Town Clerk: Jayne Kendall

Town Mayor: Cllr Helen Irving

Deputy Mayor: Cllr Bharath Rajan

Minutes of the Meeting of Ulverston Town Council held in the Town Hall on Monday 17 November 2014 at 7.00pm

Present: H. Irving (Chair), N. Bishop-Rowe C. Clough, P. Cooper, J. Harris, M. Hornby,

J. Jenkinson, P. Jones, C. Pickthall, J. Pickthall, B. Rajan P. Lister, B. Marr, J. Prosser,

P. Smith, M. Wilson.

Apologies: Cllr’s: A. Rigg, B. Tate, Also present: Public (14) A. Alger (Ford Park), Press (1) Police (1) and the town clerk.

T101. Requests for Dispensations

None received.

T102. Declaration of Interest

Cllr J. Jenkinson declared that she is a member of SLDC planning committee.

Cllr B. Rajan declared that he is a member of SLDC planning committee

Cllr J.Harris declared an interest in SL14/1029. (Neighbouring property)

Cllr N. Bishop Rowe declared an interest in SL14/1014. (Neighbouring property)

T103. Town Mayor’s Announcements:

The Mayor’s Ball had been very successful and she thanked all who attended.

She had been to Remembrance events and services in Ulverston, Rusland and at Urswick Church. She had attended a successful Remembrance concert at the Coronation Hall. She thanked the Co-Operative Funeral Service for arranging a new memorial at the Cemetery to commemorate those who died who do not have a headstone. She had attended a ceremony at the Cemetery to acknowledge this gift to Ulverston.

The Mayor said that the estate of the late Mr Harry Caine had donated £500.00 towards Sir John Barrows Monument. She thanked Mr Caine’s family and friends on behalf of the town council.

T104. Public Participation:

Cllr Lister proposed that the council move out of standing orders to enable members of the public not resident in Ulverston wards to address the council. This was seconded by Cllr Bishop Rowe and approved.

Jan Fielding. Bardsea.

Member of the Leisure Facility in Ulverston. Many of the members of the public present at this meeting are members of the facility. It was felt that NCL had not carried out proper consultation concerning changes at the Leisure Centre. It was originally thought that the new open plan gym would incorporate an area for exercise classes, but this was not the case. The artist’s impression of the proposals was misleading. The fitness studio has now gone and there is no intention to replace it. The fitness classes are now in four different external facilities which are not considered fit for purpose.

Annette Foot. LA12 7TA.

Had been using the Leisure Centre for 15 years mostly for fitness classes, gym and pool. She said that the building is no longer a centre and the members do not feel part of it anymore as all the facilities are no longer on one site. This is considered to be a retrograde step and the users have been disadvantaged. There does not appear to be the same policy for Ulverston Leisure Centre as there is for Kendal Leisure centre, which had two fitness rooms. None of the four external venues are fit for purpose. There is dissatisfaction with the type of flooring, lack of showers, parking, heating and inadequate cleaning. She proposed that NCL be asked to monitor the uptake of new clients at the classes and that the new external venues should be made fit for purpose. She asked that UTC make representation to SLDC as owners of the facility on this matter as a town the size of Ulverston should have proper exercise/fitness facilities within the leisure centre.

David Foot. LA12 7TA. A number of people present are members with a long standing membership. A significant number of people pay on a monthly basis, and now consider they have a lesser facility than they had before. There is no central facility to combine classes at one session for example gym/swimming and exercise classes so they are now disenfranchised. The NCL charter is not being observed nor have NCL responded to correspondence from the users.

It was resolved to return to standing orders.

T105. Minutes:

The minutes of the Council Meeting held on 20 October 2014.

Cllr C Pickthall made the following comments on the minutes:

T91. Asset Transfer project minute referenced Cllr C. Pickthall. This should be amended to read Cllr J. Pickthall

T93. Trees on Gill Banks. Planting of additional trees was not resolved it was only suggested.

T85. Town Planning. Morecambe Villa. 5 members were recorded as in favour of the proposal, 4 against, but there were 14 councillors present. He queried this outcome and requested that if members are not voting it is made clear in the minutes.

