ITEC 2110 Digital Media
Legal Issues: Privacy and Intellectual Property
Question / Discussion Points / Legal / IllegalA delivery company takes a digital photo of a delivered package at the front door of a private residence. Is this legal or illegal
You Googled yourself and discover a listing with your name on a genealogy website. There is a photo of you, your full name, photos of your parents and your parent’s full names, pulled from public records. You did not supply this information to the website. Are the actions of the website legal or illegal?
Is it legal or illegal to download and view leaked information (i.e. wikileaks or other such 'classified' or otherwise protected data) as a civilian?
You post a poem that you wrote to an online forum. The owner of that website now claims ownership of that poem. Is this legal or illegal?
ViewingYouTube videoslegal or illegal?
You come up with a business idea “YouTube’s Greatest Hits”. For your website you will download copies of the most popular videos from YouTube and rebroadcast them on your own web site. Is this legal or illegal?
Is it legal or illegal for a guardian to view a minor’s Facebook conversations online?
You sendan email with private pictures to a friend. You forget to log out of your account and someone looks through your emails and forwards the pictures to another email account then sends out additional copies. Are the person’s actions legal or illegal?
The makers of an online game ban you from using the game even though you‘ve done nothing wrong. Is this legal or illegal?
Without being asked to do so, you create an application at work that helps you do your job faster. The company now wants to use the application throughout the company without your permission and without paying you for the application. Is this legal or illegal?
Is it legal or illegal topost a video on YouTube that you filmed on a public street, even if the people in the video neither object or consent to being filmed?
Would it belegal or illegall to start a website posting answers to problems in a book and charge money for those answers?
You modify a picture of a celebrity and alter it such that one person’s face appears on another person’s body and then post it on a blog. Is this legal or illegal?
Someone takesan image of the Mac logo and places it against an originally created background, then makes this new combined image available on the internet for free to use as wallpaper. Is this legal or illegal?