for manure application on such area(s) is not possible.
If I turn all the layers on is that everything that a complete 590 restriction map would require?
No. We are only able to display data that is available for the entire state. There are field-specific details we don’t know and can’t provide. These include: wells (both private and community), concentrated flow channels, non-harvested permanent vegetative buffers, fields exceeding “T”, land where vegetation is not being removed, areas of active gully erosion, sinkholes, fractured bedrock at the surface, tile inlets and nonmetallic mines.
My SST or Farmworks shapefiles are not importing.
This is likely due to the fact that you are missing a .prj file or that the .prj file you have is incorrect. Contact the software company for a file. The coordinate and projection settings of the Interactive maps is listed below.
Can I open my .gvsp mapping file using any internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox) or do I always have to use the same one I created it in?
No, you should be able to open your .gvsp file with any internet browser.
My mapping project (.gvsp) isn’t opening - my computer asks what program it should use to open it.
If you click directly on the .gvsp file to open it you will be asked what program the computer should use to open a .gvsp file because it doesn’t know what that is. To open a .gvsp you need to go into the Interactive mapping website and click the little “Open File” button in the top left corner and then browse to the saved location of your .gvsp file.
My finished map isn’t opening for me to save or print.
Check that the button to open the map isn’t off the bottom of the screen and change display settings if it is. Otherwise, something is likely preventing the pop-up from opening.
The pop up settings for Chrome need to be set to allow pop us. In Chrome that gets set in the Privacy section under the “Content settings…” button. You can set it to “Allow all sites to show pop-ups” (not recommended) or click the “Manage exceptions…” button and add and set the Behavior to “Allow”. (Recommended)
What co-ordinate system and projection do the interactive maps use?
Co-ordinate system: GCS North American 1983 HARN
Projection: NAD 1983 HARN Transverse Mercator
EPSG Code: 3071
Wrong section opened, clicking on the map isn’t working or how to quickly move or zoom directly to your map with geopdfs:
If you already know the DTRS (Direction, Township, Range, Section — also known as Public Land Survey System or PLSS) code of the map you want, you can just type its URL directly into your browser’s address bar and save yourself some time.
The URL for a section is of the form[county_name]/[direction]/[township]/[range]/[section].pdf.
Four caveats apply:
1) County names in the URL are all lowercase, with no punctuation: “greenlake”, “fonddulac”, “lacrosse”, “stcroix”, “eauclair".
2) The “Direction” portion refers to the plot’s position relative to a line splitting the state into east and west portions:
- "The 4th principal meridian is Wisconsin’s east–west dividing line; it starts at the junction of Grant and Lafayette Counties in the south and extends northward through Outer Island in the Apostle Islands in Ashland County.” (from Understanding Wisconsin Township, Range, and Section Land Descriptions, see “Use the PLSS Codes” in the blue navigation bar at the right of our Web page).
- Sections east of the line have a single-digit direction code of “4”, sections west of the line have a direction code of “2”.
- All the other numbers should be expressed as two digits, e.g. section 2 should be “02”.
- Because the Public Land Survey is not perfectly aligned, some sections have identifiers other than numbers from 1 to 36, e.g. “6W” and “6E”.
Example: Fond du Lac County T13N R18E 01 has a URL of
Hint: If you use the map or dropdowns to download one GeoPDF, with many browsers you can subsequently edit the displayed URL for other sections.
Don’t see your question listed here?
Check the Help Menu in the respective mapping program or email or call Stephanie Schneider 715-832-6547 x113 or