Subject to these amendments the minutes were approved.

Proposed Cllr Lister, Seconded Cllr Bishop Rowe.

T106. Ford Park Community Group: Development

Mrs Alger CEO Ford Park.

This proposed development is very important for residents of Ulverston and Ford Park. She re-iterated the history of Ford Park which was initially rented from CCC, but the community group secured a mortgage to purchase the park and house from the council. The mortgage plus loans to build the Coach House amounting to £750,000 now need to be repaid; they were taken out in good faith at the time. The long term plan was that the sale of Ford Park House (Grade II listed) would cover the loan; however the value of the building has reduced.

Maintaining the park for the community is important; volunteers now contribute 10,000 hours’ work per annum to the project. There is now a possibility of selling a small part of the land adjoining Hart Street and Ford Park Crescent for a small development of houses. This would in turn enable the sale and development of Ford Park House. By doing this it would enable all of the loans to be cleared. There is a risk that if this does not happen then the loans could potentially be ‘called in’ by the lenders.


A section 106 agreement would enshrine the rest of the part against further development. A planning application will be submitted to SLDC before Christmas. There has been one neighbours meeting, and there was some opposition, but now many residents understand the wider benefit of the park. There is an ongoing dialogue about what Ford Park has achieved and what may happen if the park closes. If this modest development proceeds it would enable all the loans to be cleared leaving a small amount for business development.

Environment Agency

The town clerk said that the Environment Agency had been scheduled to attend the meeting, but had felt that it would not enable the extensive consultation and questioning that would be necessary for such a complex project because of time constraints. A separate consultation event would be arranged with members.

T107. Updates:

Police Report:

•  In the last month there have been 26 calls for service compared with 30 last month

•  Across the area crime and anti-social behaviour figures are down compared with last year.

•  The next Public/Police meeting will take place on Thursday 4 December @ 9.30 and again at 11.30 at the Library.

Questions from members

•  Police reps are no longer able to attend the community meeting at Croftlands. It had been reported at that meeting that there were intruders to the rear of properties at Dragley Beck. Cllr Cooper was asked by the group to raise this with the police at the town council meeting. Sgt Johnson said he had no knowledge of any calls for service and requested that any incident be reported immediately.

•  In response to a question about psychological trauma, the officer said that there was case law on this and the issue was properly recognised.

•  With reference to a list of speeding incidents recently reported in the press, the officer said that the LA12 post code which was referred to extended beyond Ulverston.

•  The police were thanked for their swift response at a recent RTA on the A590 adjacent to County Square.

•  Reference queries regarding fireworks being set off late into the night on 5 November, the officer reported that there was an extension until midnight for the use of fireworks. No calls for service had been received either on 5 November or 31 October.

•  Following a recent incident on the A590, the radio media had reported that the A590 through Ulverston was closed and traffic was diverted down the coast road. The officer said this had not been the case, although there was a small and short diversion down Brogden St which was lifted swiftly. He said they had little control on what was reported on the radio.

South Lakeland District Councillors:

•  Development brief meetings have been held concerning the Croftlands development. (MW)

•  There is a public participation section at SLDC’s Overview and Scrutiny meeting on the 25 November. (JJ)

Cumbria County Councillors: (MW)

•  A priority registration service to vulnerable adults is available and Cllr Wilson had leaflets.

•  CCC Budget consultation was now taking place

•  On Street Car Parking. Two responses had been received from Ulverston.

T108. Town Planning:

SL/14/0758/9 Bridge House, the Weint Mr & Mrs. J. Hartley


SL/14/0935 Swarthmoor Hall, Swarthmoor. Mrs. Jane Pearson


SL/14/0957 1 Mayfield Road, Ulverston Dr. Unni Krishnan


SL/14/0994 Ulverston Leisure Centre, Priory Mr. Darren Eccles Approved

SL/14/1009 Young Bros (Ulverston) Ltd, Mr. Simon Luscombe


SL/14/1010 Young Bros (Ulverston Ltd Mr. Simon Luscombe


SL/14/1014 15 Sands Road, Ulverston. Mr. Steven Gorry

Approved (Cllr B Rowe abstained)

