- Whois the President of the United States of America/Commander in Chief of United States Armed Forces?
The Honorable Barack Obama
- Who is the Vice President of the United States of America/leader of the US Senate?
The Honorable Joseph Biden
- Who is the Speaker of the House?
The Honorable John Boehner
- Who is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
General Martin E. Dempsey
- Who is the Secretary of Defense?
The Honorable Chuck Hagel
- Who is the United States Secretary of State?
The Honorable John Kerry
- Who is the Governor of Texas?
The Honorable Rick Perry
- Who is the Secretary of the United States Air Force?
The Honorable Deborah Lee James
- Who is the United States Air Force Chief of Staff?
General Mark A. Welsh III
- Who is the Chief Master Sergeant of the United States Air Force?
Chief Master Sergeant James A. Cody
- Who is the Commander of Air Education Training Command and Public Affairs (AETC)?
General Robin Rand
- Who is the Commander of HolmCenter?
Brigadier General Robert D. Thomas
- Who is the Commander of AirUniversity?
Lieutenant General David S. Fadok
- Who is the Commander of AFJROTC?
Colonel Bobby C. Woods Jr.
- Who is your Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI)?
Major Edwin Reyes
- Who is your Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI)?
Master Sergeant Michael Fuentes
- Who is your Group/Unit/Corps Commander?
Cadet Lt. Col. Zachary Tamayo
- Who is your Vice/Deputy Group/Unit/Corps Commander?
Cadet 1st Lt Maddison Hicks
- Who is your Unarmed Drill Team Commander?
Cadet Master Sergeant Alex Singletary
- Who is your Armed Drill Team Commander?
Cadet Senior Master Sergeant Alejandro Hinojosa
- When was the Air Force officially established?
September 18, 1947
- When was AFJROTC officially established?
In 1911 by Lieutenant Edgar Steevers
- Airman Basic
- E-1
- No rank insignia
- Airman
- E-2
- A chevron of one silver stripe, centered around a silver star, in a field of blue
- Airman First Class (A1C)
- E-3
- A chevron of two silver stripes, centered around a silver star, in a field of blue
- Senior Airman
- E-4
- A chevron of three silver stripes, centered around a silver star, in a field of blue
- Staff Sergeant
- E-5
- A chevron of four silver stripes, centered around a silver star, in a field of blue
- Technical (Tech) Sergeant
- E-6
- A chevron of five silver stripes, centered around a silver star, in a field of blue
- Master Sergeant
- E-7
- A chevron of six silver stripes, one of which is inverted, centered around a silver star, in a field of blue
- Senior Master Sergeant
- E-8
- A chevron of seven silver stripes, two of which are inverted, centered around a silver star, in a field of blue
- Chief Master Sergeant
- E-9
- A chevron of eight silver stripes,
three of which are inverted, centered around a silver star, in a field of blue
- Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
- A chevron of eight silver stripes, three of which are
inverted, centered around the U.S. Seal, in a field of blue
- First Sergeants
- Same rank insignia, with an added diamond in the field of blue
- Same pay grade
- 2nd Lieutenant
- O-1
- One golden bar
- 1st Lieutenant
- O-2
- One silver bar
- Captain
- O-3
- Two connected silver bars
- Major
- O-4
- One gold oak leaf
- Lieutenant Colonel
- O-5
- One silver oak leaf
- Colonel
- O-6
- One silver eagle
- Brigadier General
- O-7
- One silver star
- Major General
- O-8
- Two silver stars in a line
- Lieutenant General
- O-9
- Three silver stars in a line
- General
- O-10
- Four silver stars in a line
- General of the Air Force/Army
- O-11
- Five silver stars forming a pentagon
- Can only be made during a time of war
- Only one man has been promoted to this rank
Information current as of September 11th, 2014