Luton Borough Council
Round Green
Ward Forums
Issues Raised
Reviewed GJR/18/03/14
Luton to Dunstable BuswayWhere are the bus stop locations?
The improved stops in the East Luton area include all stops up Crawley Green Road to the Airport (Service 321 route) and also stops along Kimpton Road.
How is the Council making sure that the same issues as BAM in Cambridge don't occur?
The Council and its Supervising Consultants Atkins are pro-actively managing the contract.
What are the benefits?
The benefits of the busway are that it will provide faster journeys between Dunstable/Houghton Regis and Luton. This will, for example, enable Luton residents to visit the new theatre in Dunstable or and Dunstable/Houghton Regis residents to go to central Luton or the airport for work and shopping. The improved bus stops are that the raised bus stop platforms will provide level boarding onto the buses (ie no step up for wheelchair users, parents with buggies, the elderly or infirm. In addition the stops will be fitted with Real Time Passenger Information displays which include up to date bus information and facility for displaying text in larger characters for people with sight problems
Will I be able to use my bus pass?
What is the timescale for completion?
Current target completion date is 17 April 2013. However, the raised platforms at some stops may be completed before then.
Keith Dove
(Service Manager – Transportation & Regulation)
Ref / Date of Forum /Issue
/ Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome1. / 19/1/12 / Parking problems in Abbotswood Road
There are cars parked all over the pavement. Some of those who park there do not even live in the area. / Install yellow lines so enforcement action can be taken. / LBC
Highways & Engineering / Jonathan Palmer
Alan Williams / If the pavement parking is causing an obstruction then this can be dealt with by the Police. Parking situation in Abbots Wood Road will be investigated and reported back to the Ward Forum.
(J Palmer 8/3/12)
Abbots Wood Road falls within the Crawley Area Study which is currently being investigated. Currently, public consultation will be late 2013 or early 2014 and parking problems will be part of the process.
(J Palmer 13/2/13)
2. / 15/3/12 / Abbotswood Road
Dog owners allowing their dogs to foul on the footpath. / LBC
Street Services
Dog Wardens (Community Safety & Civil Protection) / Alex Greene
Dexter Hockley / Crews have been informed and will remove fouling and report to dog wardens
Dog Wardens will add to regular patrol list and check signage.
3. / 5/7/12 / 102. Abbey Drive
No dropped kerb. They are accessing their drive from the corner of Abbey Drive. The complainant said all we need are two bollards by the lamppost to prevent this taking place. / LBC
Highways & Engineering / Stuart Jackson / This was visited by inspector. No evidence of vehicle crossing the footway. No damage to grass verge or paths.
(Ref F657470 S Jackson).
7/1/12 / Andy Paul to gather evidence.
19/3/13 / The bollards that were installed have been removed. / LBC
Highways & Engineering / Stuart Jackson / Inspector visited on 24.04.2013. Bollards are still in place.
(S. Jackson Ref F657470).
Ref / Date of Forum /Issue
/ Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome4. / 7/11/12 / Ashcroft Road
Pavement parking. / LBC
Highways & Engineering / Jonathan Palmer / Pavement parking is a problem in most areas of Luton. Sometimes it is tolerated such as around the junction of Ashcroft Road/Wigmore Lane when there is plenty of room. In other areas it can be an obstruction for pedestrians. Which area does this particular issue refer to?
(J Palmer 13/2/13)
19/3/13 / It is particularly bad outside of Sacred Heart Primary School and lady Zia Werner / LBC
Highways & Engineering / Jonathan Palmer / There are no waiting restrictions outside either school so nothing can be enforced by Civil Enforcement Officers (aka Parking Attendants). Waiting restrictions were proposed for Langford Drive but strongly objected to by residents and were not progressed. The Police can enforce obstructive parking.
(J Palmer 5/6/13)
Ref / Date of Forum /Issue
/ Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome5. / 7/11/12 / Turners Road South/Elmore Road
The yellow lines are incomplete. Crack repairs on the carriageway have caused the yellow lines to come away. / LBC
Highways & Engineering / Stuart Jackson / Lines & signs officer to refresh lines in near future. (S Jackson ref F689991 15.02.2013)
6. / 7/11/12 / Footbridge – Turners Road North & South
Damage to the footbridge. / LBC
Structures & Bridges / David Chamberlain / Contractor consulted re repairs, awaiting price for works (Jan’13).
The condition of both footbridges has deteriorated considerably over the past two years and they are now giving cause for concern. Both have been inspected by consultants and a structural assessment is being carried out and a full report is due for the end of August. The reports will be acted upon and there is the possibility that a closure could follow. By the time of the Forum the position will be clearer.
(J Palmer 7/8/13)
The structural assessment showed that emergency repairs were needed to Eaton Green Road footbridge (due to vehicle strike damage) to avoid immediate closure. This was carried out; but both footbridges will need concrete repairs in 2014/15.
(J Palmer 12/2/14)
Ref / Date of Forum /Issue
/ Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome7. / 7/11/12 / Could we have details about the development around Abbotswood Park?
19/3/13 / Could Members please have an update? / LBC
Planning Division / Jackie Barnell / Planning permission has recently been granted for the erection of four 2-bedroom bungalows for the elderly on the site of the former day hospital.
8. / 19/3/13 / Dog Litter
General increase in dog faeces along Ashcroft Road to Turners Road North.
However, there seems to be a general increase across the town cause by irresponsible dog owners. / LBC
Community Safety & Civil Protection / Dexter Hockley / The Dog Wardens continue to promote responsible dog ownership within the Borough of Luton. Free poo bags are available for community Centre’s. A dog fouling poster competition has been held and a dog fouling campaign is being looked at for later in the year. Should any specific areas are highlighted to the service these are dealt with by way of extra signage and patrols.
Ref / Date of Forum /Issue
/ Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome9. / 7/11/13 / Rickyard Close
Has a lamp column day and night burning.... Report that contractor couldn’t access because of over grown foliage but this has been going on for three months now and it is still on 24/7. Residents opinion that you can access by parting the foliage at worst. / LBC
Highways & Engineering / Fiona Thomson / We wrote to the resident at 4 Rickyard Close on the 18th
September to which they have not responded and have now served notice on the 8th November for the removal of the foliage. We have to follow the protocol as set out by Section 154 of the Highways Act 1980.
(Fiona Thomson – 11/11/13)
10. / 7/11/13 / Elmore Road/Turners Road South End
Crack inducement joints causing a problem, can we inspect? / LBC
Structures & Bridges / Chris Godden / Checked and defects reaching the maintenance criteria have been repaired.
11. / 7/11/13 / Hatters Retail Park
Can a bus stop be looked into on the busway at the Hatters Retail Park, Chaul End Lane? / LBC
Highways & Engineering / Alan Williams / The Busway team are investigating this issue and a feasibility study is due to take place.
(Alan Williams 11/11/13)
12 / 7/11/13 / Burnham Road
Can Burnham Road have a street cleansing sweeper visit to clear channels. / LBC
Street Services / Alex Greene / This is scheduled twice a month. Depending on availability of vehicles.