SL/14/1020 Glaxosmithkline, North Lonsdale Mr. Pat McIver


SL/14/1029 Tarn Side Garage, Ulverston. Mr & Mrs J&A Silcock

Cllr J. Pickthall. No objection to the 6 new dwellings but had serious concerns surrounding access and egress onto Back Lane. There would not appear to have been any consultation on the matter. Cllr Bishop Rowe said that the building would require adequate protective precautions when it was dismantled to protect adjacent homes and the nearby school. He echoed concerns about access and egress. (Cllr J Harris abstained)


SL/14/1050 Bargain Booze 29-33 New Market Cardtronics UK Ltd


SL/14/1076 Wilman, Morecambe Road, Ulverston. G. Crosby


T109. Correspondence:

Members were advised of correspondence from SLDC concerning grants available

under the New Homes Bonus. Applications for projects can be made from 1

December – 20 February.

T110. Minutes of other meetings:

Marketing and Enterprise: 29 October 2014. The minutes were noted.

T111. Nuisance from Seagulls:

It was resolved to approve recommendation two in the report; that SLDC be asked to

work with UTC to undertake more education and signage regarding the disposal of

food waste and general feeding of birds.

Proposed Cllr Bishop Rowe, Seconded Cllr Lister and unanimously approved.

T112. North Country Leisure:

It was resolved that the council would invite North Country Leisure and the SLDC

Portfolio holder to attend the next town council meeting to discuss the matter of

removal of a facility for exercise classes at the Ulverston Leisure Centre.

Proposed Cllr Wilson, Seconded Cllr Lister and unanimously approved.

T113. Re-Location of Emergency Services:

Following discussion on the matter it was generally agreed that the investment

and relocation to an area adjacent to UVHS should welcomed. It was agreed to wait

until plans were available before any further discussion took place.

T114. Residents Parking Permits:

Following discussion it was felt that the cost of £20.00 to park was a fair levy. Cllr

Wilson said that CCC had only received two responses about this issue.

T115. Update on potential relocation of the town council office:

Meetings had been held with SLDC and the council’s relocation group. This group

would meet once more to discuss the outcome before putting the proposals to an

informal meeting of the town council in early December. Any decision would then

be formally put to council at its December meeting.

T116. Update on Asset Transfer Project:

Cllr J Pickthall reported that additional potential trustees have now put their names

forward. By the end of December a larger board will be in place to take the project

forward. Monthly reports on progress would be made to the council.

It was resolved that the council’s Task and Finish group that was established to

consider asset transfer, would have completed its work and would cease by 31

December 2014.

Proposed Cllr C Pickthall, Seconded Cllr P. Jones. Unanimously approved.


T117. Closure of CCC Registrar’s Office in Ulverston:

The council had not been informed of the County Councils withdrawal of its

Registrars service in Ulverston Town Hall. Councillors felt that a comprehensive

withdrawal of this service was not acceptable. It was resolved to write to the

County Council to request that a bookable surgery be held in the town at least once

a week.

T118. Policy and General Purposes Standing Committee:

·  20mph speed limited: A presentation will be arranged with the organisation Twenty’s Plenty. Cllr C. Pickthall is to meet with local Cumbria County Councillors to discuss this matter. Cllr Jenkinson queried if this had been agreed as a policy by the full council. The clerk to advise.

·  The committee is currently discussing the Charter Festival, and Cllr Pickthall encouraged all those who had been Mayor of Ulverston to send their thoughts on the festival to the clerk. The committee will be bringing a report and recommendations to the council in due course which may propose a shorter event which referenced the history of Charter and its links with the market, together with budget proposals.

T119 Finance and Grants Standing Committee:

• Community Infrastructure Levy and Neighbourhood Planning.

Without a neighbourhood plan, the CIL contribution to the town would be

15%, which could represent circa £430,000 over 5 years. The

adoption of a neighbourhood plan for the town could increase this to 25%. A

neighbourhood plan would require a clear understanding of what was it was

required to achieve. It would also be necessary to bring in additional support

to help to manage the lengthy process of consultation and review. A